The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1056 The Command Talisman of Heaven and Earth! Kiss to wake up【2 updates】

The next second, her body flashed and she entered the Hunyuan Bell that she had not seen for a long time.

Although Hunyuan Ling is quite shameless sometimes, Jun Muzhen also knows that without Hunyuan Ling, she would not be where she is now.

Hunyuan Ling has nine heavens, and she has now opened six heavens.

The first sky, Taixiao, contains the spring of life and creation. For the mortal body, it can give birth to dead people, flesh and white bones, and wash the muscles and cut the marrow.

The second sky, Zixiao, is pregnant with small flat peach trees. Its effect is no different from the flat peach trees in the peach garden in heaven that bloom and bear fruit every nine thousand years.

Although it withered once when she extracted the life energy, it has fully recovered now, and the medicine is even stronger than before.

In the third Xiao Langxiao, there is a simplified version of the first killing formation in the prehistoric times - the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

Through repeated training, her practical experience has improved a lot.

Although the fourth Xiao Yuxiao has no treasures, it has the highest concentration of spiritual energy. It is also extremely suitable for growing medicinal materials and can shorten the age of medicinal materials.

Medicinal materials that take a thousand years to mature can mature in ten days in the jade sky.

The Fifth Sky Jingxiao was the most surprising level for Jun Muqian. Each of the ten talismans stored in it was earth-shattering.

Although she has only refined the Yin-Yang Immobilization Talisman, the Five Elements Transposition Talisman and the Chaos Tracking Talisman so far, she has also started preparing for the remaining seven spiritual talismans.

One more of these ten magic talismans means one more life.

The Sixth Heaven Danxiao has countless pill recipes and secret techniques for cultivating spiritual power.

No matter which one of these six heavens is taken into the wilderness, it will be a rare treasure.

Even Jun Muzhen couldn't imagine what would be in the three sky behind.


With a thought, Jun Muxian came to Jingxiao.

Because each of the ten talismans in Jingxiao has a production limit, after the number of productions is exhausted, the light group belonging to this talisman disappears.

Now, there are only seven groups of light left in Jingxiao.

Jun Muqian pondered for a moment, then raised his hand and picked off one of the light balls.

There are also five words floating on this light group - the command talisman of heaven and earth!

The number of times it can be made is three.

The command talisman of heaven and earth is not to command heaven and earth, but after using this talisman, it can borrow Yin soldiers and heavenly soldiers from the underworld and heaven.

Before the power of the soul is exhausted, he can continue to command these Yin soldiers and Heavenly soldiers.

And within this period of time, even if the Ten Palaces of Hell and the Jade Emperor Queen Mother came, they would not be able to control these Yin soldiers and Heavenly soldiers.

Another heaven-defying talisman!

Jun Muqian was very curious about who made these ten spiritual talismans.

However, Lan Yiyue said that he was once a tassel worn by Emperor Wa. Because of the continuous nourishment of spiritual energy, he became self-aware. Later, he was connected with the Hunyuan Bell, left the ancient world, and came to the control of the illusory universe. in the universe.

She roughly understood that the time when Lan Yiyue left was also after the destruction of the prehistoric era and before time went back.

Then the Hunyuan Bell is most likely a treasure belonging to Nuwa Palace.

Could these ten spiritual talismans be left behind by Nuwa?

After all, the spiritual talisman cultivated by the Earth Emperor Shennong was also passed down by Nuwa.

Could it be that Emperor Wa knew that he was trapped and couldn't come out... Jun Muqian murmured softly, That's why he put these things in the Hunyuan Bell...

When her Dantian was shattered and her spiritual roots were dug out, the Hunyuan Bell was able to save her, which shows how powerful she is.

No wonder the brat Lan Yiyue told her that the Hunyuan Bell was the number one divine object in the world.

Let's refine this one first. Jun Muqian flicked the ball of light in his hand, I have to add something to the bet for the Jade Emperor and the Tenth Palace of Hell.

I really want to see how the Jade Emperor will look when she uses the Yin soldiers and the Heavenly soldiers to deal with the underworld and the heaven.

Jun Maqian took the light ball and came to Yuxiao where the concentration of spiritual energy was the highest.

After the small flat peach tree regained its vitality, it returned to the purple sky.

