The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1067 Bet! He Rong robs people lightly? 【2 more】


The fire that was originally faintly visible now rushed towards him like a stormy wave, crashing down instantly.

This is the source of chaos fire from the universe, from the chaotic galaxy!

Although Chaos Source Fire is only one word different from Chaos Fire, they are completely different.

Chaos Source Fire is an illusion of the self-consciousness of the universe. It has the same purpose as the Chaos Devouring Beast. They are both designed to devour the broken planes and purify the universe.

However, the Chaos Source Fire does not have any spirituality and cannot make too high a judgment. In the eyes of the Chaos Source Fire, if the sky of a plane is broken, even if it is the general plane, it must be defeated and must be swallowed up. Prevent plane fragments from interfering with the operation of other planes.

The Chaos Source Fire is extremely lethal, and almost no one under Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can avoid it.

Moreover, the Chaos Source Fire will make the cracks in the sky bigger and bigger, bringing other foreign matter in the universe into the general plane, accelerating the collapse of the plane.

If Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader had not arrived in time and forcibly blocked the plane rift and shocked the influx of Chaos Source Fire, it would not have been long before the total position was destroyed under the attack of Chaos Source Fire. It is really possible to face destruction.

The three thousand lower planes are supported by the general plane. Once the general plane is destroyed, the three thousand lower planes cannot survive.

This is a cosmic catastrophe.

But all the demon gods who have experienced this scene still have lingering fears, including Kong Xuan.

However, the source of chaos created in this replica world only serves to intimidate millions of cultivators.

But its power must be higher than that of Xuanxian, and it must not be touched.

Even if those practitioners had never seen it, they had heard about Nu Wa mending the sky. After being confused for a few seconds, they immediately started to run away like crazy.

Run! Run!

Ahhhh--hot, so hot!

Screams rang out one after another. Some cultivators were not able to dodge fast enough and were immediately blasted away by the Chaos Source Fire.

Mumu. Rong Qing held her wrist, Let's avoid him too.

Jun Muqian understood.

For them, even the real source of chaos fire cannot hurt them at all.

But the problem is that there are many demon gods watching outside. Although there are many practitioners, it is difficult to keep their eyes focused on her and not to expose anything at this time.

Jun Muxian also showed a bit of panic appropriately and moved away from the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

But she didn't pay attention when she avoided it, and bumped into Gonggong who was also escaping in a hurry.

Just because Jun Muzhen thought someone was attacking her, she used the power of her soul when she hit her.

This collision knocked Gonggong into the range of the Chaos Source Fire.

Although the demon gods recreated here cannot see the practitioners, they can be affected by each other.

Gonggong screamed and was directly blasted into pieces by a ball of chaos source fire.

Before he died, he wailed: Zhu Rong, wait!

Jun Muxian: ...

She really didn't mean it.

But it’s okay, Gonggong will die sooner or later anyway.

Gonggong, who was sitting in front of the sky mirror, looked at this scene with his face twitching and his face turning pale.

If he hadn't clearly known that the goals of the Jade Emperor and their witch clan were the ancient heaven, he would really have doubted whether the Jade Emperor was messing with him on purpose and wanted to piss him off to death.

But what kind of thing is the Jade Emperor?

When he was fighting in the prehistoric times, the Jade Emperor was just the boy Haotian who sat down under Taoist ancestor Hongjun. He didn't even have any real power, and his cultivation level was even lower.

If it weren't for such a calamity as the Lich War, which caused both the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan to suffer losses, and their leaders died one after another, Haotian and Yaochi would have had the opportunity to be recommended by Dao Ancestor Hongjun to become the Lords of Heaven.

At this time, Ao Yue said calmly: The way you died is very interesting.

Gonggong's face became even more ugly, and his face twitched: Master Protector, do you like to poke other people's sore spots?

In terms of status, he should actually be higher than Ao Yue. After all, they were both transformed by Pangu, and their ancestral witches were on the same level as the Sanqing saints.

