The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1054 Who are you looking for? Sun Wukong? 【2 more】

As soon as these words came out——

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe their ears.

What did Qinglong Xingguan say?

They definitely heard wrong!

Even though most people don't know the hierarchy of the heavenly gods, they don't need to think about it. They definitely know that the status of the Star Official is higher than the so-called niece of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor.

After all, the star official holds real power, what can his niece do?

The eyes of everyone looking at the woman in purple suddenly changed, from awe to fear.

Who is she that can let Qinglong Xingguan help her like this?

Moreover, this Qinglong Star Official was clearly here to slap Jiang Qingxue in the face, otherwise why would he come out at this time?

Everyone murmured in their hearts, very confused.

Jiang Qingxue's face turned pale, her body swayed, and she almost fell.

Her expression was one of disbelief, as if she had been punched in the face. She immediately made a fuss and the blood on her lips faded completely.

The immortal officials kneeling on the ground were already paralyzed with fear and were trembling all over.

He was one of the thousands of immortal officials responsible for this Battle of the Gods. He was very inconspicuous, but he had also gone through a training camp before he came down to earth, and he had been given strict instructions on some things.

Although this time the Battle of the Gods was led by the Jade Emperor on the surface, it actually involved many giants in the Three Realms, and various forces had a hand.

Since the Tao Liang tribulation hundreds of thousands of years ago, the long-dormant Human Sect, Jie Sect, Chan Sect, and Western Sect have all moved.

So, there are a lot of people not to mess with.

But the one that should not be messed with the most is the Dainichi Shrine.

Ao Yue, the Great Sun Heavenly Dragon, is the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

Even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother could not defeat him together.

If Ao Yue had not been interested in the position of the Lord of Heaven, Hongjun would not have sent Yaochi and Haotian to take over Heaven.

The immortal official was about to cry. He raised his hand and started to slap himself. While doing so, he cursed: I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I deserve to die...

Everyone else was frightened, except Jiang Wenhao, who was extremely excited: Miss Mingyue, I really misjudged you. You actually have such a strong backing. How did you know Qinglong Xingguan?

To a mortal like him, Qinglong Star Officer was a mythical figure!

Jun Muqian shook his head: I don't know him.

She had just arrived in Honghuang not long ago, and she only knew Kong Xuan and Nezha by name.

Jiang Wenhao was shocked: Miss Mingyue, you don't even know Qinglong Xingguan, but he's talking to you. If you did, wouldn't you be flying into the sky?

Jun Muxian: ...shut up.

She looked at Qinglong Xingguan in confusion and frowned.

She heard what Qinglong Xingguan said - to announce something for my lord.

But this is even more strange. She and Ao Yue have never had any intersection. Even if Mu Ying is the Emperor of Heaven, he is still reincarnated. How can they be involved?

Jun Muqian recalled the blood-red dragon she and Rong Qing met in the East China Sea. The look in his eyes seemed familiar...

Why did Ao Yue send Qinglong Star Officer to protect her?

Miss Mingyue. Just as he was thinking about it, Qinglong Xingguan turned his head and looked at her again, Is there anyone you don't want to see?

Although the attitude is not flattering, it can be called respectful.

Jun Muxian also knew that now was not the time to ask questions, so she raised her eyebrows slightly: Someone you don't want to see?

Qinglong Xingguan smiled: My lord, if Miss Mingyue doesn't want to see these people, then just let them all go out.

Hearing these words, other onlookers panicked, and the situation suddenly turned one-sided.

It's all Jiang Qingxue's fault. If she hadn't deliberately been looking for trouble, would such a thing have happened?

Harming others and harming yourself is really not a good thing.

What kind of fairy is she? If she is really of good character, Master Qinglong Xingguan will come out to slap her in the face?

Jiang Qingxue was so angry that she was trembling with anger. She raised her head suddenly, gritted her teeth and sneered, with a stern look and a deep look on her face: Ming Yue Qian, you'd better not do anything that you will regret!

Jiang Qingxue, screw you! Someone came to support him, and Jiang Wenhao was naturally no longer afraid. Our Jiang family was really deceived by you. If you had this temper, you would have been slaughtered ten thousand times.

Jun Muxian: ...

How did she discover that she had the potential to be a hottie?

Jiang Qingxue's eyes were scarlet, and she stared at the woman in purple: Ming Yueqian, talk to me! Do you dare to say that you don't want to see me?!


