The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1108 Big changes in the underworld! The Jade Emperor was tricked【1 update】

Book of Life and Death? Although King Qin Guang was confused as to why the Jade Emperor suddenly wanted it, he didn't ask any more questions. He clasped his fists and said, I'll do it now.

In less than ten breaths, Cui Jue, one of the four judges and responsible for writing the book of life and death, was brought to the Jade Emperor.

Most of these officials in the underworld came to the underworld from the human world after death. Because of their unscrupulous merits and good fortune, they became earth officials and took charge of the underworld.

Therefore, the prestige of earthly officials like Black and White Wuchang in the mortal world is actually higher than that of many gods in heaven.

Naturally, the power of faith collected will be higher.

For example, Judge Cui Jue, even though he has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, there are still many temples of him in the world.

Cui Jue pays homage to Your Majesty. Cui Jue still looked like a scholar. He held the book of life and death in one hand and bowed towards the Jade Emperor.

In private, there is no need for so many etiquettes. The Jade Emperor was obviously a little impatient and waved his hand, Get up quickly. I have extremely important things to discuss with you.

Upon hearing this, Cui Jue and King Qin Guang looked at each other before following him.

Although the official position of the judge is lower than that of the Tenth Palace of Hell, the judge is actually not controlled by the Tenth Palace of Hell.

In the land realm, the levels are not very clear, and most of them operate independently.

Like Meng Po Qingdai, she is not a subordinate of any local official.

But any local official, even as high as King Guang of Qin, must obey the Jade Emperor's orders.

The Jade Emperor lifted up his clothes and sat on the throne in the center. King Qin Guang and Cui Jue stood below, bowing their heads respectfully.

Where is the book of life and death? The Jade Emperor looked worried, Send it up.

Cui Jue was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stepped forward and handed over the book of life and death in his hand.

The Jade Emperor took it and started turning page by page.

The Book of Life and Death not only records the names of all humans, demons, livestock, and other creatures in the world, but also records the yang and yin life spans of these creatures.

Even if you come to the earth and only your soul is left, it is not immortal.

When the Yin life is exhausted, it is completely destroyed.

But the most important mystical skill in the book of life and death is to control life and death.

Even if this person is dead, as long as he ticks it off in the book of life and death, he can be resurrected.

On the contrary, even if a person has a lifespan of hundreds of years, his lifespan can be erased from the book of life and death, causing him to die immediately.

Controlling life and death, there is no escape. This is the real horror of the Book of Life and Death!

The list of gods controls the gods, and the book of life and death traps people, so the two can be tied together.

But it is a pity that the Book of Life and Death, as an innate spiritual treasure at the same level as the Conferred God List, has not yet recognized its owner.

It was only used by the judge to stabilize the six paths of reincarnation.

Although Cui Jue is in charge of the Book of Life and Death, he cannot actually change it at will.

If one day the Book of Life and Death really belongs to its owner, and it falls into the hands of someone who is interested, the whole world will be in chaos.

I wonder who His Majesty the Jade Emperor is looking for? Cui Jue saw the Jade Emperor's face getting worse and worse and couldn't help but ask, I have been using the Book of Life and Death for many years and I am more familiar with it.

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor handed over the book of life and death as expected, with a gloomy expression: Help me find a person, his name is Rong Mu, I don't know the specific age, but he should be less than twenty years old. This level of cultivation is in True Immortal, gender, male.”

He was still worried.

Although he had made a plan with Yaochi to defeat Rong Mu in one fell swoop at the upcoming peach feast, leaving him with no possibility of turning around.

However, Patriarch Bodhi's attitude towards Rong Mu was beyond their expectations. He was a little too protective. They didn't know if Rong Mu really fell into their trap. Will Patriarch Bodhi protect him again? .

Therefore, he must have another backup plan.

Even if Rong Mu becomes a saint physically, he will still become an immortal as a mortal. As long as he has not reached the level of immortality, his name will definitely be recorded in the book of life and death.

If there was a way to remove all his Yang and Yin life, no matter how strong Rong Mu was, there would be nothing he could do!

There has already been a Fighting Buddha, and there cannot be a second one.

The book of life and death was turned over quickly in Cui Jue's hands, but within a moment, one round had passed.

Cui Jue hesitated for a moment and said respectfully: Did your majesty remember the wrong name or other information? I have searched through the book of life and death, but I have not found a single Rong Mu who agrees with your majesty.

No? The Jade Emperor frowned, This is impossible.

