The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1118 Little Beauty: Of course Daddy is on top! 【1 update】


After this figure appeared, the gods who were still whispering to each other stopped talking and couldn't help but raise their heads and look towards the entrance of Lingxiao Palace.

That's a teenager.

He has a tall and straight figure, and his white clothes are spotless, just like the moonlight at night, the broken snow in the cold winter, and the misty dust.

The appearance is not really mind-boggling, but it is still very handsome.

But what attracted the most attention was the aura of the boy in white, an indescribable majesty that no one could ignore.

In an instant, all the light was eclipsed.

All of a sudden——

The Lingxiao Palace became even quieter. The gods were at a loss, and most of them were surprised.

Be bold!

The heavenly soldiers and generals guarding in front of the Lingxiao Palace were stunned for a long time before they reacted.

Just hearing a few crisp sounds of Qiang Qiang, several long spears were launched, directly in front of the boy in white. Heavenly soldiers and generals also came forward from behind, and the surrounding area was blocked.

Seeing this scene, many gods suddenly realized.

There was a little fairy who was outspoken: It seems that in every Peach Feast, there are people who want to fish in troubled waters, but this is the first time I have seen a little fairy who dares to go straight to the Lingxiao Palace.

As soon as he said this, the fairies sitting next to him also nodded in agreement.

The Peach Feast is a major event in the Three Realms. Because it continues to this day, it is not just a celebration of the birthday of the Queen Mother Yaochi, but also a manifestation of the immortal class.

Being invited by the Queen Mother to participate in the peach feast proves one's worth.

Many gods are proud to come to the Peach Feast, which shows that they are recognized and not just random immortals without status.

Naturally, there are too many gods in the Three Realms, and many gods recruit people in the Three Realms on the pretext of having participated in the Peach Feast, and even order mortals to build temples for themselves, in order to gain the power of faith and improve themselves.

They also look down on those loose immortals who have not even received invitations, even if these loose immortals are higher in cultivation than them.

Although Jun Muqian became famous in the Kunlun Xu battle at that time, which gave the heaven a great power, and Patriarch Bodhi appeared in person to support her, but in fact, she was still unknown in the three realms.

Except for the Twelve Golden Immortals and several Bodhisattvas in the West, most of the immortals did not know that there was such a person.

Even though there were well-informed gods who knew what happened to Kunlunxu at that time, the Jade Emperor issued a hush-hush order and could not tell anyone until they died.

Therefore, the Heavenly Court's humiliation in Kunlun did not cause any waves in the Three Realms. The Heavenly Court is still the aloof Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court that controls all public opinions in the Three Realms.

But because of the battle in Kunlunxu, the demon gods at the level of the Twelve Golden Immortals did not come this time, resulting in the lack of a large number of high-level immortals. Other gods who were friends with the Twelve Golden Immortals also seemed to have listened. When word got out, everyone refused this peach feast because they had something to do.

Offend heaven or offend Patriarch Bodhi?

Any fool knows who to choose!

The Queen Mother simply couldn't afford to lose face, so she had to lower her standards and sent invitations to higher level gods. Even the Earthly Immortals received them.

The Earth Immortals here are not a class of spiritual power cultivators, but are different from the immortals living in heaven. Most of them are mountain gods and earth lords, with extremely low rankings.

They didn't know that they were not qualified to participate in the peach feast at all. They just got a bargain and sat there looking at the young man in white with mocking eyes.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, glanced lightly, and smiled: You really want to stop me?

These four words made the heavenly soldiers and generals even angrier. The leading general waved his hand and shouted coldly: Throw him out.

Seeing this, a little fairy snickered: He will be miserable now.

There is no invitation to come to the peach feast, and I don’t know who gave me the courage.

But just when the heavenly soldiers and generals took a step together, a sudden roar sounded, coming from the people above.


All the immortals were stunned.

You're such a shameless person, you dare to dare even the guests I specially invited. The Jade Emperor was so angry that his temples twitched, Go to the Heavenly Prison to receive your punishment yourself, get off!

He has never seen such a stupid subordinate, and no one dares to stop him.

Originally, this time, we had to establish a good relationship with Rong Mu before we could proceed with our subsequent plans. If we offended him further, how could we completely deal with him?

Hearing the Jade Emperor's shout, the heavenly soldiers and generals were dumbfounded. They glanced at the young man in white in astonishment, put away their weapons unwillingly, and all apologized and retreated.

Things suddenly turned around, catching the other gods off guard.

Could it be that... what other identity does this young man in white have that even the Jade Emperor has to show courtesy to?

Master Rong Mu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. The Jade Emperor didn't want to look down on his old face, but if something like this happened, he could only step down personally. They are ignorant and frightened you.

No matter how much he disliked Rong Mu, he had to admit that Rong Mu's talent was truly outstanding.

It’s only been three years!

He is already Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Even with the help of Patriarch Bodhi, is this kind of speed really possible for ordinary people?

