The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1144 The Lord is still ruthless! 【2 more】

Hahahaha what? Su Qingli went into the Shura Abyss without fear of death?

Hahahaha, she is so stupid. I was still thinking about how to get rid of her, but I didn't expect that she would be so eager to die every time. God helps me. I don't even have to take action to watch her die. of!

Okay, okay, this princess understands. It is impossible for her to pass through the Shura Abyss. She has failed hundreds of times. Once the ancestor leaves, no one can successfully come out of the Shura Abyss. Come on, come on, this princess There’s something else.”

When Wu Ying said these words, she was actually far away from the jade slip, and she deliberately avoided it. However, her cultivation level was very low. She was only in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. No matter how young she was, as long as she had spiritual power Even the fluctuations could not escape Jun Muzhen's ears.

Jun Muzhen's eyes instantly turned cold.

Wu Ying said it several times, and she definitely heard it right.

It's Su Qingli.

Why did the little queen come to the Asura clan?

Of course, there is a chance of having the same name, but it is very small, because Jun Muqian had already guessed that Su Qingli was related to the Asura clan, otherwise the two weapons of the Styx Ancestor that he found in Mount Xumi would not be the same. Recognize Su Qingli as the main one.

But where is the Shura Abyss?

Jun Muzhao hesitated for a moment and looked at Nezha.

She and Rong Qing were not familiar with each other. Counting Nezha's time as a spiritual bead, he was the oldest.

Nezha: ...don't look at me, I'm still young, I really don't know.

Sun Wukong said: Little Nezha, you are really not good at it.

And at this time——

Mr. Rong? Wu Ying's arrogant voice immediately softened, as soft as if it could drip, Mr. Rong, Wu Ying has been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come?

The tune changed several times, making people feel numb all over. It was like blowing a breath gently into the ear: Master Rong, I miss you so much. I have been waiting for you to rescue me.

As soon as these words came out, the other people's expressions were a little subtle, and the little beauty was even more angry and muttered: Humph, another bad woman who wants to seduce my mother.

Only Jun Muxian's expression was still calm. She curled her lips coldly: The rules of the master's sect are strict, and it's hard for me to come out.

Originally, I just wanted to take a look at the current situation of the Asura clan. After all, the Asura clan is also one of the thousands of races in the ancient world. The great war is about to begin, and the Asura clan cannot escape.

Unexpectedly, her old friend was also here, and listening to those few words, the little queen was in a bad situation.

Had to go in.

Then Mr. Rong, where are you now? Wuying was obviously very happy. She said softly, I can send someone to pick you up, Mr. Rong.

No need to bother. Jun Muqian said calmly, This young master is outside your Asura clan.

After saying that, regardless of Wuying's ecstatic I'll be right there, she knelt down and said, Son, do you want to play with other children?

The murderous aura within the Asura clan was too strong, and the clansmen also devoured souls near the Six Paths of Reincarnation to increase their own strength. Jun Muxian was afraid that Xiaotuanzi would be targeted, so it was safer to put it in the Hunyuan Bell.

Eh? The little beauty hesitated, Are they good-looking?

Jun Muqian considered it and said, It's okay, one brother and one sister.

She just has a bad temper and a stupid mind. I hope she won't spoil her little beauty.

Okay. The little beauty nodded obediently, I know I am relatively weak now and will not cause trouble to my father and mother.

You're so good. Jun Muxian rubbed Xiaotuanzi's head, Then don't resist, mother will send you in.

With a thought, she sent Xiaotuanzi to Hunyuan Bell.

There was Lan Yiyue taking care of her inside, and she wasn't afraid of what Zhuzhao and Youying would do again.

Having said that, the sun and yin really made her bald. Until now, she didn't find any use for them. Forget it, she just regarded them as raising a baby.

However, their current lineup can be regarded as the top force in the three realms. Even the Asura clan will not be their opponent.

After placing the little dumpling, there was only a click sound, which was the sound of the door opening.

The two door-guarding gods also stepped aside, with the ferocious look on their faces gone, revealing a look of respect.

Master Rong! Master Rong!

