The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1167 Little Beauty: I coax grandpa on behalf of dad [Must read besides the topic]


The humanoid black mist let out a heart-rending roar, but he had no room to resist.

His body began to tremble in an extremely strange manner, unprecedentedly violent, and he couldn't even control it.


I heard a loud explosion, and all of a sudden the entire space was shaken——

There was a wow, a violent wave was set off, and the shock wave spread thousands of feet, directly flattening the trees and hills next to the Naihe Bridge!

But in the blink of an eye, the power was withdrawn from all directions in the west and slowly gathered in the center. In an instant, the entire Naihe Bridge was restored to its previous appearance!

There are no traces of being destroyed by the humanoid black mist, just like before.

After the movement stopped, where was the shadow of the humanoid black mist again?

And after a full ten breaths of time, the human-shaped black mist showed no signs of condensing.

This time, he couldn't recover.

It was quiet beside the bridge, as if nothing had happened.

Is it just... over?

Bai Wuchang was confused again and again, a little suspicious of Guisheng.

The little beauty exclaimed and clapped her hands: Grandpa, grandpa, is the ugly monster dead?

For the time being. Rong Jinhuai smiled and nodded, He won't be able to come out within ten years.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's heart was shocked.

This is the strength of the Chaos Controller!

It is said that all saints are ants, which clearly means those who fail to control chaos will eventually turn into ashes.

Grandpa is so awesome. The little beauty put her chin in her hands, When I grow up, I hope to be as awesome as my grandparents and my parents.

Yes. Rong Jinhuai raised his eyelids and smiled, You are much smarter than your father.

After a pause, he said slowly: If your father had been like you when he was a child, grandpa would not have...

The words are not finished yet, just stop.

Rong Qing turned her head away, her face showing no emotion, but she obviously didn't want to pay attention to him as a father.

Hey, I know, I know. The little beauty was confused for a moment, then raised her hands happily, Did grandpa say that daddy can't coax people? It doesn't matter, I'll coax grandpa for daddy.

As he said that, he patted the man in white on the back and said coaxingly: Grandpa is awesome. Grandma must like grandpa because he is awesome.

Rong Jinhuai was startled, then laughed so hard that his shoulders shook slightly, and he asked, Do you have a name?

Not yet. The little beauty said obediently, Mother said that naming is an important matter, so don't be careless. We can wait until we return to the illusory world.

Rong Jinhuai smiled thoughtfully: Yes.

Jun Muqian looked at her father-in-law's smile: Qingmei, do you think dad's expression is a bit subtle?

Yeah. Rong Qing slowly raised her eyes, Because my name is very careless.

Jun Muqian was curious: What?

She thinks her beauty's name is very nice.

Rong pressed his eyebrows lightly and sighed: Add up the last names of your parents and read them.

Oh—— Jun Muqian really started to read, My father's surname is Rong, my mother's surname is Qing, Rong Qing, Rong Qing...cough cough cough!

She gave a thumbs up: Good name, good name!

This naming method is exactly the same as hers, which is how she got her pseudonym.

Rong Qing said calmly: So our son's name must be taken seriously.

I won't get involved in this matter. I'll just give it a nickname. Jun Muqian was depressed. You have seen my naming skills, just like my mother-in-law.

Rong Qing: ...

He suddenly thought of Rong Gungun who was still fresh in his memory.

Very good, we really can't let Mu Mu interfere.

The little beauty had no idea that she was in danger of being called Rong Gungun. She was extremely happy: Grandpa, I also want to see grandma.

Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai rubbed his head and smiled warmly: Your grandma is waiting for you at home.

The little beauty looked eagerly: Will grandma make delicious food for me?

As soon as these words came out——

Rong Jinhuai: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

If I remember correctly, her mother-in-law's cooking skills seem to be as good as her beauty?


Does she need to practice her cooking skills?

Grandpa will do it for you when you get back. After Rong Jinhuai finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the man in scarlet clothes with a rare soft expression, Qing'er, I am not here in my true form. Qingqing and I know If you want to bring the little one back, the passage has been opened for you, just come here.

Next to him is a passage that connects the illusory universe and the prehistoric world.

Hearing these words, Rong Qing hesitated.

Qingmei, go ahead. Jun Muqian knew what he was hesitating about and pushed him, Send your son back quickly, I'm still waiting for you.

Rong pursed her thin lips, hugged her hard, and whispered: Mumu, take care of yourself. I will definitely be back within three days.

Jun Mu smiled slightly, with gentle eyes: I know, go ahead.

Rong Qing nodded, he glanced at the passage, and with a movement of his clothes, he was already heading towards the entrance.

But halfway through, he suddenly paused and turned around, facing the east side of Naihe Bridge.

Seeing this, Nezha was stunned for a moment: What is he waiting for?

Rong Jinhuai raised his long eyes and smiled meaningfully: Well, sometimes it takes a little time.

Just as he finished speaking, Rong Qing moved slightly.

He put his palms together to form a seal, and his spiritual power flowed through his fingertips, flowing out like lightning.

Swish, swish, swish!

