The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1124: The identity of the Lord, the Jade Emperor is crazy [1 update]


As soon as these words fell, there was silence.

All the immortals were stunned and shocked.

She was shocked that Ao Xuan was clearly the victim, but she still had to be insulted like this.

I was shocked that Rong Mu was so arrogant that he could say such things under such circumstances.

The Jade Emperor was also surprised, because he also couldn't understand why Jun Muxian was so bold when he was in a weak position.

But this is a good thing for him. The crazier Rong Mu is, the worse he will fall.

A major threat to heaven can be completely eliminated.

And this plain ridicule did not leave any sympathy for the father and daughter of the Beihai Dragon Clan. They were still slapped in the face in front of so many gods.

Ao Xuan's already pale face was as white as paper, and even the blood on her lips had completely faded. As if she had been punched in the face, her body couldn't help but lean back, and she almost fell down again.

Under the clear and indifferent gaze of the boy in white, she was so ashamed that she wished she could turn around and leave, or find a cave to bury herself.

But when Ao Xuan thought of the things the Jade Emperor had promised her and what she could get in the future, she forced herself to endure it.

Her body was trembling constantly, and she raised her eyes with tears in her eyes. Her eyes were red from crying, which made people feel very distressed.

And Ao Shun was even more furious. After being the Dragon King of the North Sea for so many years, this was the first time he was so angry that he had a myocardial infarction: Rong Mu, you are simply... simply...

Although Ao Xuan was not his chosen heir, she was still the daughter he raised. How could he allow outsiders to do this? !

If Rong Mu does such a dirty thing, even if he is Patriarch Bodhi's disciple, he will have to pay the price!

Jun Muqian looked at Ao Shun and others leisurely: What's wrong with me?

Ao Shun's anger became even stronger and he sternly rebuked: You are so unworthy of a human being when you say such things. It has brought shame on our ancestors!

Oh - Jun Muqian's expression was indifferent, unmoved. Instead, the corners of her lips raised, and she glanced at everyone, Then tell me, why do you like her for her looks but not her looks? No body shape…”

Ao Xuan's body trembled suddenly and she raised her head in disbelief, almost unable to believe her ears.

Under the gaze of everyone, the smile on the lips of the young man in white deepened, and he said coldly and calmly, A princess with no face and no character who doesn't even have a name in the Three Realms?


The entire apse fell into silence once again, and all the immortals couldn't help but ponder.

It this the truth?

Ancestor Bodhi's disciple is a being that even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother have to show courtesy to. If you calculate carefully, your seniority is higher than that of the Third Prince Nezha!

What don't you want?

Even if a wife-choosing banquet was specially held for him in the Three Realms, many women would rush over like crazy. With three wives and four concubines, no one would gossip.

Even the status of a princess in heaven cannot be equal to that of a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, let alone an unknown princess from the North Sea Dragon Clan?

The Jade Emperor frowned and realized something was wrong.

It is true that he and Yaochi had made extremely thorough preparations, even cutting off all possible escape routes for Rong Mu to make a comeback, but in fact, upon closer inspection, it did not make sense logically.

It doesn't matter, he just needs to be convicted. Regardless of the process, even if he is beaten into a trick, who will care?

The immortals remained silent, obviously neither party wanted to offend.

Ao Shun's eyes turned red with anger. Just when he was about to rebuke, someone had already beaten him to it.

Yes, yes! Ao Xuan suddenly raised her voice, with sobs in her throat, I don't have good looks and no character. You are the ancestor's disciple and you are noble. I am not worthy of you. I am not even worthy of carrying my shoes. I admit it. ,Is it done?!

The last three words are directly broken, sharp and harsh.

Jun Muqian raised her eyelids slightly and smiled: It's good that you know.

Ao Xuan froze.

Master Rong Mu, your words are too vicious. At this time, an older immortal stood up, with disapproval written all over his face, Princess Aoxuan is a girl, even if she does something wrong, You can't criticize her like that.

Although this old immortal's status in the Three Realms is not high, he has many followers because of his generosity and kindness.

After he said this, the other gods naturally spoke out one by one and denounced him angrily.

Master Rong Mu, my ancestor is indifferent and has a very good temper. As my disciple, how can you say such a thing?

I can't stand it anymore. I have admired my ancestor for many years and have always regarded him as the one I follow. How could my ancestor have such a disciple with such corrupt conduct?!

Master Rong Mu, not only did you force Princess Aoxuan, but you also insulted her in this way. You are really not worthy of being my ancestor's apprentice!

That's right! If you Rong Mu did something like this today, even if we are demoted to the mortal world, we must seek justice for Princess Ao Xuan!

I'm afraid my ancestor doesn't know this hidden side of him. I must tell my ancestor...

After hearing these words, Ao Xuan finally relaxed a lot. When she was sure that all public opinions were on her side, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She quietly glanced at the young man in white standing diagonally in front of her with her peripheral vision, and saw that his brows were still calm. While her heart was beating, she couldn't help but feel very disappointed.

Ao Shun thought that Ao Xuan was crying again, so he kept comforting her: Xiao Xuan, don't be afraid. Tell me any grievances you have. Even if he has a tough backstage, you don't have to give in. Your Majesty and the Queen are here, and they will Give you justice.

Listening to these arguments, the Jade Emperor was surprised but also had a headache. Finally, a shout came and rescued him from it.

Manjusri Bodhisattva has arrived——

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a swish sound, and a figure appeared outside the hall.

It was Manjushri Bodhisattva who had appeared in Kunlun Xu before, but this time Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva never came.

He slowly walked into the hall, clasped his hands together, and bowed slightly to the Jade Emperor: The poor monk pays homage to Your Majesty, Amitabha Buddha.

Why be so polite? The Jade Emperor hurriedly stepped forward and helped Manjushri Bodhisattva up, Please get up quickly.

