The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 202 She Wouldn't Be Jealous of Mu Qian! 【2 more】

As the voice fell, the slender and weak girl walked down the stairs.

She put her hand into the man's generous and warm palm, then raised her head and smiled at him: Brother Jue.

The girl wore a veil, covering all her face under her eyes.

Be careful. Hearing this call, Cang Jue's slightly sharp facial features softened a bit, You are not in good health yet, so you can't jolt outside for a long time.

With that said, he took out a light fur from the spirit ring.

While carefully draping it on the girl's body, he warned: Put on your clothes well, this place cannot compare to all spirits, and the spirit energy is not very pure.

Mu Zhi nodded obediently, her eyes flickered slightly, and she said obediently: I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Jue.

No trouble. Cang Jue's lip line slightly raised, he stretched out his hand to rub the girl's head, and smiled in a deep voice, Who made Xiao Zhi so attractive.

If it wasn't for his fiancée, he would never have agreed to come to the barren place of Huaxu Continent.

Although it is said that the Cang family is in charge of organizing the Hundred Clans War this year, the person in charge is only the most inconspicuous member of the Cang family's collateral lineage, and the disciples of the direct line don't look down on them at all.

The Battle of Hundred Sects, also known as the Battle of Geniuses, is to send fresh blood to the family.

But this time, the situation is special.

Because the successor of the next Patriarch of the Cang family and the talented girl who has never stepped out of the Mu family, both chose to attend the Hundred Clans War in person this time, so the other five major families were also vigilant.

The five families of Fu, Ye, Chu, Wen, and Feng all dispatched core members of the family, and they also rushed to the Huaxu Continent.

This time, the battle of hundreds of sects is destined not to be peaceful.

However, Hua Xu's major sects are still in a daze, and they still don't know what danger is approaching.

Brother Jue, like my mother, likes to tease me. Mu Zhi whispered, I saw it all, because I had a physical problem, and the rest of the Mu family looked at me very gloatingly.

Although after more than two months, she has been able to start practicing again.

But Mu Zhi could vaguely feel that the spiritual root in her forehead was still repelling her.

When it flares up, it's nothing less than a heart-piercing pain.

Mu Zhi knew that her health had been in poor health, and this made the fire even worse.

She now has to eat a hundred-year-old vermilion fruit every day to suppress her injuries.

Although Wen Ningrui had ordered someone to seal up the truth about her fainting, many Mu family children still heard the news.

Mu Zhi pursed her lips. When she went out earlier, she was ridiculed by several older peers, who laughed at her for not being able to control her own spiritual roots.

own spiritual roots...

Mu Zhi's eyes dimmed a bit, if something hadn't reminded her again and again, she would almost have thought that this innate spiritual root was her own.

Too bad it wasn't, she took it from her fellow sister.

However, it wasn't her fault.

She was only three years old at that time, and she didn't understand anything.

My sister wanted to give it to her, so of course she wanted it.

Mu Zhi's lips raised intentionally or unintentionally. Although she lived in Mu Qian's shadow until she was three years old, she was much happier than Mu Qian.

Whether it's father or mother, she is the one who really hurts.

What about a genius, what about having an innate spiritual root?

She would not be jealous of Mu Qian before, and she will not now.

She already has everything she wants - fame, status, and people who love her.

Apart from……

Mu Zhi frowned slightly, her body is still a problem.

There are some things she is not sure about, and she must see clearly this time.

It would be nice if her sister was really alive.

She once eavesdropped on the conversation between Wen Ningrui and Mu Chenyu, saying that they asked Mr. Fu to seal Mu Qian's memory.

Then presumably Mu Qian would not remember what happened, so the possibility of getting the spiritual pulse is much greater.

Schadenfreude? Cang Jue's brows sank, and a bit of anger suddenly appeared on his handsome face, Xiao Zhi, why didn't you tell me?'s not a big deal. Mu Zhi came back to her senses and smiled softly, I know they all hope that I'd better die at once. I was born in a big family, that's all I can do.

Xiao Zhi, you are so kind. Hearing this, Cang Jue sighed, and looked at her with some distress, In the future, if anyone should deceive you and laugh at you, just tell me, did you hear me?

Understood, Brother Jue. Mu Zhi nodded, I know you are doing it for my own good.

Let's go. There was a smile in Cang Jue's eyes, he raised his long arm, and stretched out his hand to embrace Mu Zhi into his arms, It's windy here, let's find a place to stay first.

Mu Zhi didn't refuse either, she just quietly nestled into Cang Jue's chest, and was led away by him.

After a while, suddenly——

Brother Jue.

Cang Jue paused, then lowered his head: Xiao Zhi, what's wrong?