Cui Jue had no choice but to present the book of life and death: Your Majesty, look, there are a total of 99,458 people named Rong Mu in this world.

There are quite a few people under twenty, but none of them have Rong Mu's cultivation level as a true immortal.

The oldest one, Rong Mu, is now six hundred and thirty-seven years old, but he is only at the peak of the Mahayana period, and his lifespan is about to be exhausted.

The Jade Emperor's brows furrowed more and more tightly, with cold sweat streaming down his face: How could it not be? Why wouldn't it be possible?

Your Majesty, Rong Chen, say something. Cui Jue said, Either the name Rong Mu is wrong, or his cultivation is wrong.

The name is wrong... the Jade Emperor murmured, suddenly furious, What a brat, how dare you lie to me!

If you use a false name to participate in the Battle of the Gods, problems will arise when the time comes.

The Jade Emperor suddenly realized that this Rong Mu had never thought about ascending to heaven, nor had he told him early that he was the disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, and came here to slap him in the face!

It wasn't that the Jade Emperor didn't want to figure out Jun Muxian's real name, because he found that he couldn't figure it out at all.

Heavenly secret shield!

The Jade Emperor's face became even more ugly, and he wanted to tear the book of life and death into pieces.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that he originally sent people to kill Di Jun and Xihe, but they all returned without success.

Now, Di Jun and Xi He are also missing again.

Cui Jue, I order you to use the Book of Life and Death to find out those people who have improved the fastest within three years. The Jade Emperor thought for a long time and finally made a decision, Then, submit the names of these people to I.

No... I also need to add your earthly soul, understand?

Cui Jue was confused: Your Majesty?

No more questions, just do it. The Jade Emperor flashed and left.

Report—— A Yin official came to report hastily, Report to Lord Yama, there was a sudden vibration in the Infinite Purgatory, as if the wandering soul locked inside broke through.

King Qin Guang's expression changed and he left in a hurry.

Cui Jue seemed to have thought of something. He opened the Book of Life and Death and began to look for the wandering souls who had entered the Infinite Purgatory. He found that, as expected, the cultivation level of some of the wandering souls had improved.

Not just a star.

Fortunately, he was in the Infinite Purgatory. If he were in other levels of hell, he would probably be able to escape from the chains and rush out.

Cui Jue pondered for a few seconds, and then decided to obey the Jade Emperor's order. He picked up his pen and circled a series of names. Looking at them, they were so densely packed that they were almost impossible to count.

They are——

Fufeng, Fusu, Munuan, Changliu...


With the route map given by Guanglan, Jun Muzhen easily found the locations of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and Xieyue Sanxing Cave.

Fortunately, the jade slip that Guanglan gave her was also a key, otherwise she would not be able to get in even if she came.

Because Mu Ying had just woken up from a long sleep, and because when Donghuang Taiyi borrowed his body, he used more power than he could bear, it was lucky that his meridians and Dantian were not damaged.

At this moment, he was tired and unable to move, being carried by Bliss who had turned into his original form.

Brother, you'd better rest for a few more days if you're like this. Jun Muqian frowned, I'll ask Master for some treatment methods. It won't take hundreds of thousands of years.

Mu Ying pulled her lips and smiled with great effort: I'm not in a hurry, I'm just a little worried about Ah Ling.

Sister-in-law is in a better condition than you. Jun Muqian shook his head, His Majesty Donghuang said that the reason why sister-in-law didn't wake up is because you haven't fully recovered. Once you recover, sister-in-law will be fine.

Mu Ying didn't speak again.

The jade slips broke through the barrier of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and successfully allowed Jun Muqian to enter inside.

The vision in front of you is wide, the light is bright but not piercing, and it is extremely soft.

Looking up, one can see a vast expanse of green, surrounded by streams and the sound of birds chirping.

As written in the book——

The haze spreads its color, the sun and the moon shine. Outside the door, the brocade is covered with strange flowers, and the Yao grass beside the bridge is fragrant. I hear the chirping of cranes every time, and see blue birds flying. Mysterious apes and white deer are hidden, and golden lions and jade elephants are hiding in hiding.

This is the real Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, not the illusion I once saw in the Wuji Forest.

At this moment, there was a sound on the door, and a fairy boy walked out of it.

The fairy boy hurried forward and bowed to Jun Mu Qian with an extremely respectful expression.

Almsgiver Jun, Master has invited me -

Book of Life and Death: Actually, none of you know that my greatest function is to find out how many people in the Three Realms have the same name as you.

Here in Xi'an, there is a Judge's Temple_(:з」∠)_

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