The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1064 The Steel Straight Man Muying [1 update]

That's a man.

The man is tall and slender, wearing a red-gold imperial robe and an imperial crown on his head. Pearls and emeralds are flowing down, and he looks noble and noble.

The eyebrows and eyes are usually dull, but the ends of the eyes are deep, and the facial features are three-dimensional and sculptured, and they are extremely handsome.

The man's face was cold, his whole body was full of ferocious aura, and he was so coercive that others didn't dare to get close to him.

In fact, it's not Mu Ying's appearance, but there is a slight resemblance.

Even if Jun Muqian didn't infer that Mu Ying was the descendant of Di Jun, he could definitely tell it when he saw Di Jun.

With such majesty and appearance, only Di Jun can afford it.

He is the emperor of the world and has unparalleled talents.

As if tens of thousands of years had passed, Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly felt sore, weighing as much as a thousand pounds. She suppressed her emotions and shouted again: Brother!

However, Di Jun seemed to have heard nothing and stepped directly onto the steps and walked into the Great Sun Palace.

The flames rolling in from the sky crawled to the ground and disappeared together with the majestic and sacred imperial robes.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Jun Muzhen was stunned on the spot, her eyes were red, and she stared blankly at the direction where Di Jun disappeared, as if all her strength had been drained away, and the sounds between heaven and earth fell silent.

Rong Qing's eyes narrowed. He sighed softly and rubbed her hair: Mumu, he...can't see us.

This is just a recreated world, a replica of the former Lich War, for the Jade Emperor to find the reincarnations of Donghuang, Emperor Jun and Xihe, and to provide a battlefield for millions of cultivators.

What is supposed to happen will still happen and cannot be reversed.

I know, I know everything. Jun Muqian was silent for a long time, raised her head and blinked at the man in scarlet clothes, smiled, and said in a low voice, I just... have extravagant hopes.

Everything she had experienced in the ice and snow fields was still locked in her heart like a nightmare.

Occasionally, I woke up from my dream, and the only words left in my ears were Xiao Qian, walk quickly. In front of me, there was blood dripping and blurry like fog.

The people around her have been protecting her with their lives.

When she was still in Huaxu Continent, Mu Ying was by her side.

Even when she was far stronger than him later, he just raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms, looked casual, and said in a casual tone: Sister is sister, remember, as long as brother is here, sister can always be there. Stand behind my brother.

This is Muying.

Her brother.

Even though there is no blood relationship between them.

It will be fine, Mu Mu. Yuan Shen was connected, and Rong Qing always knew what Jun Mu Qian was worried about. He raised his hand to straighten her hair, We can get them back.

Jun Muxian quickly calmed down and began to seriously think about the plan for this battle: Even if we are in the same camp now, we can't believe that Qingmei, we still act alone.

Since the Jade Emperor wants to find Donghuang, Dijun and Xihe through this battle of conferring gods, then they can naturally intercept the Jade Emperor's plan.

It doesn't matter to her whether she can find Donghuang Taiyi or not.

But Di Jun and Xihe must be found.

No wonder it was just a small battle to confer gods, even the Great Sun Dragon Ao Yue would come out.

Then, Ao Yue must have this purpose.

Now that the Emperor Star has risen, let it continue to rise.

Jun Muxian made a decision quickly: I remember that the Lich War is also related to the hibiscus tree. Qingmei, let's go to the east first.

The hibiscus tree is the habitat of ten golden crows, and it is also the place where Xihe goes every day.

It just so happened that I could also go and meet her sister-in-law.

Naturally, Rong Qing would not refuse, and she slightly twitched the corners of her lips: Okay.

Jun Muqian raised her feet and turned to the west. As she was walking, she suddenly remembered something.

In the past, she had worried about Mu Ying's life-long affairs. She felt that a man with the character of her brother would never be able to find a girl, and she urged her brother to give her a nephew.

Good, she can stop urging now.

She already has ten nephews.

Ten suns, not bad.

Jun Muqian looked at the golden sky in the distance, thoughtfully.

By the way, how do you use her mother-in-law's words to describe a man like her brother?

Straight man of steel.


While millions of cultivators were wandering around in confusion like headless flies, the heaven also erected a mirror to watch the scene in the replica world.

