The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1126 Nezha kills people! Liangliang Jade Emperor【3 updates】

Could it be that he was dazzled?

Jun Muqian turned around, nodded and smiled: His Majesty the Dragon King, you are well.

I'm fine, of course I'm fine. Ao Guang laughed, At that time, when we parted ways in the East China Sea, I had not yet asked Miss Mu...

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, there was a loud boom and Ao Shun collapsed to the ground.

His eyes widened, his voice trembled, and he asked Ao Guang in disbelief: Brother, what did you call her just now?

So you are here. Ao Guang touched his beard and was a little surprised as to why Ao Shun had to sit on the ground instead of a seat, but he still explained, This Miss Mu is a guest of my East China Sea Dragon Clan, but At that time, I had important matters to attend to, so I didn’t have time to thank Miss Mu.”

He didn't see Ao Shun's frightened eyes, but still smiled: Miss Mu, you are really a great benefactor to our Dragon Clan.

Ao Guang did not put the word East China Sea in front of it, but directly said the dragon clan, which surprised the other gods.

The older generation of gods all know that today's dragon clan is no longer the same dragon clan as before. Their strength has been greatly reduced, and they have been divided into four sea areas. They have already degraded a lot.

The four Dragon Kings each perform their own duties, but generally speaking, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is the leader.

But after millions of years of differentiation, the dragon clans in the four sea areas have evolved differently and are not convinced of each other.

However, no matter how you calculate it, they are all dragons.

Could it be that Ao Guang's words meant that he wanted to take away the power of the other three dragon kings and merge the four sea dragon clans into one?

The Jade Emperor immediately lost his composure. He coughed and pretended to be serious: My dear, I wonder what you mean by this?

It's just that Miss Mu has done a big favor for our Dragon Clan. Ao Guang did not tell the whole story. He clasped his fists and said, But I dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the urgent matter that even you can't decide?

The Jade Emperor's face froze: I...

How do you say this?

Ao Guang just came up to slap him in the face!

The other gods chose to work hard to reduce their presence and silently pushed them aside.

No matter how stupid they are, they can still see that this matter is a slander from beginning to end, and the Jade Emperor knows it clearly!

Ao Shun didn't know that Ao Xuan had made a deal with the Jade Emperor in private. He was angry, pointed at the woman in purple, and said angrily: Brother, do you know she is a woman?

Of course I know. Ao Guang glared at Ao Shun and scolded him for his ignorance, Fourth brother, please be more respectful. I have already said that Miss Mu is a great benefactor to our Dragon Clan.

Help the Dragon Clan to recover the bloodline of the ancestral dragon. The Dragon Clan will become stronger and return to its peak will be just around the corner!

Ao Guang looked at the purple-clothed woman again and said with a smile: I haven't congratulated Miss Mu on being able to worship under the ancestor's sect. If Xiao'er hadn't received the news from His Highness the Third Prince a while ago, I would have been kept in the dark all this time. .”

Ao Shun called out again: Brother, what did you say?

Miss Mu is the disciple of Patriarch Bodhi. Ao Guang glanced at Ao Shun strangely, Why, fourth brother, don't you know?

Ao Shun: ...

How could he know?

Beihai, where he lived, was so remote, and he didn't have a close brother with the Third Prince Nezha, so how could he know?

Jun Muxian: ...

This Dragon King of the East China Sea is a bit silly. If she hadn't known that what Ao Guang said was absolutely sincere, she would have thought that he was deliberately trying to anger Ao Shun, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Tsk tsk, the Jade Emperor's face is so dark that he can't even look at it.

After a very strange silence, the Jade Emperor closed his eyes before speaking with difficulty: Nezha also knows about this?

Of course. Ao Guang touched his head, Miss Mu and His Highness the Third Prince also know each other. Miss Mu, do you think so?

Ahem... Jun Muqian choked a few times, her lips curved slightly, I do know His Highness the Third Prince.

The immortals did not expect that there were many people involved in this matter.

The Jade Emperor's face became even stiffer, and he waved his hand dryly: Go and invite His Highness the Third Prince to come over.

The heavenly soldiers on the side clasped their fists and responded, Yes, Your Majesty.

However, before the heavenly soldiers left the main hall, they heard a childish voice full of impatience.

No need, I'm right here.


The immortals suddenly looked towards the entrance of the palace and were shocked when they saw the figure who was only about three feet tall.

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said with the majesty of the Lord of the Three Realms: Nezha, is there any truth in what Ao Guang said?

However, Nezha didn't listen to him at all and didn't answer.

