The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1121 The Lord kills invisible people! 【2 more】

As soon as these words came out, all the immortals were shocked.


You Xiaoxian couldn't help but take a breath and looked at the Master Qingwei who said the words in surprise.

What did they hear?

Competing on the road? !

Although when you reach Taiyi Golden Immortal, your soul has become mature, you must choose a great path without any insights, but this does not mean that you can compete with the great path.

The road is too high and too illusory.

In fact, no one has been able to explain clearly what the Great Dao is so far.

Before a universe was formed, the Great Way already existed and was the law of all nature.

The great road is eternal, the great road is independent, the great road does not rely on any external things, it is extremely powerful, and it is endless.

The way of heaven only appeared after the universe was formed. It is a form of will born from the universe itself, and it only controls the rules and principles of the operation of the universe.

Man follows the earth, earth follows heaven, heaven follows Tao, and Tao follows nature.

The law that man takes is the earth, the law that the earth takes is the sky, the law that the sky takes is Tao, and the Tao takes the law from its own state, which has nothing to do with other things.

The great road, of course, must be above the heavenly road!

Throughout the millions of years of prehistoric times, among the known history of all living beings, only Pangu, who cultivated the way of power, was truly above the way of heaven, so he was able to create the heavens and the earth, and cast the earth, water, wind, and fire.

But Pangu still failed to control the way of heaven, completely suppressed the way of heaven, and died.

Nowadays, whether it is Hongjun, the ancestor of Taoism, or Emperor Wa, the sect of all spirits, as innate chaotic demon gods, although they were born to control a great avenue, they cannot rely on their understanding of the great avenue to stand on the way of heaven.

This is already the case with the Heavenly Saints, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Stepping into Taiyi Golden Immortal is just the initial contact with the great road. We are still far away from the real great road, so we have to clamor to compete for the great road?

The several Da Luo Jinxian present looked at each other and frowned, feeling very dissatisfied.

But Qingwei Zhenren, who had received the Jade Emperor's decree long ago, did not care about this. He said arrogantly: I am not talented. Now I am 470,000 years old, and I have barely reached the first stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. I have really lost the reputation of all the immortals. Face.

I also heard from Your Majesty that Master Rong Mu has already become Taiyi Golden Immortal in his early twenties. I believe Master Rong Mu is also very talented, which is why he has advanced so quickly.

As soon as these words were said, there was another gasping sound in the Lingxiao Palace, and even the Da Luo Jinxian were shocked.

Taiyi Jinxian in his early twenties? ! !

If he were a mortal, he could be called a genius at this age and in the golden elixir stage.

How abnormal is this Rong Mu's talent?

For a moment, the immortals all looked at the young man in white with something wrong, a bit of contempt.

No wonder you can worship Patriarch Bodhi as your teacher. With such a gift, even Taoist Patriarch Hongjun would be tempted, right?

Jun Muqian's eyebrows were calm and there was still no change.

Nezha, on the other hand, smiled coldly and said, It doesn't matter how talented others are, but how hard they work, they just think about pie falling from the sky every day. For the rest of their lives, they won't even think about making any progress!

Upon hearing these words, Master Qingwei's face twitched a few times and he became angry.

He first glanced at the Jade Emperor, and then bowed to Nezha: His Royal Highness the Third Prince taught me a lesson.

After saying that, Master Qingwei continued: That's why I wanted to compare notes with Master Rong Mu to see how Master Rong Mu is doing in actual combat, so that Master Rong Mu can show you whether he has received the true inheritance from our ancestors.

A dark light suddenly appeared in his eyes: Master Rong Mu has been silent. Could it be that he... doesn't dare?

Seeing this, Nezha frowned, and Yuanshen sent a message: Qingwei was just a loose immortal at the beginning, and his talent is not high. At most, he can't break through the Xuanxian.

It's just that he was lucky. He found an Enlightenment Fruit when his longevity was approaching. With the help of this Enlightenment Fruit, he successfully realized and then broke through the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After arriving at Taiyi Golden Immortal, he was recruited by the Jade Emperor, but his strength was still very poor, and the Jade Emperor just randomly named him a mountain god.

But you are still new to Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although your cultivation has reached the last stage, you are still too shallow in terms of the great avenue. It is better not to confront the strong.

Jun Muqian nodded: I see.

Although the Enlightenment Fruit is rare, it is not considered a treasure at all.

Because even if you can realize the great way after eating this enlightenment fruit, you can only stop at the beginning and cannot go deep.

Normal gods would never choose to eat the Enlightenment Fruit, but would only rely on their own abilities to comprehend the Great Way.

Once you eat the enlightenment fruit, your understanding of the great path will be gone.

This Master Qingwei is really a stupid waste.

But since the Jade Emperor asked Master Qingwei to compete with her on the Dao, he probably also wanted to find out what kind of Dao she was cultivating.

Patriarch Bodhi said that the Great Way of the Heart is an important weapon to deal with that black mist, and it is best not to expose it.

