The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1052 Give your face to the Lord [3 updates]

They were two young men, one angry and the other calm and peaceful.

This appearance also impressed Jun Muzhen, but she didn't think of it after thinking about it for a long time.

But just because she didn't recognize it doesn't mean others didn't recognize her.

The angry young man suddenly waved excitedly, extremely excited: Hey, Miss Mingyue! Miss Mingyue!

Still know her?

Jun Muxian was stunned for a moment, and the two young men were already walking towards her.

Nezha crossed his arms, raised his eyebrows, and looked up at her: How many names do you have?

Jun Mu Qian silently calculated: Including the titles, there may be more than a dozen...

Nezha: ...

He gave in.

Miss Mingyue, what a coincidence. The young man was so happy that he just said, I can see you here. We are so destined.

Jun Muqian looked at his dog-legged appearance and finally found a name in her memory: Jiang... Wen Hao?

Hey, that's right. Jiang Wenhao became even more excited, It's me, it's me, Xuan Qing, did you see it? I'll tell you that Miss Mingyue must still remember us.

Jun Muxian: ...

To be honest, I have forgotten it.

Ji Xuanqing was also a little surprised. He cupped his fists and said, Miss Mingyue left in a hurry that day, and Xuanqing didn't say thank you yet. I'm really happy to see her here this time.

Jun Muqian was much more impressed with Ji Xuanqing. She nodded slightly: Have you recovered from your injuries?

Yes. Ji Xuanqing smiled, Thanks to the girl, otherwise I would have no chance of practicing cultivation in my life.

No need to say thank you. Jun Muqian shook her head, Without you, I might have died.

This is wrong. Miss Mingyue, you are a very lucky person, how could you die? Jiang Wenhao glared, Even if we die, you will not die.

With such a big leg, he had to hold it tight.

Jun Muqian glanced at him and said nothing.

When Jiang Wenhao was about to say something, he was interrupted by a voice: Don't stand here, blocking my sunshine.

Jiang Wenhao was stunned, and after searching for the voice for a long time, he discovered that there was a one-meter-tall boy next to the woman in purple.

The boy was wearing clothes made of lotus leaves, with red lips and white teeth, black hair, and a faint glimmer of light flowing on his skin.

Jiang Wenhao was stunned for a moment.

Ji Xuanqing also saw it. He hesitated to speak: Miss Mingyue, you...

But Jiang Wenhao was outspoken and blurted out: We haven't seen each other for almost a year, and you already have a baby?

He even flattered the girl who didn't hit the right spot at all: Hey, she's growing up pretty fast. She's so cute. Look at her facial features. She's really exquisite. What's your name?

Jun Muxian: ...

Nezha: ...

Seeing that Nezha seemed to have the urge to explode, Jun Muzhao kicked him out: Shut up.

Jiang Wenhao didn't even dare to scream, and covered his mouth desperately.

Ji Xuanqing quickly came out to smooth things over: Miss Mingyue is also going to Kunlunxu?

Yes. Jun Muqian nodded and raised his eyes slightly, Did Dayin also receive the news?

Isn't it? Jiang Wenhao couldn't hold it back and spoke out in one breath, I said that I was only in the golden elixir stage and that I would die if I came here. However, the Jiang family still sent me here. I don't know what they were thinking. I said there is already a Jiang Qingxue who has ascended to immortality, what else can others get?

Jun Muxian looked at him: Jiang Qingxue?

Miss Mingyue doesn't know? Jiang Wenhao was a little surprised, Jiang Qingxue went back to the Jiang family just yesterday, and she was already able to Fengxu Yufeng. I think she is at least an immortal.

Jun Muqian chuckled: The speed of cultivation is really fast.

She knew without guessing that Jiang Qingxue must have entered a space where time accelerated.

Otherwise, with Jiang Qingxue's qualifications and character, it would be impossible for her to ascend to immortality within half a year.

It seems that Jiang Qingxue is determined to win this battle to become a god.

Oh, yes, Jiang Qingxue is not yet twenty-five years old this year, and she is already an immortal. Jiang Wenhao sighed, I guess she will definitely be able to successfully become a god.

Ji Xuanqing also spoke at this time: Jiang Qingxue is indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Jun Muqian didn't say anything, and said calmly, It's our turn.

What happened next went very smoothly. The four of them passed through the teleportation array and arrived at Kunlunxu, which is more than 100,000 miles away from Hopeless City.