I want to ask Brother Jue... Mu Zhi slammed it all together, Does Brother Jue like me as a person, or my talent and identity?

Xiao Zhi? Obviously, this sentence caught Cang Jue by surprise, and he frowned deeply, What are you thinking about? Of course I like your man.

I'm just afraid that you, Brother Jue, will fall in love with someone else. Mu Zhi's eyes dimmed a bit, and she pursed her lips, If one day, a woman who is better than me appears, wouldn't it be...

Before I could finish my words, I was blocked

Mu Zhi stared at the magnified handsome face in front of her, and was stunned for a while, her heartbeat suddenly started to speed up.

a long time--

Cang Jue put down her veil, looked at the girl's red ears with satisfaction: Is this enough?

In my heart, some doubts flashed.

I don't know if it was just his illusion, why did he feel that Xiaozhi's appearance is a little different from when he saw her in the past.

Deng Tuzi. Mu Zhi gave the man an annoyed look, We haven't gotten married yet, Brother Jue, you can't do this in the future.

Sooner or later. Cang Jue laughed, I heard from Grandpa Mu that when you are eighteen, I will officially introduce you to other people.

He tied her hair: At that time, we can just get married.

Eighteen... Mu Zhi's eyes flickered slightly, It's still a long time.

It's been too long, and I don't know if there will be variables.

Xiaozhi can't wait? Cang Jue didn't know what she was really thinking, raised her eyebrows and smiled, If I can't wait, I can tell Grandpa Mu earlier...

Brother Jue, stop talking. Mu Zhi blushed and pushed him, Let's go quickly, others will come down soon.

Cang Jue didn't say any more, and the two walked forward.

After walking a few steps, Cang Jue paused slightly.

Yes, he suddenly remembered what was different.

It used to be too beautiful, but this time it seems...



Both Cang Jue and Mu Zhi are here? Chu Chang listened to his subordinate's report and chuckled, It seems that some people have become suspicious again.

Otherwise, why did the good guy advance the Hundred Sects War and come to Huaxu Continent in person?

He actually underestimated this talented girl who had been raised in a deep boudoir.

As for Cang Jue... Chu Chang laughed lightly.

I don't know whether Cang Jue forgot or was deceived by Mu Zhi, and actually thought that Mu Zhi was his fiancée.

However, this way is also good, he has one less opponent.

The man in black knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, Master, do you need to continue monitoring?

No need. Chu Chang heard the words lightly, Since they have come to Huaxu Continent, even if I don't track them down, their traces will be exposed under the eyes of other families.

His beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: I asked you to really find the person, have you found it?

Chu Chang's complexion is not very good-looking.

He just went there for a while that night, and the little girl disappeared, leaving only her two disciples.

Thinking that she might have something to go out for a stroll, then he just waited.

In the end, what Chu Chang didn't expect was that he waited for three months.

Although he came to Huaxu this time with a relatively small number of people, they were all elites he had trained.

But these elites have yet to find any trace of his little girl.

It really feels like a year, boring and difficult.

Originally, I didn't find it. The man in black said, But not long ago, a brother said that he found the trace of the girl you are looking for, my lord.

Huh? Hearing this, Chu Chang leaned forward, and the beautiful face burst into a glow that made the world pale. Where is it?

The place where the girl first appeared was at the border of the west. The man in black said, If nothing else happens, she should go to the river valley.

Xixi... Chu Chang pondered for a while, shook his head and smiled, I said where she went, but she went to the lair of the spirit beast.

Although thirteen years have passed, the little girl's temper is still the same.

Bold and reckless, very arrogant.

However, he likes it.

The corners of Chu Chang's lips pursed, the corners of his eyes slightly bent, and he smiled a little: If you go to Hechuan Valley, it seems that you will participate in the Hundred Sects War.

The river valley is the only place that must pass through to the Hundred Sects War.

As he said that, he stood up, flicked the skirt lightly: Let's go to the river valley.

It's been so long, if he doesn't show up again, with the little girl's temper, I'm afraid she will forget him.


Chu Chang's guess was right, Jun Muqian had indeed forgotten him.

She was riding on a horse, dressed like a gentleman, and her hair was all tied up with a purple headband.

The eyebrows are romantic and willful, the atmosphere is full, and the beauty is abnormal.

If someone who didn't know saw it, he would definitely stop and watch it, and then praise whose family's young man was so outstanding.

But they don't know that Lang Jun is actually a daughter.

Jun Muqian hummed a little song comfortably, and next to him was Bliss who was also riding a horse.

One man and one beast walked slowly among the mountains, enjoying the surrounding scenery by the way.