Seeing that the young man in white was still silent, a bit of contempt appeared on Master Qingwei's old face, and he snorted coldly: It is said that our ancestors taught countless people, and their disciples were all very powerful, but I didn't expect that Rong Mu, you would rather do this You are such a coward and you don't want to compete with me, you really have lost your master's face!

Shut up, don't be rude! The Jade Emperor scolded him at the right time, but his tone was not harsh. He looked at Jun Mu Qian and said kindly, Master Rong Mu, although Master Qingwei has this request, you still have the right to choose. It’s still up to you, I also want to know your wishes, do you want to compare or not?”

When the Jade Emperor spoke, Master Qingwei straightened his back, not thinking that Jun Muxian would refuse.

Other immortals also had the same idea, because once Jun Muxian refused, he would have admitted that he was embarrassing Patriarch Bodhi.

No matter how indifferent Patriarch Bodhi is, he will not let his disciples be so useless.


Yeah. Jun Mu raised his eyes lightly and said slowly, No comparison.

The Jade Emperor was surprised: No comparison?

This Rong Mu actually violated his reputation like this?

Immediately Master Qingwei angrily rebuked: I have already said that my talent is very poor, and I am just an unknown person among the Taiyi Golden Immortals. What? Even I am afraid of you? Rong Mu, you are simply a useless person!

The other gods looked worried and obviously thought so too.

When Nezha heard this, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He was about to stand up, but was pressed down by a bare hand.

Afraid? Jun Muqian curled her lips, Why should I be afraid of a loser?

Master Qingwei was furious: Rong Mu, you...

Jun Muxian stood up slowly: However, I also want to know, if you, an old man of 470,000 years old, insist on competing with a young man like me, is it because of the harsh world, or is it because you are a big bully? Where’s the little one?”

This sentence was like a slap on Master Qingwei's face. His face turned green and red, and he said with a stern face: Rong Mu, don't be so messy. If you don't compare with me today, you are just afraid. .”

You are so afraid of the competition, I really don't know why my ancestor accepted you as his disciple!

This statement was approved by many gods and they all echoed it.

Yes, yes. Although the ancestor's disciples are not well-known, they are all good and hard-working men. How can they be so afraid of death?

This Rong Mu probably became the disciple of the ancestor because of his talent. The ancestor must have been deceived by him.

Oh? Jun Muqian glanced at him and smiled, but his voice was cold, So, are you questioning my master's authority?

The next second, her smile faded, her eyes suddenly became sharp, her voice was cold, and her momentum suddenly increased: What kind of crime should you do to question a saint?!


Suddenly, a powerful coercion suddenly rose from the young man in white, coming as majestic as a stormy wave, and instantly came down, heading straight towards Master Qingwei's Tianling Cap.


Master Qingwei's face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground with a bang even after resisting head-on, causing cracks in the jade floor.

Crack, click, click.

In the silent Lingxiao Palace, the sound of broken bones filled the ears, and the sound was shocking.

Jun Muqian was condescending, looking down at Master Qingwei who was kneeling on the ground, and smiled coldly: You can't even withstand my pressure, and you still want to argue with me, and you don't know your own abilities!

For insulting my master, even if you have a hundred lives, it won't be enough for you to die!

The pressure on the boy in white was still strong, and even other gods were affected.

Everyone was shocked and frightened.

This Rong Mu is really arrogant, but he also has real power. He turned Qingwei Zhenren, who is also Taiyi Golden Immortal, into this look without even using a single move. It was so terrifying!

Seeing the tragic situation of Master Qingwei with his arms and legs broken, no one dared to question Jun Muxian anymore.

The Jade Emperor's face darkened a bit, but he didn't show it, even though this scene was a slap in his face.

As expected, this first plan failed.

This Rong Mu doesn't take hard or soft advice at all. He is still so arrogant and arrogant. It seems that he can only use Yaochi's plan, but this plan is a bit too vicious and he is afraid that he will not be able to stop it by then.

Come on, come on, so long as the Jade Emperor can make Rong Mu never recover, so what if he is vicious?

The Jade Emperor waved his hand with a cold face: Qingwei Zhenren said filthy words and slandered our ancestors. Come, take him down, remove his immortal bones, and demote him to the mortal world!

Your Majesty?! Master Qingwei was shocked, Your Majesty... Your Majesty doesn't want it!

He struggled desperately, his face full of despair: Your Majesty, Xiaoxian is all...

Master Qingwei couldn't say what he said after that. Heavenly soldiers and generals took him away by force, leaving him no room to beg for mercy.

The worry in Nezha's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his short legs and scratched his head in boredom.

Master Rongmu, I don't know people well. It's my fault for letting such a bad immortal come in. The Jade Emperor apologized, I also ask Master Rongmu to stay for a while after the peach banquet is over. I will personally bring my treasure to apologize to you.

The Queen Mother also smiled, not seeing anything strange: Yes, yes, Master Rong Mu is the ancestor's beloved disciple, and cannot be neglected.

Jun Muqian's peach blossom eyes narrowed, and she sat down with a calm expression, neither responding nor rejecting.

And just as she sat down—


Good night~See you tomorrow~

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