The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1038 Rong Qing: Isn’t he just a child? 【1 update】

Except for the saint of heaven, there is no second possibility.

Even the strongest Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot possibly have such strength.

Jun Muqian did not exaggerate her estimate. She and Rong Qing joined forces and Jiutian Kunpeng Shunchu could be trapped for a while.

Although Jiutian Kunpeng is not a phoenix, it is born from Yuanfeng after all. When he sees the fire of Nirvana, he will be in awe.

As long as there are enough things, it is completely possible to force the whereabouts of Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan also told her that he and Shunchu didn't get along, and they often beat each other to death. However, no matter how serious the injuries were after the beating, they would continue to fight the next time they met.

Jun Muqian didn't believe that Kong Xuan and Shun Chu could explain it so quickly, and Shun Chu appeared just when the Fire of Nirvana couldn't sense her senior brother.

I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go.

But now, even if she returns to Kunlunxu, Shunchu will not wait for her where she is.

With Jiutian Kunpeng's speed, he might have flown hundreds of thousands of miles.

Jun Mu's eyes were dark, with a hint of violence.

She was sent back like this without even realizing it.

She also felt clearly that the person who took action was really just blowing a breath.

This is the saint of heaven who controls the reincarnation of life, death and reincarnation!

But who could the Six Saints of the Ancient World and the Taoist Hongjun be?

Jun Mu Qianzai carefully considered all the information just now, and finally had to admit that she had no clue at all.

The voice did not distinguish between men and women, it was very neutral, and it was obviously deliberately concealed.

There was no emotion or anger in his tone, and she couldn't even judge the person's purpose.

But when she thought that Kong Xuan might encounter something unexpected, Jun Muxian was still a little irritated, and the anger in her heart became stronger and stronger. It swept over him in an instant, and her body was shaking.

Although they only got along for a dozen days, her senior brother was really kind to her.

Mumu, calm down. Rong Qing held her shoulders, looked down at her, and sighed, This is not your fault.

He always knew what she was thinking.

Maybe it started from the life of Illusory Great Thousand.

She couldn't save the owner of the Mirror Moon Palace, the disciples of the Mirror Moon Palace, or her life-and-death friends, she could only watch them die.

She was even thinking that these people died because of her.

Until now, she still couldn't save Fu Feng or Fu Su, and the whereabouts of Mu Ying and Ling Yin were even more unknown.

She could never save those around her.

Although this is not a demon, it is still a knot in the heart.

She armed herself to be invulnerable and invulnerable to all poisons, but when she cut through the hard exterior, she still had an ordinary soft heart inside.

It was not you who made your comrades die, it was the Seven Sects and Yun Luoran; it was not you who made the Wanling Continent collapse, it was the present Great Desolate; it was not you who made Master Shiqi and the others trapped in the endless purgatory, it was not you. There is someone behind the scenes in the Wu clan. For the first time, Rong Qing said so many words at once, his voice became softer and softer, None of this is your fault, Mu Mu, let's find the truth together, okay?

Jun Muqian raised his head in confusion and met those double eyes that had been facing each other for who knows how many days and nights.

There was real worry and deep love in his eyes, which were dark and dark, but did not hide the glimmer of light at the bottom of his pupils.

Like a beacon lit in the endless darkness, it illuminated her unknown and confused path and guided the direction.

Even if there is no way forward, he will always be there.

After being silent for a long time, Jun Muqian lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: I know, but I still feel guilty. Sometimes I still think that I am really useless.

She thought that as she became stronger, she would be able to protect those around her, but the reality was that she was always one step behind.

Why are you useless? Rong sighed softly, wiping away the tears at the end of her eyes little by little with her fingertips, Without you, Wanling Continent would have been destroyed as early as when Di Jiang and the others invaded. Without you, I wouldn't have survived; without you, who could have come to the wilderness to save them?

Unexpectedly, he would say this. Jun Muxian was stunned for a moment: My dear beauty, you obviously...

As if he knew what she was going to say next, Rong Qing interrupted her: Mumu, are you still blaming yourself because I blocked death for you?

Jun Muqian nodded silently.

If she also had the ability to predict, she really wouldn't bet with Rong Qing.

But in fact, you taught me how to love others. Rong Qing raised his arms and hugged her, And, didn't mother say it? Without you, I might not have been able to be born in this world.