Wu Ying came running at full speed. After seeing the boy in white from a distance, her eyes lit up and she ran faster. But suddenly, her feet stuttered, she let out a sweet cry, and headed straight towards Jun Mu Qian's face. He fell down in his arms, and his position was exactly the same.

Rong Qing's eyes narrowed, and the slender fingers in Fei Xiu were about to lift.

However, before he had time to take action, he saw his queen's body tilting decisively, and there was a snap sound, leaving Wu Ying to be thrown into the mud.

However, there was also a cesspit that she had transformed into a second in advance, with many thorny balls and poisonous insects floating in it.

Rong Qing: ...

Sun Wukong: ...

Nezha: ...

Cruel is still a woman.

Jun Muqian looked at Wu Ying throwing herself in the puddle, and said worriedly: Miss Wu Ying, are your legs okay? I see there are no stones on the road, why did your legs suddenly become weak?

Could it be that your tribe abused you?

Wu Ying was stunned, and before she could react, she heard Jun Muxian accusing her: You people have gone too far and abused a weak girl like you. Wait until I go in and ask them for an explanation!

With that said, she really started to leave.

Wu Ying finally understood. She didn't care that she was still in the cesspit and shouted: No, Mr. Rong, you misunderstood!

She wanted to be a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, and she was happy that Rong Mu supported him, but not for such a reason.

Wu Ying was secretly annoyed that she really shouldn't have thrown herself into her arms so quickly just now. Not only did she fail to seduce her, she actually made herself smelly.

Although her cultivation level is still high, she did not achieve it by herself, and she does not know many spells. As a result, she can only lie here in embarrassment, unable to even remove these dirty things.

Miss Wuying, you don't have to say anything. Jun Muqian's eyes were cold, but he said, Someone must have abused you to cause problems with your legs. Senior brother, let's go and help Miss Wuying. Seek justice.”

After saying that, she no longer looked at the confused Wu Ying, and entered the gate with Rong Qing, Sun Wukong and Nezha.


Tian Fei Wu Jiao was meeting with the demon generals and officials in the Shura Hall. She was sitting on the upper seat, sipping tea gracefully.

After taking a few sips, she turned her eyes slightly, rubbed the tea cup, and looked at the many Asuras below: Everyone, do you have anything else to report today?

If not, then leave early.

In ancient times, the ancestor of Styx created the Asura clan and imitated Nuwa in creating humans. Unfortunately, he did not become a saint like Nuwa, and because his attainments in the law of creation were not as good as Nuwa, Asura The tribesmen are also all strange.

Not to mention three heads and six arms, there were even eight-legged Asuras, who later slowly evolved into normal human forms.

At that time, due to the huge power of the Wu Clan, the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin Clan were the real overlords of the prehistoric times. The Asura Clan had a small number of people and could only huddle around the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although its territory did not expand, it was considered self-sufficient.

It was also tens of thousands of years after the disappearance of the Demon King and General led by the Ancestor Styx, that the Asura clan learned the tricks of the Heavenly Court again. Demonic officials would report on the situation of each clan every day.

As soon as Tian Fei finished speaking, a demonic officer immediately stepped forward and said with a solemn expression: To express my gratitude to Concubine Tian, ​​many clan members have signed a letter to implore Concubine Tian to deprive Su Qingli of her title.

Oh——? Tianfei's eyebrows were gentle, Why?

This Su Qingli is simply lawless and extremely arrogant! Another old demon official came forward, blowing his beard and staring in anger, The clan stipulates that a clan member can only enter three times, but she has entered no less than a hundred times. Not only that, She is also targeting Her Highness Princess Wuying at every turn, with such a character, she is really not worthy of being the princess of my Asura clan.

That's right! Other demon officials also agreed, Please consider the public opinion and deprive Su Qingli of her title.

This... Concubine Tian was confused, Li'er was brought back by Master Indra, and I also...

Even Master Indra cannot protect you! Another old demon officer said coldly, And now we are no longer the Asuras we used to be. Indra has even lost a lot of his strength, so how can we be worthy of him? The leader of the four great demon generals?

All the demon officials started arguing, but they all had the same idea - they must take away the title of princess Su Qingli.

Concubine Tian frowned, and finally she sighed: I understand what you all mean. How about this? If Li'er fails this time and comes out, then I will follow the will of the people. How about this?


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