The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1035 What Tianzun said will not be false [New Year’s Eve Prize]

Kong Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face, which had always been cold and stern, suddenly became more fragile.

As soon as my mother died, the fire of Nirvana disappeared. Shunchu looked at him with interest, You also know that the reason why the Phoenix clan can be reborn in Nirvana is because of the fire of Nirvana.

After a pause, he suddenly realized: Oh... you may not have any impression. After all, you no longer grew up in the Immortal Volcano, so you don't know that newly born baby phoenixes need to be baptized by the fire of Nirvana. In this way, we are the real phoenix.”

As he said that, Shunchu took a step forward and looked directly at Kong Xuan, his eyes fierce: But after the fire of Nirvana is gone, do you know what will happen to these young phoenixes and young phoenixes?

Kong Xuan's fingers suddenly tightened, and his lips moved. When he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and it was very difficult to pronounce the words: It's...what?

All died in infancy! Shunchu suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the hem of Kong Xuan's clothes. Veins popped out on his hand and asked coldly, You know I watched so many lively little birds turn into cold corpses. How do you feel when you have bodies lying on the ground one by one, but there is nothing you can do?

I... Kong Xuan's face turned even paler, I didn't... mean it.

He had no idea about these things.

He was also weak and sick when he was born, and was taken back to the Nuwa Palace by Emperor Wa to start training. By the time he was able to travel around the world, the Phoenix clan was no longer alive.

Of course, of course you didn't mean it. Shun Chu shook his head repeatedly and sneered, Because at that time, you were enjoying yourself under the protection of the empress. You survived, but there were more young phoenixes and young phoenixes. Died because of you.”

He pressed his fingers harder, and then asked: Why are you still alive?!

Hearing these words, Kong Xuan's throat tightened. After a long while, he said: If possible, I would rather die myself.

No wonder, when he went to the Immortal Volcano as an adult, only the elderly elders were left, and there were no newborn phoenixes at all.

The Phoenix clan has the lowest reproductive rate among the three ancient clans. Only by joining forces with the Qilin clan can they be able to defeat the Dragon clan.

There are no ifs! Shunchu suddenly raised his voice, If you wanted to save them, you shouldn't have been born! Your mother gave birth to you because of the five elements' spiritual energy entering her body, and all of this was just an accident!


After a long silence, Kong Xuan asked softly: Is this the reason why we fought when we met before the Lich War?

What? Shunchu smiled, Didn't you hit me later too?

Kong Xuan fell silent again.

It was after the Lich War, and it was only after he returned from the lower plane that he learned about the second calamity from Ancestor Bodhi.

After learning that it was his brother who stole the Hetu Luoshu from Di Jun's hand, which led to the defeat of the ancient heaven and the numerous casualties among the demon clan, he could not forgive Shun Chu at all.

Whenever they meet, there will be a fight.

But just a few days ago, his master told him that no matter how resentful he was, Kunpeng was his only relative, and they should share weal and woe.

He really thought about it seriously, and also thought that after his junior sister reached the level of true immortal and went to Xieyue Sanqing Cave, he would go and talk to Kunpeng.

But he didn't expect that Shunchu also had the same hostility towards him.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that the reason why I came here is because of the order of Tianzun. Shun Chu curled his lips and smiled suddenly, Tianzun is a saint of heaven, and he has more insights. You know Tianzun What did you hear in this call?

Kong Xuan looked stern: What?

Tianzun said - Shunchu smiled lowly, It's an injustice.

Kong Xuan's body suddenly shook: Injustice?

Of course it's an injustice!

Really... Kong Xuan was silent again, Since it was said by Tianzun, it is naturally true.

His eyes look at the past, and his palms arise and pass away.

He has followed Patriarch Bodhi for so long, so he naturally understands the mysteries of heavenly saints.

Therefore, there is a saying in ancient times - If you don't become a saint, you will end up as an ant!

But after millions of years, there were only seven saints of the way of heaven in the ancient times. Hongjun's body was in line with the way, and he was far above the other saints of the way of heaven. Therefore, he was not affiliated with the six saints of the ancient times.

When he was in the Western Paradise, he had fought against Tathagata, and he also knew that Tathagata's strength had definitely reached the peak level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and could even withstand several attacks from the saints of heaven.

But it is clear that he is only one level behind, and Tathagata has not yet become a saint of heaven.

