The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1142 Tathagata! I want to hear my parents’ love history [4 updates]

If Lord Indra hadn't protected you, do you think you would have been able to join the Asura clan? Why would you be named a princess? Wu Ying mocked, I'll tell you again, you are of low blood and unknown origin, and at most you are an illegitimate child. female.

In front of me, you only deserve to kneel down and shine my shoes, do you understand?

There was also a group of Asura tribesmen surrounding them. They did not come forward and just stood aside and watched. Most of the tribesmen looked very disdainful.

Su Qingli stood in the center with cold eyes. She didn't show any vulnerability when listening to Wu Ying's words.

Even though her bloodline is impure, she is still the Queen of Saint Yuan. What uglier words have not been heard yet?

She couldn't bow her head, otherwise her dignity would be lost and these people would laugh even louder.

Seeing that Su Qingli didn't respond at all, Wu Ying was very angry. When she was about to continue speaking, a voice floated from the high seat and stopped her from speaking.

Okay, Ying'er. Tian Fei stood up and scolded, Look at what you said, do you still sound like a princess?

Concubine! Wuying stamped her feet and ran away in anger.

Li'er, Ying'er has always been impulsive. You'd better not argue with her. Concubine Tian didn't care. She sighed and said with concern, You suffered a lot when you came out of the Shura Abyss this time. I’ll ask someone to send you some elixirs for your injury, so you can take good care of your injury, okay?”

Su Qingli twitched the corners of her lips: I know.

Of course I won't argue with Princess Wuying. After all, I am not Princess Wuying's parent, so I am not qualified to teach her what etiquette is. She said calmly, looking directly at Concubine Tian with sharp eyes, But Concubine Tian also wants to Clearly, I don’t care, if Princess Wuying meets someone she doesn’t want to mess with, it will be useless even if Princess Tianfei says a hundred words not to worry about it.”

Concubine Tian's smile froze, and there was a hint of darkness in her eyes, but she still smiled gently: Li'er is indeed sensible. I have placed the elixir in your room. Remember to take it.

Amid the pointing fingers of all the Asura tribesmen, Su Qingli returned to her house. However, she clearly did not take the elixir prepared by Tian Fei. Instead, she took out a spiritual talisman from the spiritual ring and began to repair it. The injuries on his body.

At this time, Shura appeared quietly. No, he should be called Indra——

The leader of the four great demon generals who used to be the ancestor of Styx!

Indra knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: I see you, Your Highness the Princess.

Su Qingli looked at him with cold eyebrows and knocked on the table lightly: So, you can't tell me yet, where is my father?

...I'm sorry, Your Highness. Indra was silent for a moment, then struggled, I forgive you for not being able to tell you now.

Hey. Su Qingli heard this and sneered, Then what can you tell me? Just tell me that I have the blood of the Asura clan? Isn't there Wuying? Let her inherit the ancestor of Styx. Wouldn’t it be great to inherit the inheritance? Do you have to ask me to do it?”

After several years, she still couldn't accept that Indra took her away before the collapse of the All Souls Continent.

Yes, that's right, she was afraid of death, but she was even more afraid of not being able to die with Fusu, but even this right was deprived of her life.

When Indra heard this, his expression turned cold: Wuying is not worthy. She is not even worthy to be the descendant of the Demon King. How can she inherit His Majesty's inheritance?

Su Qingli remained silent.

After coming to the Asura clan, she learned a lot about the Asura clan.

For example, not only did the Ancestor Styx disappear, but also the four demon kings under him and the three demon generals except Indra.

The demon king in Indra's mouth is Bo Xun, the leader of the four demon kings. Because he is the most powerful, he is also called the Asura demon king.

Bo Xun's wife, Tianfei Wumo, also disappeared with him at that time.

After that, it was Wumo's sister Wu Jiao who inherited the position of Tianfei, and this Wuying was Wu Jiao's daughter. In terms of the purity of her bloodline, she was far away from her.

However, all the top forces of the Asura clan disappeared, leaving only Wu Jiao. Wu Jiao's mother clan is a major force in the Asura clan, and other Asura clan members can only respect Wu Jiao.

Therefore, Wu Ying's status is very high. She looks down on Su Qingli, and other Asura tribe members also suppress Su Qingli.

Difficulty moving.

On the surface, Tian Fei was very kind to Su Qingli, but secretly she had devised many tricks. If Indra hadn't been on Su Qingli's side, she might have died countless times.

Indra looked deeply at Su Qingli: Your Highness, if you want to save them, you must inherit His Majesty's inheritance.