Now in Yuxiao, apart from those medicinal materials, the only thing left is hibiscus trees.

The hibiscus tree is also a treasure that has been wandering in the illusory world since ancient times.

Compared to the original sapling, the hibiscus tree has now grown into a towering tree, with intertwined roots and stems covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

But compared with the habitat of ten three-legged golden crows in the past, the hibiscus trees today are still very small.

You have to grow up well. Jun Muxian stroked the tree trunk and sighed softly, Although I don't know when my brother and sister-in-law will come back...

If the ancient heaven is to be restored, the existence of the sacred tree, the hibiscus tree, is indispensable.

The hibiscus tree seemed to understand and swayed its branches.

Jun Muqian sat down on the hibiscus tree and began to refine the talisman.

At the same time, she also discovered a problem - the Hunyuan Bell would resonate with the Nine Revolutions of Creation Magic she practiced.

Once she performs the Nine-Transformation Divine Art of Creation within Jiuxiao, Jiuxiao will also vibrate.

Coincidentally, every time Jiuxiao opens a sky, her Nine Transformations of the Divine Art of Creation will also advance to the next level. When Jiuxiao opens to the sixth sky, the Nine Transformations of the Divine Art of Creation also progresses to the sixth level.

The first turn of the Nine Transformations of Creation, the Nine Escape Technique.

The second turn is the Eight Thunder Technique.

The third turn, seventy-two changes.

The fourth turn, the Six Gods Curse.

The fifth turn is the Five Elements Yin and Yang Reversal Technique.

In the sixth turn, the soul leaves the body.

Jun Muqian still hasn't figured out who created the Nine Revolutions of the Divine Art of Creation. The mysterious powers brought by these six revolutions have almost nothing to do with it, but each revolution is terrifyingly powerful, and it is even more powerful than a hundred. The head of the family.

This talisman was made overnight.

The next morning, Jun Muzhen was awakened by a knock on the door.

Miss Mingyue, are you up? The owner of the voice was Ji Xuanqing, Wen Hao and I are going to the Heaven and Earth Stone Monument, do you want to go with us?

The Heaven and Earth Stone Tablet is the collective name of Tianbang and Earthbang.

But now everyone knows... Such a battle to confer gods has made the positions of the Heavenly and Earthly Rankings very embarrassing.

Today is when the Battle of the Gods begins, but the time is set at noon. It is still morning and the sun has just risen.

However, some cultivators ran over last night, and even if they had to wait shivering in the cold wind, they still wanted to be the first.

Jun Muqian rubbed the center of his eyebrows and calmed down for a while, then responded slowly: No need, it's still early, you can go ahead.

It took her a lot of energy to make the talisman. There was still some time before noon. It was a good time and beautiful scenery, so she should use it to sleep.

Ji Xuanqing didn't force it: Okay, Miss Mingyue, please pay more attention, Wen Hao and I are leaving.

The next moment, Jiang Wenhao's voice came: Xuanqing, come on, we should pay more attention. Who else dares to mess with Miss Mingyue now without a good eye?

Hearing this, Jun Muxian pressed his head, feeling a little irritated.

It was because of Qinglong Xingguan's words and attitude yesterday that her shabby thatched hut had never been quiet.

Fortunately, she got out of the barrier early, otherwise someone might break in at night.

Kong Xuan has a changeable temperament, and so does Nezha. Now here comes another Ao Yue... She really can't understand the thoughts of these ancient demon gods.

As soon as she said she was going to sleep, Jun Maqian closed her eyes and fell down.

She is not afraid of anyone, at least in the current Kunlun Xu, no one can break the barrier she set up with the power of her soul.

I don’t know who it was for how long, but as she fell asleep, Jun Muxian suddenly felt something was wrong.

Her physical body is very weak, but because she obtained a Tianxin Royal Grass, her physical body's strength is now at least the Xuanxian level. How could she be out of breath?

With her cultivation level, there would be no problem if she didn't breathe for ten minutes, but now she actually felt that her breathing was a little thin.

Jun Muxian turned over slightly uncomfortably, but it became more difficult to breathe.

Damn it!

She opened her eyes suddenly, turned over, and found that there was another person in front of her.

The forehead of the man in scarlet clothes touched hers, and their lips brushed slightly.

