The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1090 Beating! A exploded Lord【1 update】

The seven words were powerful and powerful. They were not loud, but they spread throughout the world, and everyone could hear them very clearly.

The cultivators were first shocked that the young man in white could withstand Jiang Qingxue's powerful punch, but then there were more taunts.

Is Rong Mu crazy?

Tsk tsk, he is still arrogant. Where does the capital come from? He has strength but no strength, and he has backing but no backing. Why should he compare with Qingxue?

You mean, you want to imitate Senior Sister Qingxue's speech and send you into reincarnation? Hahahaha, you're laughing to death. Rong Mu is really ridiculous.

Isn't it just good luck that's blocking it? How dare you say such arrogant words? You're so arrogant that you don't even know how much you weigh.

Look, he will pay the price for his wildness soon.

The jeers of the Penglai disciples became louder and louder, and their expressions were very disdainful.

They were beaten by their senior sister Qingxue before and were unable to fight back, but now they can defeat him?

Idiot's dream!

However, seeing this sudden change, Donghuang Taiyi frowned: That's not right...

He could see that this was not because Jun Muqian was lucky enough to block it, nor because of any skills she used, but because of her true strength.

But now Xuan Ming's strength is at the peak of Xuanxian, and this little girl is not at the peak of Tianxian, so what...

It's ridiculous. Xuan Ming was demoralized by the killing and laughed sarcastically, Do you know what you are talking about?

Send him to reincarnation?

What even Donghuang Taiyi and Tiandi Dijun have not been able to do, a little immortal dares to say something nonsense?


Jun Muqian did not answer, but clenched Xuan Ming's fist tighter. The next second, she suddenly smiled.

This smile made Xuan Ming feel something was wrong. He frowned: Why are you smiling? You...

Before he finished speaking, a strong force came from his fist, imprisoning him so that he could not move, and then——


The young man in white threw Xuan Ming off his shoulder with a backhand and threw him to the ground.

The majestic spiritual power suddenly exploded on the battlefield, converging into air currents that swirled up and rushed in all directions. It was so shocked that Emperor Changsheng and Qinghua also retreated in an instant, and they managed to hold on in embarrassment. body shape.

Crack, click, click.

After Jun Muqian's attack, the battle platform finally failed to hold up. Centered on the pit where Xuan Ming fell to the ground, it all shattered into pieces and fell from the air to the ground.

The battle platform was carefully crafted by the Jade Emperor. It was very strong, and countless deep pits were immediately created.

Fortunately, there was no one under the platform and within a hundred meters around it, otherwise there would have been countless casualties if it collapsed like this.


All the cultivators were stunned and dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what they saw.

Gonggong's expression suddenly changed and he blurted out: Impossible!

He knew Xuan Ming's strength very well. Even though he was not fighting in his own body and was only remotely controlled by his consciousness, it was definitely not something that an immortal could beat.

What is going on with this boy named Rong Mu?

Is it possible that he is also hiding his cultivation?

This is even more impossible. To become an immortal in a mortal body before the age of twenty is already a fantasy.

This kid has many tricks up his sleeve, and Xuan Ming must have been careless for him to succeed.

Thinking of this, Gonggong calmed down again and sneered slightly. He really thought too highly of this boy and actually thought that this boy could beat Xuan Ming.

Surrounded by a piece of rubble floating in the air, Jun Muqian stood among the rubble, looking down at Xuan Ming who was knocked unconscious, with a cold expression on his face.

Her bullshit senior brother who came out of nowhere really didn't lie to her. After injecting spiritual power, spiritual power, and soul power into the Hunyuan Bell, the Hunyuan Bell will return a new power to her. .

In this way, her cultivation level can span three levels.

The power she can control now is also at the peak of Xuanxian.

This is different from using elixirs or secret techniques to improve one's cultivation. The first two will backfire on oneself, and are far less safe than the power injected directly by the Hunyuan Bell.

Since it was already an unfair battle, she would not act like a gentleman and still fight Xuan Ming with her own strength.

Jun Muqian also knew that Xuan Ming's consciousness could not stay in Jiang Qingxue's body for long, so she would use this little time to torture Xuan Ming.