The Jade Emperor's heart was bleeding, and he was suffering from angina pectoris.

Fortunately, okay, after today, even if he is the Da Luo Jinxian, he will never be able to turn over.

Jun Muqian raised her eyelids slightly and the curvature of her lips widened: Your Majesty is serious. This subordinate has no brains. How can it be your Majesty's fault? Just clean it up.

The Jade Emperor's face froze, and he forced out an ugly smile: What Master Rong Mu said is absolutely true. Please take a seat, Master Rong Mu.

Jun Muxian was not polite, walked to the only empty table, and sat down. The gods next to him subconsciously took a step back.

She didn't want to give the Jade Emperor face in the first place, so she stepped on it specially.

Let me introduce you to you. The Jade Emperor also returned to his seat, stroking his beard and smiling kindly, This is the Master Rong Mu whom I mentioned to you before, and he is a close disciple of Patriarch Bodhi.


The immortals were shocked.

This young man in white looks very weak and his clothes are ordinary. He is actually a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi?

What kind of luck is this?

Patriarch Bodhi announced hundreds of thousands of years ago that he would no longer accept disciples!

Many fairies were jealous, but they could only express their compliments and congratulations.

Jun Muqian sat there quietly, his eyebrows unmoving, accepting the compliment, and his mood felt much better.

However, all the gods in the Lingxiao Hall did not know that there were two people outside the hall, one big and one small, holding hands.

The little beauty stared at Jun Muqian with wide eyes for a long time, her expression serious as if she was studying an important problem. After a while, he suddenly said: Dad.

Rong Qian glanced at the Lingxiao Palace, and after confirming that there was no problem, he responded: Huh? What's wrong?

The little beauty was very confused. He started to point his fingers: Should I call you daddy or my mother's father? My mother has become a man now, and he looks so handsome.

Rong Qing: ...

His eyebrows skipped a beat, and his expression became slightly broken. He took a deep breath and said, Have you forgotten what dad said to you?

No, I remember it! The little beauty clapped her fingers, Father and mother are irreversible. Father is on top, mother is on bottom.

Rong Qing narrowed her eyes and patted his head: Just remember, let's go.

Oh. As expected, the little beauty put the previous question to the back of her mind, Daddy, wait for me.

After walking for a while, the whole family happened to pass by Pantaoyuan.

Dad, I heard someone eating peaches. The little beauty tilted her ears, as if she heard something, This peach sounds delicious. I want to eat it too.

Rong Qing held his hand and asked, Is the one your mother raised delicious?

Although the small flat peach tree in the Hunyuan Bell was just a branch, with the nourishment of the Nine Heavens, this small flat peach tree can already be called the best flat peach tree in the world. Any tree in the Queen Mother's peach garden, None can compare with it.

But for Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing, flat peaches are of no use anymore, that is, to satisfy their appetites.

I, I don't know, of course the ones raised by my mother are the most delicious. The little beauty tweaked, her eyes bright, I just want to eat, daddy, can you take me to eat?

Rong Qing's ears twitched slightly, a faint light flashed across his eyes, and he said calmly: There are other people in Pantaoyuan now. Let's go see your uncle and the others first, okay?

Okay, okay. The little beauty raised her hands in agreement, Then daddy will definitely bring me to eat peaches soon.

He still wanted to see his uncle more than Taozi. His mother said that his uncle was also a terribly handsome handsome man, so he must go and see him.

Rong Qing's eyelashes drooped slightly and the corners of her lips curved slightly: Yeah, you're really obedient.

I don’t know if there will be any peaches left in a while.

He thinks... probably not.


In the Lingxiao Palace——

The farce ended quickly, and the gods sat down again, but from time to time they would peek at the young man in white sitting there.

Jun Muzhen ignored everyone's gazes, picked up a bottle of wine and got a glass for herself.

She found that there were benefits to changing her body. At least this body had the capacity to drink, unlike when she was in the Lingxuan world.

She could finally drink as happily as before, otherwise she would miss out on a lot of delicious food.

The Jade Emperor was actually hoping that Jun Muqian would say a few words, but after waiting for a long time, it didn't come, so he had to give up.

It seems that all success or failure lies in the peach feast. This time, Rong Mu must not come back.

Even if Patriarch Bodhi comes, he can't protect him!

The gods had different thoughts, and after a few seconds, it was officially time for the peach feast to begin.

The Jade Emperor was about to make an announcement, but at this moment——

Your Majesty, the empress is not well... An immortal official who was guarding the Pantaoyuan ran in from behind, crawling with sweat. He whispered in the Queen Mother's ear.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother was simply shocked: What did you say?

[Shuangjun Fantou] Little Beauty: Hold high the banner of father and mother’s CP! Dad is at the top, mother is at the bottom.

Rong Qing: Yeah.

Lord: Nonsense!


I am finally going to write about the Great Sage (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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