I understand. Su Qingli stood up, I'm going to the Shura Abyss, you can do what you want.


In the sky, a cloud was flying towards the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood.

The little beauty looked down through the clouds and was extremely happy: Mom, Daddy, I can fly!

Jun Muxian mentioned Xiaotuanzi: Sit down obediently.

Oh. The little beauty crawled back obediently and said, Uncle Great Sage, your somersault cloud is really fast, faster than a bird.

Sun Wukong sat on the clouds, squinting his eyes and feeling happy: I'm ashamed, I'll let you ride faster when you grow up.

Nezha thought to himself, this monkey is really evil. He actually used somersault clouds to coax a child. He was also a child at the time, but he beat him when he came up.

Dad, I want to hear you tell a story. The little beauty watched the birds in the sky for a while, then climbed into the arms of the man in scarlet clothes, clapped her hands and said, Tell a story!

Yes. Rong Qing lowered her eyes and looked at Xiaotuanzi, What do you want to hear?

The little beauty said happily: I want to hear the love history of father and mother.

Hearing this, Rong Qing narrowed his eyes. He tilted his head slightly and glanced at his queen, only to find that the little girl had silently moved away.


Very good, when the time comes, we will teach behind closed doors.

Jun Muqian felt a little guilty, because after she casually said it, she realized that she didn't know what story to tell, so she told how she got Rong Qing.

Alas, sometimes children are still hard to fool.

The somersault cloud was deliberately slowed down to allow the little dumpling to play for a while longer.

Flying, Sun Wukong suddenly said: Little junior sister, that was my old grandson's hometown.

Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, then looked down, only to see a desolate land with not even an inch of grass growing, which made people feel desolate.

Senior brother... She was silent, not knowing how to speak.

She knew where Sun Wukong’s hometown was—Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguo Mountain, and Water Curtain Cave.

Sun Wukong is a colorful sacred stone left after Nuwa mended the sky. It was placed on the top of the Huaguo Mountain, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and finally conceived.

Born from heaven and earth, without father or mother, without name or surname.

Jun Muqian also heard from Nezha that when Heaven sent gods to capture Sun Wukong, they also burned Huaguo Mountain.

Let’s not talk about this matter for now. Now that the Earthly Immortal Realm has long been destroyed and Dongsheng Shenzhou is gone, where did the Huaguo Mountain come from?

After I jumped out of the crack in the stone, I didn't know anything. I just wanted to find a place to make myself king. Sun Wukong looked at the land under the clouds and said softly, I didn't expect that when I entered I met a group of monkey children in the mountains, isn’t it a coincidence?”

So I stayed there. These children were all smart and shouted like a king. Although life at that time was quite ordinary, I, the grandson, was very happy.

After a pause, the Monkey King added: I'm really happy.

Later, my old grandson went to learn magic from the master. After twenty years of separation, when he came back, many of the children were... gone. Sun Wukong's eyes darkened, There are still some who were killed by the surrounding monsters. The tribe bullied them, so I came out to protect them, went to the East China Sea to find weapons for them, and went to the underworld to check the book of life and death.

My old grandson is just thinking... They will definitely not be harmed, but God is not as good as man. Sometimes God has already planned a way for you.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed: Senior brother, what happened back then was also the work of heaven?

Sun Wukong smiled and asked: What's going on in this prehistoric era? Isn't it the work of heaven?

Jun Muqian sighed: Not bad.

If the way of heaven is not controlled, it will act arbitrarily. In this regard, the ancient world lags behind the illusory universe.

My old grandson is naturally unwilling to give up, but he still cannot escape the imprisonment of heaven. Sun Wukong laughed at himself, The Tathagata said, you monkey, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will find a safe place when you turn around... But when I look back, I no longer have a home.

Jun Muqian was suddenly shocked: Senior brother, you...

Yes, if Huaguo Mountain is burned down, where can I find my home?

The Tathagata also said that if I put down the butcher knife, I can become a Buddha and no longer be a demon... The flames in the monkey king's black pupils burned again, and his voice was almost full of tears, containing the sorrow that had been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years. Angry and violent.

But the Huaguo Mountain is burning with fire. Do we have to write it off?!

Little Beauty: I want to hear my parents’ love history!

Lord: no! Not taught by me.

Rong Qing: →_→


Ha~ The great sage in this chapter refers to a song called Buddha Says. It's a pure rap. It's very hot and exciting. You can listen to it~

Tomorrow will be the fourth update~~Continue to ask for votes, give me the motivation to explode qwq

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