Let this Ancestral Witch of Rain bully her like that before!

That fall made Xuan Ming's mind go blank. He was really stunned, and his vision is still blurry to this day.

Until he finally realized what had happened before, he was filled with unprecedented anger that almost made him burst.

Whether it was the Lich War a million years ago or after his resurrection, he had never been beaten like this!

Back then, Donghuang never gave him a throw over his shoulder. It was simply humiliating!

Xuan Ming had a gloomy face, climbed up from a piece of gravel, and looked at the boy in white with extremely cold eyes: Very good, boy, you succeeded in irritating me. I tell you, you are true...

However, just as the words Dead rolled onto his throat, they were punched directly into his stomach.




The sudden explosion echoed across the sky and the earth, making people tremble with fear.

Everyone watched as the boy in white grabbed Jiang Qingxue's hair with one hand, lifted her into the air, and started a new round of beatings, throwing her from right to left, and then from left to right.

Swinging it back and forth, it hit the gravel accurately every time. A piece of it cracked as soon as it was hit, and then it shattered into powder and fell down one after another.


Everyone was shocked and horrified,

Rong Mu is crazy...he is crazy!

This is not a life and death fight at all, this is simply a one-sided beating!

Moreover, the beating was such that Jiang Qingxue had no power to fight back and was forced to endure it.

At this moment, no matter how much the Penglai disciples tried to lie to themselves and said that this was Rong Mu's good luck, they would not be able to do so.

They watched Jiang Qingxue being violently thrown, and they also felt that their faces were being slapped one after another, which made them feel hot and painful.

Jun Muzhen controlled her strength very well, ensuring that Jiang Qingxue's body would not be smashed by her.

In this way, all the pain was borne by Xuan Ming alone.

You want to send me to reincarnation? Jun Muqian sneered, Do you have the ability?

You brat, don't... Xuan Ming didn't finish his words before he was hit so hard that he felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't pass out. After smashing a piece of gravel into powder again, he was lifted up again.

In my ear, there was a cold voice: Trash? You still don't like it? Are you worthy?

I will turn you into hazardous waste that cannot be recycled.

After a few bang bang sounds, the beating started again.

Every time Jun Muqian fell down, he would taunt him, but he would always return what Xuan Ming had said before.

Xuan Ming was so angry that he vomited blood, but could not utter a word. The veins on his forehead were beating violently, and he wanted to leave Jiang Qingxue's body quickly.

But he suddenly realized that he could only actively invade and could not evacuate. Unless the body was destroyed, he would have to stay until the time of consciousness invasion was over.

Xuan Ming was furious, but even more humiliated.

Maybe others don't know who he is, but how could Gonggong, Houtu and Tianwu not know?

He originally thought of destroying the prestige of the Three Emperors Academy, but he never thought that it would be him who was destroyed.

His title as the number one among the twelve ancestral witches is about to be lost today.

The corner of Dong Huangtai's eye twitched, and he almost lost his sight.

It's too violent, it's really too violent. I really can't afford to offend this little girl. Who can stand such a counterattack?

Looking at it, His Majesty Dong Huang was gloating.

He hadn't felt this happy for a long time. This little girl had indirectly avenged him, so from now on he would reluctantly give her half of his brother.

The Great Immortal Chi-Ji was originally proud, but now he was shocked: Cheating, this is cheating!

Brother Chi Jing, what you said is wrong. Master Taiyi also felt happy, Why is it cheating? Aren't we all the same person?

Hehe, it seems that this little girl has a lot of secrets.

Master Taiyi glanced at Gonggong who could no longer sit still, and snorted coldly, thinking to himself, the way of heaven is really a good reincarnation, and he deserves it.

After experiencing an inhumane beating, Xuan Ming went crazy.

Regardless of how much the power of the ancestral witch would be consumed, he extracted some more, broke away from Jun Muzhen's hand, stood up suddenly, and roared: Boy, after playing for so long, it's time to end!

In this battle, he must get it back!

Not bad. Jun Muqian smiled coldly, It's time to end!

At the moment when he finished speaking, suddenly, ink clouds rolled in from the sky.


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