The Queen Mother's eyes were naturally always on Jiang Qingxue. She frowned: Haotian, why did you put Qingxue on the side of the Wu clan?

The territory of the Wu Clan is to the east, and Pangu Dadian also stands there, enshrined by the Wu Clan.

The Jade Emperor looked at the other side and said intently: Yaochi, have you forgotten? In the end of the Lich War, the Wu Clan won a tragic victory. If I assign Qingxue to the Wu Clan, it will be more convenient and she will be more likely to win. .”

That's the truth, but... Queen Mother hesitated for a moment and sighed, Qingxue is still young after all. For her, this kind of ancient battlefield makes me feel uneasy.

Hey. Hearing this, the Jade Emperor sneered, But who among the people who were made gods didn't come all the way from the battlefield? Yaochi, don't spoil her, you will kill her sooner or later.

The Queen Mother was silent now.

The most important thing now is to find Donghuang and the others. The Jade Emperor said solemnly, Otherwise, our days will really be over.

Donghuang Taiyi is the first person among the saints of heaven!

The reason why Donghuang didn't become a saint was because he didn't have the opportunity, not because he didn't have enough cultivation.

In terms of strength, Donghuang Taiyi can even compete with Amitabha, the Taoist guide. How can people not be afraid?

Not to mention, a million years later, even Ao Yue was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The power of the ancient heaven was no longer unimaginable.

The Jade Emperor naturally knew that even among his current subordinates, there were hidden forces from the ancient heaven.

Once you rebel...the consequences will be unimaginable.

This kind of thing can never happen!

Hearing this, the Queen Mother also became fierce: As long as we find one of them, we will go in immediately and kill them.

The Jade Emperor turned his head and looked at the mirror with a heavy gaze: Yes, we must be there before Ao Yue.

Nowadays, the strength of Da Ri Tian Long is too strong, and even he and Yao Chi cannot defeat him together.

After thinking for a moment, the Jade Emperor said to himself: I hope Gonggong and the others can stop him.

It was naturally him who leaked the news about this battle to the gods to the Wu clan.

The Wu clan and the ancient heaven are at odds with each other, so he naturally hopes that they will fight each other so that he can reap the benefits.

As for whether the Wu Clan will cause trouble in the world again, that has nothing to do with him.

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes and showed a smile on his face.


The Great Sun Shrine is a long way from the Fusang Tree, and it would take Xihe an hour to drive there.

Jun Muqian was not in a hurry. Together with Rong Qing, he hid his cultivation until the Mahayana stage and walked at a normal pace.

Anyone who is determined to be on the side of the ancient heaven will have a sun symbol on their right hand, while on the side of the Witch Clan, there will be a divine bow.

This prevents practitioners from the two parties from being unable to distinguish between themselves and local people, causing unnecessary fights.

However, even so, internal strife is completely inevitable.

This time, just like the Battle of Tribulation and Conferring Gods, only 365 people were able to confer gods to heaven.

But now there are millions of people. If you get rid of one more, you will get one more opportunity, so why bother which side he is?

Jun Muqian and Rong Qing had been targeted for a long time. They had only left a stick of incense when four groups of people appeared to attack them, including many earthly immortals and heavenly immortals.

These earthly immortals and heavenly immortals originally thought that the Mahayana stage was very easy to handle, but they never thought that they were actually facing a demon with a physical body that was a heavenly immortal, a spiritual being that was a Daluo Jinxian, and a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level demon. Shaojun.

There was not even a round left before Jun Muxian waved his hand and dealt with it.

As long as it suffers fatal damage, it will be teleported out, judged to be failed, and eliminated from now on.

As for whether he will die or not, it is up to fate.

When other cultivators who were still eager to try saw the purple-clothed woman advancing like a massacre, they all shrank back in fear and chose another target.

Jun Muqian and Rong Qing arrived at the very edge of the ancient heaven, but at this moment!


A loud bang sounded from below.

The ancient heaven was shaken violently.

At the same time, there was an extremely clear click sound, like the sound of some hard object breaking.

Ming Yue Qian, I know you are in the ancient heaven, get out of here right away!

Don't make me say it a second time!

Lord: Emperor Jun and Xihe must be saved, but it doesn’t matter about Donghuang.

Donghuang:? ? ? were offended

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