The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1170 Little Beauty: Watching Grandpa teach Dad how to flirt with his wife [1 update]

Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai raised his eyebrows and took two cups of tea.

One of the cups was handed over, and he tapped the stone table with his finger. He smiled softly: You should already have the answer in your heart, right?

Yes. Rong Qian slightly nodded, It's just that there are still some uncertainties. I really think it's a bit incredible.

He had already made a guess about Heiwu's identity, and he could even be said to be 100% certain. However, he was still unable to make a complete conclusion due to the lack of some evidence.

The universe is vast and full of wonders. Rong Jinhuai leaned on his elbows, moved lazily, and smiled, You left home when you were young and traveled to the three thousand lower planes. You should have understood this at a young age.

Rong Qing narrowed his eyes and lowered his eyelashes.

When he traveled to the Three Thousand Lower Planes, it was not only to get rid of the dark power in his body, but also to regain his seven emotions and six desires, and more importantly, to broaden his horizons and experience himself.

But collecting the power of luck has another purpose - to bring some lower planes that are on the verge of collapse back to normal, and also to hinder some methods of the prehistoric era.

This was the case when Huaxu Continent and Wu Xizi, the ancestor of electricity, fought.

If the power of destiny in Huaxu Continent is taken away by Xizi, Xizi will move to Wanling Continent next. In that case, he may not be able to reach this stage with Mumu.

Misfortunes are where blessings depend, and blessings are where misfortunes lie.

Bad things can have good consequences, but conversely, good things can also go wrong.

I understand, kid. Rong Qing stood up, There are a lot of things in Honghuang, so I have to go back first.

He glanced at the little beauty who was still sleeping, and then said: I couldn't see my mother when I came back this time. Please wait for my mother to come back and say hello for me.

Not only did he not see his mother this time, but Rong Nian and Rong Xi also didn't see him. It was thought that his mother took these two living treasures to visit relatives in the world of nine tribes.

Well - Rong Jinhuai raised his eyebrows and looked at his son with a half-smile, Why didn't you tell your mother to say hello to me when you didn't see me last time? Are you being a little too favoring?

After saying that, he sighed softly: Qing'er, dad will be sad. When you were little, you were always clinging to me.

Rong Qing: ...

Too old to be serious.

Even when he was a child, he didn't recognize people well.

He glanced at the man in white who looked very serious, then closed his eyes and was about to leave the illusory universe and go back through the cosmic passage.

Although the Illusory Great Thousand is adjacent to the Great Desolate World, there is still a time difference, and he can no longer waste time.

She has a chance. Rong Jinhuai raised his hand to stop him, If you go back now, I'm afraid it will disturb you. Why not wait for a few hours? I also have something to tell you, related to the prehistoric era.

Rong Qing really stopped and frowned: Dad, what do you mean, Mu Mu will be hurt?

Otherwise, how can we determine that he wants to interfere?

Rong Jinhuai opened the folding fan, smiled slightly, and did not deny it: Of course you will be injured during the battle, but fighting also allows people to break through themselves. Without going through hardships, there is no way to move forward.

But Qing'er, you can rest assured that her life will not be in danger. This is a rare benefit to her.

Yeah. Rong Qing said calmly, I hope that when this opportunity comes to mother, you can think the same way.

Your mother is no longer the same. She has been injured. Rong Jinhuai raised her eyebrows, and the smile on her lips deepened, But this little girl of yours is different. She is still growing. These experiences are indispensable.”

After a pause, he said lazily: But Qing'er, you are right. If it really happened to your mother, even a small injury would make me go crazy.

Rong Qingmei's heart skipped a beat, and her calm expression was a little broken.

He was sure that his father was showing off to him.

No wonder when he was a child, he would hear his mother calling his father shameless when he occasionally passed by his parents' room.

At this time, his father said again: Your mother suffered a lot of injuries in the past. Even if I took all the precautions, I couldn't avoid all the injuries for her. However, these injuries made her stronger step by step. On the contrary, she became stronger step by step. , if you remove all obstacles, you will lose your wings.

Rong Jinhuai smiled softly: Qing'er, you have to know that the stronger the person, she must have experienced hardships along the way that ordinary people can't endure. She has a firmer heart than anyone else. Nothing can Stop her, even if it’s a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses.”

Rong Qing was silent now.


Who will have smooth sailing all the way?