After a pause, he continued: I don't have the seven emotions and six desires. After all, it will be difficult for me to achieve greatness and reach the top of the universe. But with you, these are all solved. You are also protecting me, aren't you?

His voice became softer and softer, with a strong soothing power.

Jun Muxian finally calmed down, and she took a deep breath: Yes, I can't be trapped by these negative emotions. We still have to find the truth now.

Yes. Rong Qing smiled silently, And Mumuda doesn't need to worry. The person who sent us back before is not hostile at all even if he is not a friend.

Jun Muqian thought for a moment and realized instantly: Is this senior saving us?

Rong Qing nodded and said calmly: Kunlun Xu may have quite a secret. We can't go deep into it now. Kong Xuan will not die and nothing will happen to him. This can be guaranteed.

There is no sign of a decline in luck in the prehistoric period. Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is the support of the prehistoric one. Even if he is dying and seriously injured, the law of heaven will first punish the person who did it.

Okay. Jun Muqian sighed, Since you are back, let's hand over the tomb to Yan Ting first to see if the Emperor of Earth has left any clues that can force the three emperors to die. I'm afraid the Wu Clan It’s more than just inner demons.”

As she spoke, light burst out in her eyes again, extremely bright, shining like the sun, and firm: If the Wu Clan dares to hurt anyone, I will not hesitate to destroy the Wu Clan.

Yeah. Rong Qing felt relieved and rubbed her head, Together.

For the first time, Jun Muxian felt a little awkward about his action: Don't treat me like a child.

Isn't that a child? Rong Qianqian smiled slightly, You are not even twenty now, and those who are thousands of years old are considered children.

Nonsense! Jun Muqian snorted coldly, Didn't you listen to what mother said? I was born when you were born. You should call me aunt. If I were a human at that time, what else would you have? thing.

Rong Qing: ...

Nothing more to say.

However, when such admiration was normal, he would rather she quarrel with him more.

After the couple discussed the plan, Bian first went to Yan to listen.

As for Kunlun Xu, when Shunchu saw the two people in front of him being suddenly pushed away, the smile on his lips finally faded away, leaving no trace of it.

He didn't use his spiritual sense to check his surroundings, because he knew that he wouldn't find anything at all.

Although there is only a thin line between Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the saints of heaven, the difference is fundamentally greater than the difference between heaven and earth.

Who could it be?

Shunchu was also thinking about this issue, and the more he thought about it, the more solemn his expression became.

He realized he had been careless.

I thought that all the saints of Heavenly Dao had retired to the three realms. Even if he went to see Yuanshi Tianzun, it would not be easy. He would attack Kong Xuan without any scruples before.

Now it seems that everything that happened in the Ten Thousand Years Ice Cave was seen by another person.

But this person didn't stop him.

This is very strange.

He knew that Kong Xuan was a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi, Amitabha was the senior brother of Patriarch Bodhi, and Taishang Laojun was indifferent and caring about the world. If these three people were involved, they would definitely take action.

It can't be Tianzun, Tianzun asked him to do this.

What he said to Kong Xuan was also false, just to make Kong Xuan lose his fighting spirit.

It can't be the leader of Tongtian, right?

This one is indeed surly and unpredictable.

Although the leader of Tongtian is not the strongest among the Three Pure Ones, the magic weapon he possesses definitely ranks first!

Shunchu was slightly confused and couldn't figure it out.

After stopping in place for a few minutes, he transformed into his original form, left Kunlunxu in an instant, and flew away.

In the wind and snow, a sigh fell.

younger brother……

Why bother...


At this time, a round ball was rolling in the Penglai Palace of the Penglai Mountain Palace.

Roll from the east of the hall to the west of the hall, and then roll from the south of the hall to the north of the hall.

What’s confusing is that this round ball can also talk.

Apprentice, oh, apprentice! The ball shouted as it rolled, Apprentice, my master has difficulty moving now, don't run away!

But there was no response to Yuanqiu's cry, so he could only continue: Apprentice, come here quickly and help me find out what is going on?

After hearing these words, a figure in front of the ball finally stopped.

# The young beauty who also serves as the Lord’s inner mentor #

Taiyi Zhenren: Disciple, save me and become your teacher!

Nezha: (ruthless) Don’t touch me


There are a lot of things going on these days, and I’m still busy away from home. I’ll update more in a few days when I get home~

_(:з ∠)_I can only stay at home.

Happy New Year, babies!

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