Why does this always happen?

She was obviously the one with the highest status, but he hit her with the head of the stick at the most critical moment, so that she couldn't find her direction.

The beauty is so beautiful, the bright moon is so bright.

Her dislike for Ming Yue Qian was already the same as Rong Mu's.

She must get rid of these two people!

Oh? Jun Muqian slowly turned his eyes, Did I forget to tell you that there is nothing in this world that I dare not do?

After a pause, she smiled: Besides, I am really narrow-minded, especially towards people like you.

Jiang Qingxue's face turned pale, but she was still holding on: Ming Yue Qian, you...

Jun Muxian stopped looking at her and said calmly, Now, it's your turn to get out.


The situation turned so quickly that everyone was caught off guard.

Qinglong Xingguan opened his fan and smiled: Did you hear that? Don't let this person in.

The immortal official's face was ashen, how dare he disobey: I will obey Lord Qinglong's order.

He stood up tremblingly, walked to Jiang Qingxue, smiled apologetically and said, Miss Qingxue, look...

Jiang Qingxue's face changed again and again, from white to red, and then from red to green, and she cried out of anger.

Grievance, anger, resentment and many other emotions surged into her heart, almost causing her to collapse.

Jiang Qingxue didn't have the nerve to stay here any longer. She covered her face with her sleeves and attracted a cloud. Before flying away, she said what she thought was a harsh word.

Just wait for me!

This scene was fully visible to the man in the distance.

He withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and dropped a chess piece with a calm expression.

This is the top of Kunlun, the coldest place in the wilderness.

The white fog is vast and there is wind and snow.

Nezha sat cross-legged in front of a table carved from ice and snow, looked at the man opposite him, and frowned: Why are you suddenly concerned about other things?

In the impression, Ao Yue didn't even care about her own affairs.

He originally wanted to take care of her, but before they separated, Jun Muqian told him not to help her until the Battle of the Gods was over.

Hearing this sentence, Ao Yue pondered for a long time, and then suddenly asked: What does it feel like to fall in love with someone?

Nezha was stunned by the question, and Baozi's face suddenly turned red: How do I know this?

Before his physical body became a saint, he also had a bad fate. Although he did not enter reincarnation, he died once. After shaping the lotus body, he participated in the Battle of the Gods. After the Battle of the Gods, he was ordered to guard the Nantianmen.

All you can see are clouds and wind all day long, so where can I have the leisure time to go see a girl?

It wasn't like there weren't fairies showing their admiration to him, but he really didn't have any interest.

Forgot. Ao Yue raised her eyes and paused, You are still just a child.

Nezha's face turned green and he gritted his teeth: Don't force me to beat your dragon's tendons or peel off your skin.

Well - Ao Yue said calmly, but you still can't beat me now.

Nezha: ...

Is there anyone here to kill him?

Nezha said coldly: If I hadn't been reincarnated, I might be better than you now.

He just suffered the loss of time.

Well, be good. Ao Yue didn't raise her head this time. She didn't know what she was thinking, I'll talk about it after you get stronger.

You... Nezha laughed angrily, I can't defeat you, can't I find reinforcements?

Is this coaxing tone teasing him?

If he hadn't followed his master's advice, he would still be a man now!

Oh? Ao Yue poured a glass of wine and said in a calm tone, Who are you looking for? Sun Wukong?

Nezha snorted coldly: No, I'm looking for Kong Xuan. Monkey and I are a million years younger than you. Are you embarrassed?

Kong Xuan... Ao Yue fell silent.

The wind and snow slipped between his brows and eyes, coating them with a layer of frost. Even more cold.

Nezha glanced at the foot of Kunlun Xu Mountain and changed the topic: Are you coming out this time for His Majesty?

He would never address the Jade Emperor as His Majesty. The only ones he could address were Dong Emperor and Emperor Jun.

Yes. Ao Yue sneered softly, Haotian thought what he did was very hidden, but he didn't know that it had already spread among the innate demons.

Tsk. Nezha shrugged, He has always been stupid. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of years ago, he would not have been beaten to the point of being unable to fight back even though his cultivation level was so much higher than that of a monkey.

After a pause, he looked solemn and asked seriously: When will His Majesty return? Will your star officer count the time?

Ao Yue's movements paused.

Ah ah ah ah I really want to go out for a walk o(╯□╰)o

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