However, the innate shortcomings caused by the lack of Yuan Shen limited their cultivation. Throughout his life, he would only reach the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

He had to bow his head towards Ao Yue.

No - Ao Yue's eyes fell on a figure in the sky mirror, her tone was still calm, I always tell the truth.

Oh? Gonggong smiled, I wonder if the protector dares to make a bet with me?

He came here to cause trouble, not to be offended.

Hou Tu frowned: Gong Gong.

Don't worry, Madam. Gonggong said hurriedly, It's just for fun.

Houtu warned: Enough is enough.

Ao Yue turned her head: What do you want to bet on?

The Twelve Golden Immortals and other demon gods knew that their status and cultivation were inferior, so they kept silent.

Let's just bet on this battle to become a god. Gonggong said carelessly, How about each of me and the protector choose one person to see who will win in the end?

Ao Yue's eyes narrowed, but her voice remained calm: How do we talk about winning or losing?

It just depends on who can make it to the end. Gonggong shrugged, Choose one out of a million, Lord Protector...don't you dare to compete?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere condensed instantly.

The temperature in Kunlunxu, which was already extremely cold, dropped by more than ten degrees.

Why don't we all come and place bets. Master Taiyi loosened his belt, burped, and said with a smile, It's better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Lord Gonggong won't mind, right?

Taiyi, what are you talking about? Chi Jing, the Great Immortal, was sitting beside him, scared to death, You don't want your life?

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are warlike and none of them has a good temper. Is Master Taiyi trying to drag them all down?

Unexpectedly, Gonggong didn't get angry. He frowned: Is it you?

He and Taiyi Zhenren were not from the same era, but after his resurrection, he also knew the distribution of strength in the recent past, and some of the demon gods who had risen later.

This Master Taiyi cultivates the path of immortality!

This way of immortality has no offensive power and no defensive power, but it is so abnormal that it is terrifying.

Just imagine if you encounter an enemy that you can't kill on the battlefield, will you collapse?

Moreover, Gonggong did not come here just to kill people. The Wu Clan has not fully come back yet, so they should try their best to cause as little trouble as possible.

Master Taiyi was stunned: Master Gonggong, do you recognize me?

How come you don't know? Gonggong sneered, Aren't you the master of Lingzhuzi?

Spirit beads, that is also a big worry for the Witch Clan!

Master Taiyi scratched his head, not being humble at all: Ashamed, ashamed, my apprentice has a greater reputation than me. Alas, there is nothing I can do. Who makes the apprentice talented? This is a worry-free thing for a master.

The great Immortal Chi-Ji wanted to cover his mouth, hating that iron could not make steel: Taiyi, please stop saying a few words!

Ao Yue spoke: Then let's all place bets.

Gonggong's attention was drawn back: Who does the Protector want to choose?

Ao Yue glanced at him: You choose first.

Then I'm welcome. Gonggong's spiritual consciousness swept away and directly captured the number one on the heavenly list, That Xuanxian, I bet on her.

Ao Yue's expression paused for a moment, then she casually pointed her finger at the woman in purple: Then she's fine.

Mahayana period? When Gonggong saw the person chosen by Ao Yue, he couldn't help but laugh, Master Protector, you have to choose carefully. How can a Mahayana period win a Xuanxian?

Ao Yue said calmly: No need, it's her.

Master Taiyi was choked.

Mahayana period?

It was clearly hidden by this little girl on purpose!

I don’t know what kind of magic weapon was used, but it even concealed it from Gonggong, the great Luo Jinxian?

Not simple, not simple.

Seeing that Jun Muxian, whom he had chosen, was chosen, Master Taiyi sighed, waved his chubby hand, and clicked on one too: Then I'll choose this one.

Chi-Ji Daxian naturally chose Jiang Qingxue.

Although Jiang Qingxue had just embarrassed him, she was still his disciple and he had to look after her.

The other demon gods also had to choose a target to bet on, and many demon gods felt a little bitter in their hearts.

What a disaster!