It seems that there is an insurmountable chasm between Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and the Heavenly Saint.

You asked me why I came, and I can tell you now - Shun Chu's voice was cold, I was ordered by Tianzun and at the call of my mother to come and get rid of you, an unworthy descendant of the Phoenix Clan, in order to sue the entire world. The Phoenix Clan’s spirit in heaven will make my mother’s resentment dissipate!”

Before he finished speaking, his spiritual power gathered instantly, and the strength of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian exploded instantly, sweeping across the entire Ten Thousand Years Ice Cave.

Shunchu raised his hand: Brother, I won't show mercy this time.


The wind and snow were silent and silent.

The whole mountains and rivers are covered with snow and white is flying.

Since the Battle of the Gods, Yuanshi Tianzun retired to the three realms, and Yuxu Palace has been idle. Kunlunxu has become the territory of the Queen Mother Yaochi, and is also a place where many immortals worship.

There are even emperors in the mortal world who come here to look for the elixir of immortality.

Rumor has it that an emperor received a message from the Queen Mother, and finally succeeded in seeking medicine and ascended to immortality.

It's just that the weather is too cold now, and the Queen Mother's palace is empty. Not even a bluebird can be seen, and naturally there won't be anyone else.

At this time, on a mountaintop that was thousands of miles away from the Ten Thousand Years Ice Cave, a ray of light fell with a swish sound.

The light dissipated, revealing two figures.

Senior brother is flying too fast. Jun Muqian glanced around and frowned, He has the blood of Yuanfeng, so we can't catch up with him at the moment.

Even if Kong Xuan is not as good at flying as Shun Chu, he still has wings.

Moreover, Rong Qing's cultivation level has not been completely unblocked, and he is now inferior to Kong Xuan.

What's more, everyone has their own strengths. A strong defensive power does not mean that the offensive power is also at the top.

This is the complete Kunlun Xu. Rong Qing nodded and said in a light voice, The one we saw in Wanling Continent was actually worn out a lot in the universe. The real Kunlun Xu is ten times as big as that one.

So big? Will Zhen Yuanzi be here? Jun Muqian looked slightly stern, He is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. I asked my senior brother that his cultivation level is at least that of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Even if Wanling Continent is destroyed, he should be able to survive.

Rong Qian shook his head slightly: If Zhen Yuanzi was smart, he wouldn't come here.

Yeah... Jun Muqian sighed quietly, Whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun, the former master of Kunlunxu, or the current master, the Queen Mother, there is a lot of suspicion. I can even be sure that there must be someone supporting the Wu clan behind the scenes. Yuanshi Tianzun.

But whether he is the only one, I don’t know.

We have to find senior brother first. After thinking about it, Jun Muqian added, Although the phoenix cry is true, I always feel a little uneasy.

Why is it Kunlunxu?

This feeling was as if someone knew that Kong Xuan was nearby and happened to let him hear it.

Rong Qing pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: Mumu, did mother tell you that she was a phoenix for a period of time?

Huh? Cough cough cough... Jun Muzhen was really shocked, What?

What does it mean that her mother-in-law has been a phoenix for a while?

However, this phoenix is ​​not the prehistoric phoenix, because it does not belong to the same universe. Rong Qing said, But there are similarities. I know the phoenix relatively well.

After a pause, he continued: After my mother controls the illusory universe of heaven, she can create anything.

Rong Qing raised his hand and held it in the air.

A wisp of crimson flame slowly rose.

Feeling the response of the fire of chaos, Jun Muzhen blurted out: The fire of Nirvana?

That's right. Rong Qing nodded, Mom also knew that the fire of Nirvana disappeared because of Yuan Feng's death, so she directly gave me a kind of fire and asked me to bring it.

Jun Muqian remembered that he had also used the Fire of Nirvana when he was in Wanling Continent: It turns out that my mother gave it to me.

Yes. Rong Qing responded, Mom asked me to use it for self-defense, but I hadn't recovered my memory about the Tianyu at that time, so I didn't remember it.

Great. Jun Muqian clapped her hands and whispered, In this way, with the fire of Nirvana, you can sense the aura related to the Phoenix.

Today is New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year to all the babies!

There is an extra update today!

My baby also asked me about my health via QQ, thank you for your concern, it’s nothing serious~

As an old habit, I will give you a prize by leaving a message today. It is 88 coins per person, which is not much. I just hope that this year will be safe and healthy!

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