The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1078 A slap in the face! I heard that Donghuang’s waist is not good [2 updates]

This angry shout startled Wu Ying, who was injured and fell down directly.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and then retracted his hand.

Originally, I just wanted to play with this Asura tribesman, and I didn't know who was going to trick him.

After experiencing her hands being stepped on twice, Wu Ying has gotten used to it, but this does not mean that others can also step on her head. Who wants to cut off her good deeds? !

Wuying looked up angrily and saw someone on the left looking at her angrily. After being stunned for a moment, she became even angrier.

But she always remembered that she could not show her true nature outside, so she suppressed the anger in her heart, shrank, and hid behind Jun Muzhen: Master, I'm so scared.

She curled her lips, and in order to prevent this blind man from accidentally hurting her again, she had better not make any contact.

Who is the visitor if not Jiang Qingxue, who has repaired his injuries?

She first stared at Wu Ying angrily for a while, then looked at the boy in white, her face even more angry, and scolded: Rong Mu, what on earth are you doing?!

Jiang Qingxue was almost furious when she saw the boy in white taking the initiative to help Wuying.


Why was Rong Mu so arrogant and arrogant towards her, and even came to slap her in the face? Why was Rong Mu so pitiful towards a woman who was not as good as her in appearance or figure?

Is Rong Mu blind?

The more Jiang Qingxue thought about it, the angrier she became. After she was angry, she still felt a little aggrieved, and her whole body felt angry and sad at the same time.

When she found out that the person calling her was Jiang Qingxue again, Jun Muxian pressed her head and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of powerlessness spreading.

She really wanted to start thinking about whether she had dug into Jiang Qingxue's ancestral grave before. No matter what her identity was, she could be stuck with Jiang Qingxue's dog-skin plaster. What kind of evil was this?

After others were tortured by her several times, if they had not died, they would not have entangled with them again. Why is Jiang Qingxue so stubborn?

The more torture you get, the more energetic you become?

Lord Jun said that she really couldn't understand Jiang Qingxue's mentality.

Donghuang Taiyi, an old man, was still sitting aside watching the show. Hearing this, he raised his eyes with great interest, and his soul sent a message: Little girl, you have provoked another one. You are very powerful. I will admire you.

Jun Muxian: ...Shut up.

Forget it, she really couldn't bear to deal with Jiang Qingxue in the final battle, so she dealt with him on the spot now.

Anyway, even if her identity as Rong Mu was blown up, she could still change to another identity.

To take a step back, she has seventy-two transformations, and she doesn't care if there are a few more.

Donghuang Tai put his head on his arms and seemed to sigh: Young people are full of energy.

Yes, yes. Jun Muqian said expressionlessly, I can't compare to you, old man. You have no waist or leg strength.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Why does he feel like he's being connoted?

What do leg strength and waist strength mean?

What am I doing, and what does it have to do with you? Jun Muxian looked Jiang Qingxue up and down and clicked her tongue, Jiang Qingxue, aren't you sick from being tortured?

Of course it has something to do with me! Jiang Qingxue blurted out in anger, What kind of handsome and troubled young man do you think he is? Learning from other heroes to save beauties?

She glanced at Wuying with disgust and sneered: Disgusting!

Wuying shrank again, her eyes red: Master, look at her, she is still scolding me. Master is so good, how could he meet such a person?

Is she jealous that the young master saved me?

With these words, Jiang Qingxue exploded: You bitch, what did you say?!

Is she jealous of Rong Mu for saving a woman whose appearance and figure are not as good as hers? Is she blind?

Young Master, she is so fierce. Wu Ying looked at Jun Muxian longingly, Sir, I feel so sorry for you that you are entangled with such a fierce woman.

Hearing this, Jun Muxian nodded and sighed: Yes, this young master is really miserable.

After receiving the approval, Wu Ying proudly threw a provocative look at Jiang Qingxue, and then put on a charming expression: With Wu Ying by my side from now on, the young master will not be miserable.

Jiang Qingxue was so angry that her mouth was filled with smoke and her fingers were trembling: You bitch, what are you pretending to be? Do you think you can win the favor of a man by pretending to be pitiful?

A flash of disdain flashed across Wu Ying's eyes, and she smiled tenderly: But the young master just likes me, girl, what can you do?

Jiang Qingxue was furious, but she had to hold on to her fairy identity: You, you...

Jun Muxian: ...

Two psychos.

She rubbed the center of her brows and sent a message from her soul: His Majesty Dong Huang, I want to ask you a question.

Donghuang Taiyi was watching the show intently, but he still didn't know what to say and asked, What's the problem?