Instead, he slowly walked forward and stood in front of all the gods.

The immortals suffocated for breath, and suddenly felt a surge of pressure, which made them breathless, even those Daluo Jinxian.

Here, my friend. Nezha raised his chin and asked, Is it okay?

Jade Emperor: ...

Queen Mother: ...

Immortals: ...No problem, of course no problem!

Who dares to have questions?

Don’t you see that this young man looks like he’s going to kill someone?

At this time, the Jade Emperor hated the elixirs refined by Master Taiyi. He was very happy to see Nezha turn back into a child. After all, his cultivation level also went back, but...

This character has become as bad as when he was a child, which is really making him angry.

At this time, Manjushri Bodhisattva stepped forward and said, Amitabha, this poor monk is also confused and has forgotten what the ancestor said at that time.

The Jade Emperor's thoughts were already in a trance, and he subconsciously asked: What did the ancestor say?

The ancestors told the poor monk long ago that the benefactor Rongmu is a woman. Manjushri Bodhisattva clasped his hands together, It is all because of the poor monk's poor memory that the benefactor Rongmu suffered such injustice. After the poor monk returns to the West, he will ask for help on his own. Punishment.”

The Jade Emperor covered his chest: ...

He was almost pissed off!

Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier? !

If he knew Rong Mu was a woman, why would he use such a method?

The Jade Emperor glared at the Queen Mother angrily, and the Yuan Shen sent a message: What a good thing you did!

This... you can't blame me. The Queen Mother was so panicked, Who knew she even had to hide her gender?

The Jade Emperor was still angry: Shut up for a while and don't say a word!

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Nezha, the third prince, and Manjusri Bodhisattva have all clarified that there is no way that Rong Mu is a woman.

All the immortals fell silent, and those who were scolding Jun Muxian for Ao Xuan were even more ashamed, their faces burning with pain.

I'm quite curious. Come and tell me. Nezha's eyes turned cold, How can this little girl force herself on another woman?


All the immortals were silent, no one dared to speak.

I also want to know who is framing me. Jun Muqian curled her lips. She glanced at Ao Xuan, who was still unconscious, and said lightly, Wake her up.

Ao Shun was still protecting her: Xiaoxuan has passed out. Forcing her to wake up will cause harm to her body.

Oh? Jun Muqian smiled coldly, Then I was slandered and was not harmed?

Hearing this, Nezha's eyes twitched at the side, thinking that you were obviously having a great time.

Here, Ao Guang finally learned the whole story from others, and he was furious: You are so bold, you dare to slander Miss Mu, Ao Shun, wake up your daughter!

Ao Shun didn't dare to protect him anymore this time. In desperation, he could only forcefully input the power of the soul into Ao Xuan's body.


The pain in her soul made Ao Xuan wake up instantly, and she couldn't help but let out a scream.

She was at a loss for a long time, and then her eyes gradually became focused.

And when she saw all the gods looking at her with disgust and contempt, she panicked and her heart felt cold.

It’s over…

The matter was revealed...her frame-up of Rong Mu was completely exposed!

Xiaoxuan, don't be afraid. Although Ao Shun already knew that this matter must be a slander, he still chose to believe his daughter, Did someone instigate you to do this? You have been well-educated and sensible since you were a child. If you teach me carefully, you won’t do such a thing, right?”

Tell your father and tell everyone the truth, okay?

When Ao Shun said this, he did not notice the murderous intent in the Jade Emperor's eyes.

Jun Muxian suddenly laughed.

All these dragon kings are really helping her.

Father, I, I... Ao Xuan was obviously extremely frightened, her face was as pale as paper, she gritted her teeth and finally spoke, I lied, Master Rong Mu did not take possession of me.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Those gods who had helped her before were eager to slap her.

What a vicious woman, she actually framed Patriarch Bodhi's disciples like this. If Rong Mu hadn't been born as a girl, she would have been speechless today.

Ao Xuan spoke quickly: That's because someone told me that as long as I do this, I can marry Master Rong Mu as my wife, and I will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future. If I practice double cultivation with Master Rong Mu, my strength will also be able to Improved rapidly, so...

She burst into tears and screamed, That's why I did it!

Ao Shun asked anxiously: Who told you?

Ao Xuan opened her mouth: Yes...



The next additional update will be 200 per month~

Don't worry, the Great Sage is about to appear, and he needs to show up!

Well, the serial number is wrong, and it can’t be changed... I haven’t updated a hundred chapters in a row (face covering), so I just said how I feel that this serial number is so close to the end.

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