Manjushri Bodhisattva stood up, glanced at the many gods in the hall, and then glanced at Ao Xuan, who was crying there. He frowned tightly and looked at the young man in white: May I ask the donor Rongmu, what is going on?

It's nothing. Jun Muqian's voice softened a bit and she smiled slightly, This is what senior saw.

She still respects these Buddhas in the West.

It is true that there are many filthy people, but the entire Western Paradise is still upright, but I am afraid that inner demons have penetrated into it and eaten away at its interior.

Hearing this sentence, the Jade Emperor was surprised.

Admit it so quickly?

Manjushri Bodhisattva did not expect to receive such an answer. He couldn't help but be stunned, and his brows furrowed deeper: So, donor Rongmu, have you admitted that you did all this?

At the same time as these words rang out, the voice of Manjushri Bodhisattva came to Jun Muxian's mind.

Donor Rongmu, you are the disciple of our ancestor. The poor monk believes in the way our ancestor looks at people. Now that our ancestor is not here, there are still all the Buddhas in the West. If you have anything that is difficult to say, you must tell it.

Jun Muqian's eyes moved slightly and he smiled, but did not respond.

Manjushri Bodhisattva waited for a few seconds and felt a little anxious.

When he was about to say something else, Ao Shun spoke coldly: Master Manjusri, Old Long, I know that you and Rong Mu have the same roots, but you can't stand on his side just because of this. .”

Everyone has seen what my little girl looks like now. Is it possible that all of this is fake? The reputation and chastity of my daughter's family are the most important!

Ao Shun was furious: Old Long, I originally planned to choose a husband for Xiaoxuan when she comes of age, but I never thought that something like this would happen. Master Manjusri... is it possible that you still want to help marry her?

These words made Manjusri Bodhisattva fall silent.

The denunciations of other gods became even louder.

Everything developed in the direction that the Jade Emperor wanted, and he finally said: Manjushri Bodhisattva, it is difficult for me to handle this matter, so I invited you and Ao Shun here. Look at this...

His expression was extremely embarrassed, but it aroused even greater anger.

Immediately, a god knelt down and said, Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, Master Rong Mu did such a thing. Please be careful and don't take sides!

Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, please give me your orders...

I second the proposal.

Manjushri Bodhisattva let out a long sigh: Amitabha, why do you need to say this? The Buddha taught us to be kind-hearted, so how can a poor monk not help our relatives?

Let Your Majesty decide everything. Ancestor, the poor monk will personally tell you.

He really never expected that Rong Mu would do such a thing, and he couldn't help even if he wanted to.

Well, since Manjushri Bodhisattva has said so, then I can only enforce the law impartially. The Jade Emperor sighed falsely and glanced at Rong Mu coldly, Now there are two ways of punishment. One is that you marry He married Princess Aoxuan and vowed not to take another step out of Beihai. From then on, he treated Princess Aoxuan wholeheartedly and made up for her.

Ao Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows moved, half-smiling but not smiling: Interesting, what about the second one?

The second is that you abandon all your cultivation and enter the six paths of reincarnation. Only after you have reincarnated for ninety-nine lives can you return to your original position.

As soon as these words came out, Manjushri Bodhisattva immediately frowned: Your Majesty, is this punishment...

I have taken it easy. The Jade Emperor shook his head and said, You must know that the previous priest who did this was thrown into the animal realm.


Manjushri Bodhisattva shrank his pupils and stopped talking.

Other gods also felt that this punishment was a bit too light, but Rong Mu was also a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, so he still had to give him face.

Ao Shun was still angry: No, I will not marry Xiaoxuan to such a villain!

Ao Xuan was anxious and blurted out: Father, my daughter is actually...

Before she could finish what she said, she was interrupted mercilessly by Jun Muqian: I said, even if I poke my eyes out, I would not be so blind as to fall in love with your daughter.

Facing Ao Shun's furious gaze, she curled her lips and said, I finally understand why Ao Guang is the leader of these waters.

Okay! Seeing that the situation was not right, the Jade Emperor shouted loudly and turned to look at the young man in white, Master Rong Mu, since you are the ancestor's disciple, you can choose one of the two punishments.

No matter which one it is, Rong Mu is useless.

Well - Jun Muqian protracted her tone, I think these two methods of punishment are excellent, but I am still a little embarrassed as to how to choose.

The Jade Emperor was stunned.

But, you also said that this is punishment. Jun Muqian's eyes flickered, I have done nothing wrong, why should I be punished?

As soon as these words came out, there was a riot.

Rong Mu, you are shameless!

Rong Mu, you are still making excuses now?

Does Rong Mu have any other trump cards? Queen Mother frowned, and her soul sent a message, Is it possible that at this point, he still thinks he can stand up?

For some reason, she always felt a little uneasy.

It's impossible. The Jade Emperor sneered secretly, It's useless even to go back in time, he is dead.

At this moment, the immortals saw the young man in white suddenly step forward and walk in front of Ao Xuan.

Ao Shun was startled and protected Ao Xuan, saying warily: What do you want to do?!

I will ask you one last time - Jun Muqian ignored Ao Shun. She leaned forward slightly, her peach blossom eyes showing a faint mist, Are you sure that I am forcing you to serve me? seat?

Ao Xuan flinched, but remained firm: I'm sure!

Jun Muxian stared at her for two seconds, then smiled suddenly: Okay.

After a pause: Then I have nothing more to say.

Ao Shun sneered: Since there is nothing to say, then you...

His words suddenly stopped and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Where is the boy in white?

That was a beautiful woman in purple.

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Let me reply in unison: I will no longer write about fantasy, whether it is a traditional alien continent or a system or something, but there is a high probability that I will not open a new book_(:з」∠)_

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