The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1157 Another slap in the face! The little beauty with explosive emotional intelligence【2 upd

This sentence shocked the Asuras who had surrendered to the ground.

They raised their heads in shock and looked at Su Qingli, their minds no longer moving.


Is she the daughter of Patriarch Styx?

Or the only one? !

But the ancestor of Styx has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years. When did another daughter appear?

With Su Qingli's appearance and cultivation, there is no way she could be a demon who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, if she was really the daughter of Patriarch Styx, how could she endure the humiliation and bear the burden for so long without saying a word when Wu Jiao and Wu Ying jointly suppressed her?

All the Asuras didn't believe it, but then!

In the deathly silent hall, another tall figure appeared. No Asura would not recognize this figure.

Indra, the leader of the four great demon generals in the past.

After Indra came in, he knelt down on one knee in front of Su Qingli and said respectfully: Greetings to Your Highness the Princess.

Su Qingli's feelings for Indra are somewhat complicated.

Until now, she still couldn't accept that Indra ignored her wishes and forcibly brought her to the wilderness, but when she got the letter from the ancestor of Styx, she could understand a little more.

Indra's origin was injured and she would not be targeted by attackers, so she could go to the spiritual world to protect her secretly.

But because Patriarch Styx was worried, he did not directly tell Indra who his remnant soul had transformed into and where it was. He only told Indra that she would be carrying Shura spiritual veins.

Whenever you see Shura's spiritual vein, you must be the person you are looking for.

No matter what, what Indra did was for the good of the Asura clan and her.

Su Qingli sighed and said, You don't have to be polite, just get up.

After a pause, she added: You are my father's subordinate and one of the closest people to my father. Logically speaking, I want to see you.

The four great demon kings and the four great demon generals are the capable generals who accompanied the ancestor of Styx in the ancient times. Their contribution to the Asura clan is indispensable for being able to stand in the three realms without falling.

Indra couldn't help but feel moved, and bowed deeply before getting up: With Her Royal Highness the Princess here, Your Majesty's spirit in heaven can comfort you.


An older demon officer stood up immediately with a horrified expression: Lord Indra, what did you say?!

The spirit in heaven?

What is the spirit in heaven?

The ancestor of Styx didn't disappear, but fell? !

Indra straightened up, glanced at the clan members, and sneered: The ancestor used his body as a barrier to protect the Asura clan, otherwise how do you think the sea of ​​blood dried up?

The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river Styx never dies!

This is the iron rule of ancient times!

But when the sea of ​​blood dries up, naturally the River Styx will also...

The older demon officer took a few steps back in disbelief, fell to his knees on the ground, and burst into tears on the spot.

An old man with a white beard was crying like a child and was out of breath.

Others who are not much different from him in age

The first generation of Asuras were all created by Patriarch Styx by using the Law of Creation to learn from Nuwa to create humans. Their bloodline would be even deeper. For them, they simply could not accept the fact that Patriarch Styx was dead.

Ancestor is dead? Ridiculous! Veins on Wuluo's head were beating violently. He glared at Indra and his voice became colder: Lord Indra, we respect you as the demon general that our ancestor sat down on. Even if you Even though your cultivation has plummeted, the Asura clan has been serving you well.

But now you would actually make up such a lie for the sake of an illegitimate daughter of unknown origin. It really chills us!

Wu Ying, who was still vomiting blood, heard this and screamed with her last breath: Uncle Wu Luo is right, no one in this ancient world can kill the ancestor!

Indra, you said that Su Qingli is the ancestor's daughter? What evidence is there? I don't think it's your own illegitimate daughter pretending to be the ancestor's daughter so that she can legitimately become an Asura clan member. My king, you are really good at calculating!

Joke! Indra was not irritated and smiled with great contempt, Do you really think that His Majesty's inheritance is for you to inherit? I will tell you that only Her Majesty Princess Qingli can open His Majesty's seal!

Even if you can get the inheritance, you can't inherit it!

Wuying screamed again angrily: You lied!

Jun Muqian looked at it, nodded thoughtfully, and said to Rong Qing: The ancestor of Minghe probably also expected that the Asura clan would fall after he left, so he left all the inheritance to Ah Li.

More than that. Rong Qing smiled lightly, As a father, naturally he wants to give his daughter any good things.

