The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1050 Real name, Jun Muqian [1 update]

The universe of illusions!

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank, and his expression changed instantly.

A person from the prehistoric era was injured in the illusory universe. The injury was serious and he was still alive. It was definitely not the deity who went there in person, but his clone!

Immortal, spirit and jade!

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly turned cold.

At that time, she only knew that the fairy jade was not its true body. Its true body was in the prehistoric times, and it should be a high-ranking demon god. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have the ability to come to the illusory universe.

The witch clan is really amazing. A clone of the ancestral witch was able to hide in the illusory universe for hundreds of thousands of years, and was reincarnated as the eldest princess in the immortal realm, without even the immortal emperor noticing.

If it weren't for Tianyu and her father-in-law and mother-in-law, in terms of top power, there would be no comparison between Illusory Daqian and Anhuang.

After all, the two universes were born at different times, and there is an insurmountable gap of millions of years.

Jun Muqian recalled the three ancestral witches Di Jiang, Qiang Liang and Zhu Rong she had met in Wanling Continent. At that time, she estimated that their cultivation should be in the realm of transformation, which was the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But now it seems that the Twelve Ancestral Witches, as the demon gods transformed by the soul after Pangu's death, can tie up with Donghuang, Dijun, and Xihe during the Lich War. Their strength should be at the level of Daluo Jinxian, or even the peak of Daluo Jinxian. !

Moreover, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have no spirit, only consciousness. As long as the consciousness is immortal, they can be resurrected after death. Their vitality is extremely tenacious, and they are simply like cockroaches that cannot be killed.

The illusory universe has been invaded, and the prehistoric world will not be much better.

What else is there? Jun Muqian suddenly increased the strength in her hands, her eyes full of anger, Say it all together!

No, it's gone! The white-haired mouse trembled in fear, Female Bodhisattva, please spare my life. I swear, I just catch a few people here to eat occasionally, and I have never done anything else that is harmful to nature. This is what the empress ordered, please be kind to the female Bodhisattva!

It kowtowed its head desperately, trembling all over, and the fear in its heart grew bigger and bigger.

Its talent is not good. Although the rat demon is not to the point where the demon demon screams for beatings among the demon clan, its status is not high. It is still at the bottom of the food chain. It does not have enough to eat on weekdays, let alone the cultivation resources. .

It finally relied on the blessings of the empress to survive the ninety-nine tribulations, transform into a human body, and occupy the land here as a king.

At first it didn't dare to eat people for fear of incurring sin.

It heard that it had an ancestor who was the same type as it, and it was also a white-haired mouse, and was finally beaten to death with a stick.

The white-haired mouse no longer even dared to tremble, for fear that it would soon follow in the footsteps of its ancestor.

Jun Muqian fell into deep thought and began to filter all the information about the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Witch Clan in her memory.

After the creation of the world, the prestige of the Twelve Ancestral Witches was not low, because they were transformed by the soul after Pangu's death, and they were also respected by the acquired demons and all races in the ancient world.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches also made a lot of contributions to the prehistoric times. At least before the Lich War, the Witch Clan was a peaceful race.

But why it becomes like this now, the reason cannot be found yet.

It is impossible for a male to be called a queen, and among the twelve ancestral witches, there is only one female.

The ancestral witch of earth is the descendant of earth.

If we say who is the most righteous among the twelve ancestral witches, it is Hou Tu.

Houtu is the second female demon god besides Emperor Wa who is revered and revered by all races in the prehistoric times. She is honored as The Queen of Houtu and is also called the Mother of the Earth.

The prestige of Queen Mother Yaochi is not as high as that of Hou Tu.

Jun Muqian also absolutely did not believe that Hou Tu would do anything that would harm the prehistoric world.

But the fact is before our eyes, the essence of the fairy jade is the ancestor of earth, Wu Houtu.

It is true that at the level of Daluo Jinxian, the clones can be completely separated from the main body, and each has its own personality, but in the final analysis, it will still be controlled and influenced by the main body.

The clone is another microcosm of the original body.

As he thought about it, Jun Maqian was suddenly startled.

Only then did she remember that Hua Li had told her that Xian Lingyu had always wanted to practice the path of great love, but later on, because of the inner demons entering her body, she became more and more crazy and went to extremes.