I'm telling you this because you made the same mistake as me. Don't hold on too tightly. Of course - The man in white was still smiling, but his gentle voice suddenly turned cold, leaving a cold killing sound. He said, We must protect you when you should protect us. We tolerate family members and no one can bully them.

You can't interfere with her opportunities. Let the others do it. Kill them when they need to be killed. Don't be merciful. You have to let some ungrateful people give up those thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Rong Qian was slightly surprised that his father would say such a long series of words to him. He nodded; Understood.

As for some things about the ancient world, I think I can tell you. Rong Jinhuai pondered for a moment, Both your mother and I have seen that the ancient world will inevitably perish in about ten years.

Ten years... Rong Qing's eyes became sharper, Is that why dad made him unable to show up for ten years?

Although they are still separated by a universe, with the strength of the Chaos Controller, even a hundred years is not a problem.

Just trying. Rong Jinhuai smiled faintly, But now it seems that it is obvious that we still can't prevent the destruction of the prehistoric world. We can only rely on you.


Daddy, daddy... The little beauty started to call while still half asleep. He rubbed his eyes, sat up, and raised his hands obediently, Daddy, I'm thirsty.

Rong Jinhuai had prepared these things a long time ago. He specially used the undiluted spring water from the elves of the nine worlds, which Rong Qing often drank when he was a child.

That is to say, only the Rong family members with strong bloodline can drink it. Ordinary practitioners simply cannot bear the huge energy of this living spring water.

Alas... After the little beauty finished drinking from the glass cup, she felt a little sad and sighed maturely.

In the past, when he could only float, he would not feel thirsty. Now that he has a body, he will not only be thirsty but also hungry, which is not good.

Rong Jinhuai obviously also likes Xiaotuanzi very much. He said warmly: If you are hungry, there are snacks specially reserved for you.

The little beauty blinked and said cheerfully: Then I'll invite dad and grandpa to eat together.

Your dad doesn't like sweets. Rong Jinhuai pinched Xiaoduanzi's chubby face and said slowly, When I was a kid, I would get a cold face even after taking one bite. It's really not cute.

Rong Qing: ...

His father has had enough. He can hold a grudge to this day.

In an instant, the situation suddenly became tense, and there was an unknown undercurrent flowing.

The little beauty looked at the two equally stunning dragons in front of her and fell into confusion.

Why is the atmosphere so wrong?

Dad is not going to fight with grandpa, is he?

If dad and grandpa fight, who will he help?

The little beauty was thinking very distressedly and was very confused.

If he helps his father, it would be bad if he hurt his grandfather. If he helps his grandfather, it would be bad if he hurt his father.

Beauty is something that can never be destroyed.

Alas, then he might as well cheer them on, it would make him fair!

So, the little beauty came to Rong Qing slowly, raised her hands in the air: Daddy, come on!

After saying that, he ran to Rong Jinhuai's side again and raised his hand: Grandpa, come on too!

Well, he's such a smart baby.

Rong Jinhuai was startled at first, then smiled and hugged Xiaotuanzi: Little guy, do you think grandpa is going to fight with your father?

Isn't it? The little beauty was confused, biting his finger, But every time I see my father and mother like this, they are about to fight.

Rong Qing: ...

Oh - Rong Jinhuai suddenly realized, and said meaningfully, The fight between a man and a woman is different from a fight between a man and a man, so your father and I are not going to fight, we just have important things to talk about.

That's good, that's good. The little beauty let out a long sigh of relief, Then grandpa, daddy, I won't disturb you anymore, I'll go catch the butterflies myself.

After saying that, Xiaotuanzi ran away quickly.

What a sensible little guy. Rong Jinhuai chuckled, It reminds me of you before.

Rong Qing's eyes softened: Better than me.

Well, I'm better at coaxing people than you. Your father and I have coaxed you for so long, but I didn't get any feedback. Rong Jinhuai smiled warmly on his lips, and then changed the topic, Qing'er, I want to tell you now Yours is that before the dawn of time, there was a master of chaos.

The main text of Little Beauty will no longer take up space. It will be written as an extra. You can think about what Little Beauty is about and tell me in the comments so that I can prepare in advance.

This is how Qing Meiren got along with his father when he was a child:

Persimmon liked his son very much, coaxed him, flirted with him, teased him, and wanted to see how his son would blush, but his son was a piece of ice and he couldn't tolerate him, so Persimmon became very sad =w=

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