As soon as these words came out, before Jun Muzhen could speak, the little beauty asked extremely cautiously: Then daddy, is there no son?

If you listen carefully, you may feel a little aggrieved.

... Rong Qing found that in addition to his queen, his son was also beyond his control many times.

He pinched his eyebrows and said in a soft voice: Dad only has you, so naturally I leave it to you.

Huh? The little beauty seemed to have thought about it for a long time before she said happily, That's good for daddy. If you and mother give birth to a sister for me, I won't compete with my sister. I can go out and find it myself.

Jun Muxian was provoked to laugh: You are so young, why do you go out to look for me?

Because daddy said, a man must take responsibility from an early age. The little beauty was full of joy, So I want to set an example for my sister to protect her.

Jun Muxian raised her eyebrows in surprise and teased Xiaotuanzi: But your father said he doesn't want any more.

... There was silence for a while, just when Rong Qing thought Xiao Tuanzi was going to cry again and was about to comfort him——

Then I heard the little beauty squirming and said shyly: Then when I grow up, I can find someone as beautiful as my mother and have another little beauty. That will be fine.


This time it was Shaojun and his wife's turn to be silent.

I understand. After a few seconds, Jun Muqian turned around and said seriously, Qingmei, your son has made up for your lost emotional intelligence tenfold. Are you happy now? ?”

Rong Qing: ...

He didn't feel comforted.

And just then!


Suddenly, Uro moved.

He had a fierce look in his eyes, used his spiritual power, and patted Indra's vest.

Indra is not as strong as him. As long as he kills Indra here, Su Qingli will have no one to protect her. Maybe Wu Shi can get back the inheritance of the ancestor of Styx.

But Uluo's idea was destined to fail, because as soon as he was next to Indra's body, he heard a bang sound, and Uluo's whole body was ejected directly.

After falling back dozens of meters, he landed with a pop, his limbs split instantly, and his head exploded!

Without even one move, Uro was dead.


Everyone was shocked, and some of the female relatives who were close almost fainted from fright.

Wuying didn't dare to say a word at this time. She stared blankly at Wuluo's body, her body shaking like chaff, and her teeth chattering.

Indra's cultivation has been restored!

Wu Jiao was so shocked that she fell heavily to the ground. Her face was as gray as paper, and there was no trace of blood. She murmured: Ancestor, it's really an ancestor...

Indra is the first generation of Asura and has not been reproduced from generation to generation, so his power comes directly from the ancestor of Styx.

This is why after the death of Patriarch Styx, even if he took a lot of elixirs and genius treasures, Indra's origin could not be restored.

The only one who can restore the origin of Indra is the Ancestor Styx!

Indra's words and deeds naturally represent the ancestor of Styx.

It’s over…

It's really over now...

Wu Jiao felt very desperate, and even more regretful.

Why did she insist on believing that Su Qingli was a shady illegitimate daughter when Indra brought Su Qingli back, a tool used by Indra to fight for power?

If she had known that Su Qingli was the daughter of Ancestor Styx at that time, how could she secretly exclude her and signal Wu Ying to suppress Su Qingli?

Wu Jiao looked at Su Qingli, whose status was now completely different from hers, and a deep hatred and resentment suddenly arose in her heart.

It's all Su Qingli's fault. She didn't say anything. She just went into the Shura Abyss with her head down and made her look like this!

No! This is unfair! Wuying, who had been crying for a long time, suddenly roared in a high-pitched voice, Obviously I should be the one to inherit the ancestor's inheritance. It was Young Master Rong who passed through the Shura Abyss.

With tears in her eyes, she turned to the direction of the boy in white and begged: Master Rong, are you just going to watch them oppress me?

Hearing this, Jun Muzhen raised her eyelids and glanced at Wu Ying, flicked her clothes, and finally slowly stood up from her seat and walked towards the center of the hall.

Seeing the young man in white getting closer and closer to her and reaching out to her, Wu Ying stopped crying and smiled, a little shyly: Mr. Rong, I knew...

Before she finished speaking, Jun Muzhen had already walked past her, and finally stood in front of Su Qingli.

Wuying's eyes widened.

Jun Muqian raised her hand and shook it with Su Qingli, smiling: Ali, congratulations.

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