There was a bit of hoarseness in the cool voice, as if he was trying his best to suppress some impulse.

woke up?

Jun Muxian stared at the person in front of her for two seconds, then nodded reflexively: Oh, wake up, and you, you are so beautiful...

But as soon as she finished speaking, her head tilted in the next second, and she fell down again, lying on his chest, obedient and quiet, obviously still not awake.

Rong Qing: ...

He pinched his eyebrows helplessly, his eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head.

This time it was not as gentle as before. The gentle breeze and drizzle instantly turned into a violent storm.

Jun Muqian was successfully suffocated. When she saw what Rong Qing did to her, she became suffocated even more. She stretched out her hand to push him: Get off, get off, cough, cough, cough...

Rong Qing let her go: Are you awake now?

Wake up, wake up. Jun Muxian really woke up and was silent for two seconds. Call me when you call me. Can you not use this method?

And, do you want to be so rough?

Actually bit her? !

Otherwise, can you really wake up? Rong Qing paused and frowned, Mumu, you just had a nightmare.

Nightmare? Me? Jun Muqian was startled and hesitated, But... I don't have any impression.

If she really dreamed about something, she just dreamed that she was eating ice cubes. Well... it wasn't ice cubes, it was Rong Qing.

Moreover, she has the Heart's Great Way to protect her, so how could she have nightmares?

That's what I'm worried about. Rong Qing frowned even more tightly, her expression more severe than ever before, Mumu, did something happen after I left?

He watched her enter samadhi, and was always protecting her, preventing all external harm. After confirming that she was correct, he left the East China Sea and headed for Kunlunxu in advance.

Yeah. Jun Muqian didn't hide anything, and changed the things that happened before she ascended to immortality.

Rong Qing's eyebrows gradually turned cold: It is indeed pervasive.

After a pause, he said patiently: It's my fault, I should have been with you.

No, Qingmei. Jun Muqian shook her head, It was clearly summoned by the power of Hongmeng in my body and appeared directly in my consciousness. Even if you are connected to my soul, you can help Nothing.”

She raised her head and said seriously: Beauty Qing, you have helped me a lot.

Rong Qing was silent for a moment and sighed: Momu... I'm still scared.

Don't be afraid. Jun Muzhen patted his back and suddenly became interested, Do you want me to sing you a lullaby? I just learned it!

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian was still very happy: I not only learned lullabies, but also lullabies. Our son must not lose at the starting line.

Hearing this, Rong Qing clenched his fist and covered his lips and coughed lightly: Rong will talk about this later. Let's go to the Heaven and Earth Stone Monument first.

That's right. Jun Muqian jumped out of bed, I don't know when the little beauty will be separated from my soul. I really want to see what our son looks like.

After saying that, she stared at the man in scarlet clothes for a moment.

Rong Qing turned her head: Mumu?

I suddenly thought of a question. Jun Muqian said seriously, You said you were called a little girl when you were a child. Our son must be more beautiful, so what should we do if he is also recognized as a little girl?

... Rong Qing's eyebrows skipped a beat, Then just marry him off.

Seeing that his queen seemed to still have something to say, he interrupted directly: Mumu, I went to Kunlun first not only for the Battle of the Gods, but also to check inside Kunlun, and no Kong was found. Traces of Xuan.”

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed: Have you checked everything? But if senior brother is not in Kunlunxu, where will he be?

She couldn't find Kong Xuan, but Kong Xuan would definitely be able to find her.

Leaving without saying goodbye, something must have happened.

Yeah, so he must still be in Kunlun. Rong slightly nodded, I couldn't find it. I'm afraid there is some sealing formation.

Jun Muqian's expression turned cold: It must be Jiutian Kunpeng!

Shunchu would not kill Kong Xuan, but he could seal him away.

Yuanshi Tianzun sat down again at Shunchu, this must be a conspiracy!

But the Heavenly Saint who pushed them away at the beginning...

I know you must not remember what Jiuxiao is. I misnumbered it earlier and wrote a bug. The fourth sky is Yuxiao, not Danxiao.

I can’t write anything now, let’s just make up my mind_(:з」∠)_

Then ask for votes~ Xiaoxiang’s monthly ticket red envelopes are still going on

One hundred votes plus one update!

Today’s update is complete, good night~

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