As soon as they came out of the teleportation array, Jiang Wenhao and Ji Xuanqing shivered from the cold and almost fell to the ground.

Jun Muxian didn't feel anything, and neither did Nezha.

Both of them are playing with fire. This is nothing until they reach the foot of Kunlunxu Mountain.

The distance is covered with snow and ice.

Oh, it's's so cold. Jiang Wenhao's body trembled, It's so cold in this place, why did you choose such a place?

Ji Xuanqing's cultivation level was higher, and now he had adapted to it. He took out a red pill, handed it to Jiang Wenhao, and took one himself.

After feeling a little better, Jiang Wenhao continued to flatter him: Miss Mingyue, where did you abduct such a beautiful doll from?

Jun Muqian was speechless: I advise you to say less.

I won't tell you if I don't tell you. Jiang Wenhao took another look and sighed, The little girl is so beautiful.

Hearing this, Nezha, who had been silent all this time, glanced at him sideways, and then waved to him.

Jiang Wenhao was a little puzzled. He knelt down and asked curiously: Are you going to shake hands with me?

The next second, he was knocked away by a fireball.

After a scream, he hit a snowdrift.

Nezha clapped his hands and put his arms behind his head, with a look of boredom hanging on his brows and eyes: It's so noisy.

Jun Muxian: ...

Now she didn't even know whether to sympathize with Nezha or Taiyi Zhenren.

Sorry. Nezha looked at her and pursed his lips, I can't control it anymore.

He has never had a good temper, and it is even worse now that he is younger.

It's okay, you can fight. Jun Muqian said calmly, Some people won't change unless they are beaten.

Jiang Wenhao finally crawled back: ...


This time, there is no minimum cultivation limit for the Battle of the Gods, and more than a million people can gather together.

The Heavenly Court was also well prepared. When Yi's decree was issued, it had already ordered people to build a huge manor in the east of Kunlunxu, enough to accommodate 10 million living beings.

Jun Muqian came relatively late. When she arrived at the manor, most of the houses were already occupied.

There was a Xuanxian-level immortal official sitting at the door of the manor. He looked very impatient and was allocating houses.

When it was her turn, the immortal official raised his head and glanced at her. He was stunned for a long time before returning to normal, and his expression softened a bit: Cultivation.

Jun Muqian said: The Mahayana period.

Anyway, no one stipulates that you can't hide your strength.

You can only live in ordinary houses during the Mahayana period. The immortal official took out a token and said, To the east, find the room according to the numbers above, the next one.

Jun Muqian didn't care and walked in. At this moment, a cold female voice rang out: Wait a minute -

Seeing the sudden appearance of the woman in white, the immortal official was shocked and quickly stood up and knelt down: I have seen Miss Qingxue.

I want the house to the east. Jiang Qingxue glanced coldly at the figure of the woman in purple, Bring me the token back.

Yes, yes, yes. The immortal official didn't ask any more questions and shouted loudly, Come out, don't go in yet. Did you hear what Miss Qingxue said? Leave the token.

Jun Muqian paused, turned around, and raised his eyebrows slightly: What did you say?

She deeply suspected that Jiang Qingxue had been waiting for her here all this time, and that's why he came out at this time.

What did I say? The immortal official was very impatient, I asked you to return the token as soon as possible. Why are you talking so much?

Jun Muqian didn't move, her eyes were light, but she didn't give Jiang Qingxue a single glance.

Jiang Qingxue couldn't bear this kind of neglect. She fell down from the auspicious clouds, looked at the woman in purple carefully, and suddenly smiled coldly: Dhayana period, your cultivation is really good, if you put it in Penglai... you are still an elite. I am a disciple, but coming to participate in the Battle of the Gods is far from enough.

What Miss Qingxue said is true. The immortal official said flatteringly, Compared with Miss Qingxue, what is the Mahayana period?

This is the person the Queen Mother personally told them to take care of, so they can't neglect it.

Jun Muxian remained silent, but didn't move either.

However, if you really want to live there, it's not impossible. Jiang Qingxue's lips curled up and she smiled arrogantly, Do you want me to give you a house?

As long as you kneel down and beg me, I will have enough to satisfy your request.

It's a bit laggy, there is only one update left of the promised four updates, I will update it in a few days_(:з」∠)_

I really don’t have any manuscripts saved, so I write every day o(╯□╰)o

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