If there were no inner demons like these, it would really be possible for Xianling Jade to cultivate the path of great love in the end.

Isn’t it possible that great love is not Hou Tu’s purpose?

But once the inner demons come and are not controlled, everything is destroyed.

From this point of view... maybe the root cause is not in the witch clan at all, maybe even the twelve ancestral witches are just pawns to be manipulated and controlled.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were the first innate demon gods to be possessed by inner demons!

So far, what she has seen is only the tip of the iceberg. There are more disasters buried under the vast ocean, like poisonous snakes waiting for opportunities, which may float ashore at any time and swallow the entire wilderness.


Jun Muqian fell silent for a moment, forgetting that Nezha was still being steamed in the steamer.

The other rat demons finally recovered from the shock and fear. They glanced at the rat king who was still entangled with the seven-star moon whip. After swallowing, they turned into their original forms with a squeak and prepared to Dig a hole in the ground to escape.

When the disaster was approaching, the couple still flew away separately. They didn't want to risk their lives.

However, this idea simply did not lead to action.

Because there was a sudden explosion from the huge steamer, and it exploded with a bang.

A bright flame shot up into the sky and swept the entire cave in an instant.

The rat demon that was so close was burned to pieces without even letting out a scream.

When the rat demons on the fringe saw the small figure in the fire, their eyes widened in horror: Three, Mrs. Three...

Before they could finish speaking this thunderous title, the tongue of fire swallowed them up.

In just one breath, there was not a single living goblin left in the cave.

Nezha held a spear and walked up to the white-haired mouse.

Clang, Clang was heard twice, the spear rotated, the blade of the gun opened, flames immediately spurted out, and with a swish, the white-haired mouse was wrapped up.

Fire tip gun!

The white-haired mouse stared and fainted with fright.

Even if it has never seen the famous Third Prince Nezha, how could it not know about the Fire Point Spear?

Jun Muqian came back to her senses and looked at Nezha, who was only one meter tall, holding a 18-foot-long fire-tipped spear: ...

She burst into tears when she saw it. Master Taiyi really bullied a child!

Jun Muqian asked: Lingzhuzi, your weapon can't shrink automatically?

No. Nezha shook his head, It can be turned into a pair of guns, but it's inconvenient to hold.

Jun Muqian understood.

Nezha can only use the dual-gun form of the Fire-Pointed Spear when it has three heads and six arms.

A small little mouse demon at the level of a true immortal can't even use its three heads and six arms.

I heard what you just said. Nezha looked at the white-haired mouse on the ground coldly, Sure enough, there is collusion with the Wu clan.

Jun Muqian's eyes deepened: Maybe the Wu clan is also the scapegoat.

Huh? Nezha raised his head and frowned, How do you say this?

Let's not talk about it for now. Jun Muzhen sighed, Obviously these mice don't know anything about it, and there's nothing we can do if we ask.

She tightened the whip in her hand and strangled the head of the white-haired mouse.

The last rat demon also died.

Jun Muqian raised his hand, released a wisp of Chaos Fire, and completely cleaned the entire cave.

The inner demon is not a living creature and does not need to be parasitized. The aura of the inner demon in this cave must be completely eliminated.

Nezha held the fire-tip spear and did not move: Whether the Wu Clan is the scapegoat or not, they have done a lot of wrong things. This time, people from the Wu Clan will go to Kunlunxu.

I know. Jun Muqian turned around and spoke in a solemn tone, a promise, I will not let their plan succeed.

Hearing this, Nezha looked at her deeply: I don't need to know why you hide your strength, nor do I need to know that you even have innate spiritual treasures. I just need to know whether you have the same purpose as me. .”

Jun Muqian was startled, then smiled: My purpose is to protect and save people, but it may not be as great as your purpose, Lingzhuzi, and I...can't be that great.

That's enough. Nezha waved his hand and put away the flame spear, This is enough.

Others are not important.

He suddenly looked at the woman in purple and said seriously: Since we are comrades on the same front, can I know your real name?

Jun Mu Qian was slightly startled, but he actually answered: Mu Qian, Jun Mu Qian.

Jun Muqian...jun... Nezha raised his eyes, With such a surname, you don't want to be great, but you have to.

Oh? Jun Muzhao lifted Nezha up with one hand and moved quickly, Why, does this surname have any special meaning?

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