Mu, is it really okay for you to leave like this? Ji Le looked left and right, You don't even tell yours?

It's pretty good. Jun Muqian looked casual, very calm, Besides, I don't have anyone.

Hey, I really don't understand you humans? Ji Le muttered, But if you leave him and go away, he will definitely be sad.

She really couldn't understand why Jun Muqian sneaked away after leaving the customs.

Then be sad. Jun Muqian tied her hair behind her ears, with a smile on her lips, Anyway, there are quite a lot of men and women who are sad because of me, so I don't miss him.

You are really a narcissist. Hearing this, Ji Le rolled her eyes, So, I am accompanying you to find the second spring?

Oh—— Jun Muqian nodded, I'm not only looking for the second spring, but also the third and fourth spring.

She hooked her lips and smiled: Life should be spent like this. I wasted too much time before.

That's right, she wants to sit on a beautiful man, and then let a certain wood suffocate to death.

Ji Le almost choked on his own saliva.

Sure. She had nothing to refute, she rolled her eyes, and said earnestly, It's just Mu, you should be careful when the time comes, you will suffer too much debt if you get too romantic.

Jun Muqian glanced at her, and said in a leisurely voice, Don't worry, this kind of thing is impossible for me.

Come on. Ji Le curled her lips, Don't talk so full, who knows what will happen in the future.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, very calmly: If I say it's impossible, then it's impossible.

There was only one romantic debt she provoked on her own initiative, so how could she suffer.

At this time, the radiant Jun Zunzhu had no idea that she was severely slapped in the face for the first time after a long, long time, and she paid a very tragic price for these words.

Naturally, this is a later story.

Where is the front? Ji Le looked around and asked curiously, I have never been to a human city.

Qingling City. Jun Muqian nodded slightly, There are many sects stationed here, so just pick one.

The current Sovereign Pavilion is not yet an official sect, and she must obtain the sect number before the Hundred Sects Great War comes.

Are you going to fight? Ji Le became excited, gearing up, I really haven't made a move for a long time.

No way, who made this human being too perverted.

No need. Jun Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, These are all small sects, at most there is only one spiritual sect.

Moreover, she also asked Ji Le to check last time, and many sects that do evil are here.

At that time, let's see if we can do it in one pot, and strengthen our cultivation by the way.

That's it... Ji Le was disappointed, and immediately held her breath, You said you can't be weaker, let me protect you, Little Butterfly?

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian reined in the horse, turned her head away, and slightly parted her crimson lips: I can only protect people, little butterfly, remember?

The young man in purple smiled slightly, with a little peach blossom color, very gorgeous.

Bah. Ji Le was furious, You're bewitching me again.

She deeply doubts whether she has been infected with the bad habit of looking at faces after staying with this human being for a long time!

No. Jun Muqian gave her a strange look, If I really wanted to seduce you, you might be gone by now.

Ah? Ji Le was taken aback, Why?

Surprised by my beauty.

... Get out! Ji Le was in a hurry.

Jun Muqian laughed.


Soon, one person and one beast arrived in Qingling City.

Qingling City is not under the rule of the three dynasties, it belongs to the Zongmen Alliance, and it is a large city no less than the city of Buluo.

There are at least hundreds of sects, large and small, so it is very chaotic, and any dirty things may happen.

The reason why Jun Muqian dresses like a man is because someone from the Mu family will come down, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to them now.

On the other hand, in order to walk better, men are always more convenient than women.

Jun Muqian glanced around, frowned and said, Lele, from this moment on, you are my sister, do you hear me?

Fart. Ji Le was furious, I have lived longer than you, I should be my sister.

But you... Jun Muqian took a look at Ji Le, his eyes focused on the chest and buttocks, and he paused for a moment, then he thought about his words, It's quite young.

Bliss: ...

Not so insulting!

Okay, okay. Ji Le finally gave in, My sister is my sister.

Good boy. Jun Muqian was very satisfied, Brother will take you to show your prestige in a while.

She's going to have a big fight today.

One person and one beast continued to move forward. The spiritual cultivation base here is not high, and no one will discover the identity of bliss.

At this moment, there was a rush of hooves, and a horse suddenly appeared in front of Jun Muqian, approaching her rapidly.

The passers-by around didn't know why, but at this moment they retreated in unison. The street suddenly became extremely wide, enough for several carriages to pass through.

Jun Muqian didn't think about fighting for anything, so she turned around.

However, a horse whip swung down violently.

court death!

After a long, long time, Jun Zunzhu: My face hurts!

Rong Qing: Yes.

Me: My poor second daughter QAQ


The plot you are looking forward to is coming soon (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

Someone who was left behind said he was going to be angry.

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