I saw six rays of light of different colors sweeping out of Rong Qing's palm, purposefully flying towards the other side of the Naihe Bridge.



The vibrations in the space were heard continuously, and the next moment the light reached its destination——

Stab it!

It was the sound of space being torn apart, extremely loud.

Bai Wuchang's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help but take a breath: Hiss...

The six doors that were previously shattered by the humanoid black mist were opened again!

It is still a majestic and thick giant door, with various vortexes spinning, as if summoning something.

At this moment, Bai Wuchang clearly realized how terrifying Rong Qing's strength was.

After doing all this, Rong Qing stopped and nodded towards Rong Jinhuai: Dad, let's go.

His father was not here in his true form, so he couldn't take Xiaotuanzi back, so he had to be the intermediary.

Rong Jinhuai smiled slightly, handed the little beauty over, and then removed the Xuan Tong that folded the universe, and the figure naturally disappeared.

Rong Qing also hugged the little beauty, stepped in through the black entrance, and disappeared as well.

The underworld also regained its calm.

At this point, all the energy in Jun Muqian's hands was relieved. She slowly clenched her fist, took out a healing magic talisman and gave it to Nezha: Lingzhu, adjust your breath, let's go help senior brother.

Ten hours have passed. If this continues, she is afraid that the humanoid black mist will come up with some tricks and cause the book of life and death to be destroyed in advance.

The father-in-law also said that he did not completely kill the humanoid black mist and could only rely on their own strength.

What the hell is this guy?

Nezha nodded and took it, adjusting his breath and frowning: The monkey hasn't sent a message for so long, I guess it was blocked.

With Sun Wukong's strength, the king of hell who monopolizes the ten palaces will not be at a disadvantage.

Approximately yes. Jun Muqian said, This black mist is weird, his men are inexhaustible, and Yuanshi Tianzun still has many innate spiritual treasures, senior brother is probably going to be in trouble.

After burning the incense, Nezha finished adjusting his breath: I'm ready, let's go quickly.


Before the endless hell——


Bang bang!


The constant roaring and popping sound made my ears numb.

The huge golden stick smashed down again and again, like a tireless machine.

But even with Sun Wukong's terrifying attack power, he still didn't smash Zhutian Qingyun into a crack, which shows how powerful this innate spiritual treasure is.

And among the gods, those Abang Rakshasa who managed to survive were frightened, horrified, and trembling all over.

King Qin Guang's face was also extremely ugly.

To activate the innate spiritual treasure, Hongmeng purple energy and spiritual power are needed. The greater the power displayed, the more things are needed.

This time, he can directly use up all his savings of hundreds of thousands of years!

What a Monkey King, Monkey King!

Great Sage, it still doesn't work. Su Qingli was sweating as she tried to communicate with the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire in the Infernal Hell. It's blocked by some kind of spell, and there's no way to connect to it.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong was silent for a moment, and then smiled coldly: Haotian son wants to destroy the Book of Life and Death, so he is naturally fully prepared.

It must have been because of their side's fighting strength that they gave King Qin Guang so many magic weapons.

Su Qingli took a breath and said, What should we do now?

If they can't enter the Infinite Hell, they won't be able to get the Book of Life and Death, let alone free Fusu and the others.

Let's fight first. Sun Wukong tightened his grip on the golden cudgel, I don't believe it, I really can't break the Qingyun of the Heavens.

Hearing this, King Qin Guang smiled scornfully: Sun Wukong, don't waste your efforts. You can break it, but within seventy-seventy-nine hours it is just a delusion. To tell you the truth, destroying the Book of Life and Death is not just about jade. His Majesty’s order, or the order of Heavenly Lord, do you really want to resist?”

Sun Wukong just sneered, not hiding his arrogance: Hey, even if the Tathagata pressed me under the Five Elements Mountain in the past, I still don't understand the word surrender!

King Qin Guang's expression changed: You are stubborn!

But at this moment, his ears twitched and his face sank: What? The Third Prince and the others are also rushing here? Didn't they say that someone else would help?

Not sure what he heard, King Qin Guang said again: Okay, I know, I will give the order now.

Naturally, his words could not escape Sun Wukong's ears.

Little Junior Sister is coming. Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and said to Su Qingli, Go and take care of her. Together with Little Nezha, we should be able to destroy the Qingyun of the Heavens.

The old man said that the little junior sister has a lot of treasures, and the potential is even greater. It is not a problem to join forces to defeat the Qingyun of the Heavens.

Okay. Su Qingli nodded and was about to leave here to meet Jun Muzhen.

But how could King Qin Guang give her this opportunity?

Don't worry, Great Sage, it's an accident that you came here. I will never allow anyone else to come again. King Qin Guang sneered and suddenly shouted loudly, Stop the Third Prince and the others, and don't let them break through the defense line here. !”

This sound was made with the power of the soul, and could be heard no matter how far away it was.

Therefore, the entire underworld received the order from King Qin Guang.


The remaining Nine Palaces of Hell immediately left their positions and moved together!

Little Beauty: Grandma likes grandpa because grandpa is so awesome.

Lord: Who taught you the words tiger and wolf?


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