There are many women in your palace, right? Jun Muxian thought thoughtfully, Are they all like this?

If this is the case, then she may...not be a girl.

Hearing this question, Donghuang Taiyi's face darkened for the first time: There is not a single woman in this palace!

No? Jun Muqian was surprised, You can't do it?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...!!!

To deceive the emperor is to deceive the emperor!

Before he could clarify, Lord Jun suddenly said: I understand, you must not be able to do it. My brother and sister-in-law gave birth to ten children at once, and you don't even have a partner. No wonder you talked so much along the way.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Where is his quick-acting heart-saving pill?

If he had known earlier, he should have brought back a little more from a place called the 21st century when he traveled to the three thousand planes.

Here, Jiang Qingxue and Wu Ying were still arguing, but obviously, the crying child got candy, and Wu Ying had the upper hand.

As Wu Ying, who basically rips off all the women in the Asura clan, she is not afraid of Jiang Qingxue who has been kept in a boudoir.

The Asura clan is a fighting race.

Jiang Qingxue couldn't scold Wu Ying, and in anger, she attacked the boy in white again: Rong Mu, are you going to let her bully me like this?!

Jun Muqian was confused: ...

What does it have to do with her?

Jiang Qingxue looked at her as if she was a heartless person.

I'm sorry. Jun Muqian moved her wrist and smiled slightly, Not only do I want to let her bully you, I also want to give you a kick.

Jiang Qingxue was stunned for a moment, a little disbelieving, and asked in a trembling voice: What did you say?

Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Jun Muzhen's eyes were cold, Do you really think I'm afraid of your so-called Queen Mother's niece?

Hearing this, Wu Ying glanced at Jiang Qingxue, who was pale in surprise.

Such a stupid human being is actually the niece of the Queen Mother?

But even the real princess in heaven is only on the same level as her. She is just a niece and cannot go up to the same level at all.

Still want to compete with her for the owner of the innate body?


Jiang Qingxue was hit hard. She didn't know why, but she felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

However, you don't have to get out now. Jun Muqian said lightly, Stay here completely.

As she spoke, she raised her hand and gathered her spiritual power without using any weapons.

There was only a faint layer of golden light lingering in the palm of his hand.

The talisman of destiny!

Jiang Qingxue is a true immortal. Although she is not afraid, she still has to use all her strength in order to kill with one blow.

Wu Ying felt happy when she saw this. She didn't expect that although this man was blind, he was very cruel to women except her.

In this way, she can train him better in the future.

Jun Muqian didn't hesitate at all. At the same time as his spiritual power exploded, the power of his soul also came out instantly.

In an instant, an offensive talisman was outlined.

It exploded with a boom sound.

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a bit of surprise: This little girl...

Wu Ying even applauded secretly: Kill her, kill her...


The sound of majestic power breaking through the air finally brought Jiang Qingxue back to her senses. After she saw the strange symbols that were violently attacking her, her face changed drastically, and she desperately backed away without caring about her heartache.

But the strange symbol seemed to have eyes and was still chasing her.

Jiang Qingxue could feel that if this blow fell on her, she would not be seriously injured, and she would definitely die!

Rong Mu...Rong Mu is so cruel!

In a panic, Jiang Qingxue suddenly remembered some things that the Queen Mother had told her before she came. A glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and she had a plan.

The next second, she stood on the spot. Not only did she no longer dodge, she instead waved a stream of spiritual power into the sky.



An extreme explosion sound was heard, instantly exploding over an area of ​​dozens of miles.

Jun Muqian raised his head suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the person on the mountain.

Hou Yi!

Sun-shooting bow!

The current progress of the war has reached the point where Hou Yi is shooting at the sun!

Jiang Qingxue interfered with the arrow shot by Hou Yi, causing the arrow to change its trajectory and collide with her talisman, so she escaped.

After taking a look at the deep pit on the ground, Jiang Qingxue regained her composure and sneered: Rong Mu, you still have a long way to go to kill me!

She already knew there was something to take advantage of, and no one was more familiar with the format than she was.

With that said, Jiang Qingxue used another spiritual power, and then interfered with the trajectory of Hou Yi's arrow: Rong Mu, I want you to kneel down and apologize to me!

With a whoosh sound, the arrow turned in the air and swooped towards the boy in white.

Jun Muqian's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his eyes with a solemn gaze: Bliss, come out.

Sun-shooting bow?

Then let’s see who has the strongest sun-shooting bow!


Jiang Qingxue is going offline soon

It should be obvious from the last chapter, Shura is Indra~

Good night_(:з ∠)_

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