Gonggong looked at Ao Yue for two seconds, and then looked at the purple-clothed woman in the sky mirror. After confirming that this was really a Mahayana period, he was relieved: It's not interesting to just choose someone, of course there are bets, I don't know Lord Protector What if we lose?

Ao Yue slowly raised her head: If I lose, the Dragon God's Heavenly Halberd will be yours.


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even a crack appeared on Hou Tu's cold face.

What did they hear?

Dragon God vs. Heavenly Halberd? ! !

The Dragon God War Heavenly Halberd is a spiritual treasure forged by the Eastern Emperor. Although it is not innate, its attack power is far higher than many offensive innate spiritual treasures!

It is precisely because of the Dragon God Fighting Heavenly Halberd that Ao Yue was able to become the fourth person in power in the heaven, and was able to make the dragons who had bullied him fear him.

Now, Ao Yue actually regarded the Dragon God and the Heavenly Halberd as a bet?

Master Taiyi's jaw almost dropped, and he was so shocked that he even forgot to knock melon seeds.

Isn't it?

Is Da Ri Tian Long really so confident in the little girl?

This is putting all his own weapons on it!

Moreover, after the death of Donghuang, the Dragon God and Heavenly Halberd became Ao Yue's only spiritual sustenance, and she would never leave her hand.

Gonggong was stunned for three seconds, then suddenly burst into laughter: Hahahahahaha, Lord Protector is so brave!

He looked at Ao Yue and was full of confidence: Since the Lord Protector has pledged the Dragon God War Heavenly Halberd, I can't lag behind, so I will also offer the treasure of my witch clan. I just don't know what the Lord Protector likes. It’s time for the Protector to choose.”

Anyway, the most powerful sun-shooting bow has been lost, and the other treasures are at most the same level as the Dragon God's Heavenly Halberd, so they are not at a loss.

Hou Tu didn't speak this time. Although she didn't agree with the bet, she also didn't think Ao Yue could win.

If the Dragon God's Heavenly Halberd can be defeated, Ao Yue's combat power will be greatly weakened, which is a good thing.

The ancestor of the wind, Wu Tianwu, could not help but shudder. He had seen the power of the Dragon God's Heavenly Halberd, and he absolutely did not want to see it again.

After the demon gods finished placing their bets, they looked at the scene in the sky mirror again, much more seriously than before.

The smile on Gonggong's face faded, and his expression became gloomy: I want to see how long you, Aoyue, can continue to be arrogant...


Jun Muxian didn't know that the outside world had made such a bet. She and Rong Qing did not stop at Buzhou Mountain and came to the human world.

The current timeline has developed to the point where Yuanshi Tianzun and other heavenly saints have begun to seal the cracks in the plane, and the cracks will not heal until Nuwa mends the sky.

The human world is also in chaos at this time.

Jun Muqian glanced at the continent that was also torn apart, and sighed softly: It's all suffering for the people.

When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer.

Rong Qian shook his head slightly: It's a thing of the past.

Well... Jun Muqian was silent for a moment, Let's go and deal with the practitioners of the Wu clan. Anyway, they won't die here, they will only be eliminated.

Rong Qing nodded, and the two of them headed towards the Wu Clan's base camp.

But at this moment——

A burly figure suddenly blocked their way. The visitor looked at the woman in purple, seeming a little surprised and a little shocked: You...are Mingyue Qian?

Jun Muqian raised his head and saw the mark on the chest of the person in front of him, which belonged to the Wu clan: Is something wrong?

Fu Shuang felt dissatisfied: You don't know me?

He is number two on the Earth Ranking, yet the ninth person on the Earth Ranking doesn’t even know about him?

Jun Muxian: ...

What kind of people has she met?

Either mentally retarded or narcissistic, she deeply doubted whether there was something wrong with the magnetic field around her.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't know me. Fu Shuang took out a wine bottle and grinned, I originally thought that after seeing you, I would defeat you immediately. After all, I despise geniuses like you the most, it is disgusting.

But now, I've changed my mind.

His smile deepened: I want you to be mine and stay with me well.

Donghuang Taiyi: I understand, I am the one with the least status, humble.jpg


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