The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1032 My child, I am your mother [2 updates]

The Jade Emperor touched his beard, suddenly frowned and asked, Is your master also in the mortal world?

The young man pondered for a moment and nodded slowly, with still no unnecessary expression on his face.

The Jade Emperor remembered what several immortal officials had reported to him, and could only say: It's better to stay away from your master recently. The real person is refining new elixirs.

Fortunately, it was not from his Heavenly Court, otherwise the entire Heavenly Court's alchemy system would have been in chaos under the leadership of Master Taiyi.

When the time comes that the adults have become babies, he will have no place to cry.

After hearing these words, the young man's eyebrows twitched slightly, and a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes. He cupped his fists lightly and said, Thank you for your advice, Your Majesty. I will take my leave.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand.

After the young man finished his salute, he moved and disappeared instantly.

Other heavenly soldiers are still stationed at Nantianmen for strict protection.

The Jade Emperor stood with his hands behind his hands, frowning at the white clouds and smoke in front of him, and thought: We still have to discuss countermeasures with Yaochi. It has become more and more uneasy recently.

They have contacted the underworld and stepped up their investigation. Several months have passed in the underworld, but there is still no trace of Donghuang, Dijun and Xihe.

The six paths of reincarnation are also the same as before.

But the Jade Emperor was not at ease at all.

He has been in this position for too long, nearly a million years, and it is impossible for him to give up.

But he also knew that Donghuang, Dijun and Xihe were the truly recognized Lords of Heaven. If they really came back, he would definitely abdicate.

Otherwise, his and Yaochi's titles would not be just Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, but Emperor of Heaven and Queen of Heaven.

Chaos Bell... The Jade Emperor suddenly remembered that this Chaos Bell was still placed in Kunlun Xu Zhong.

The Chaos Bell is the companion treasure of Donghuang Taiyi, and it will remain silent even after the death of Donghuang.

It is said that there is a ray of Donghuang's soul hidden in this Chaos Bell.

But he asked Yuanshi Tianzun about this matter, but the answer given there was that there was no such thing.

Oh, it's getting more and more chaotic... The Jade Emperor sighed, walked away, and hurried to find the Queen Mother.


At this moment, Jun Muxian is still going through the tribulation.

There are nine paths to the Nine-Nine Tribulations, and each one will be stronger than the last.

The Forty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation and the Sixty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation are nothing compared to the Nine-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation.

And there is a time interval between each thunder tribulation. The longer the interval, the stronger the thunder tribulation will be.

Kong Xuan frowned, his eyes tightly locked on the silent calamity clouds in the sky: It's been the time of one stick of incense.

The ninth thunder calamity has not come down yet.

The previous eight thunder tribulations were separated by only a few seconds at most, and they were already so powerful that they were very frightening.

If other people at the peak of the tribulation stage were standing within the range of the tribulation cloud, the first thunder tribulation would be enough to blast them into pieces.

After watching the previous eight thunder tribulations, no one dared to step forward and die.

The top masters who followed Xue Ziwei stared blankly at the purple-clothed woman suspended in mid-air, and couldn't help but swallow.

The thunder calamity that was born in a few seconds was so powerful.

The time for this stick of incense has passed, but there is still not...

Baima Yi's teeth were trembling, his expression was horrified, and he tried hard to convince himself: Xue, Brother Xue, she is definitely not going through a tribulation. I suspect that there may be some treasure that was born and she happened to sense it, so it became like this.

Even a nine-tailed fox would never be able to withstand such a powerful thunder tribulation!

This is simply not something that living creatures can stop!

Hearing these words, Xue Ziwei's expression softened a bit. He thought about it for a while and responded: Yes, if her ninety-nine calamities are so strong, then the calamity after she ascends to immortality will only be more severe. powerful.

It is true that the better the talent, the stronger the bloodline, and the stronger the thunder disaster, but the way of heaven will not give a certain death situation.

We can only wait. Zuo Yuan's face was still livid, But Brother Xue, I have to tell you in advance that after sending her to the Demon Slayer Pavilion, I will pay at least 20% of the reward.

He is self-aware, Xue Ziwei is clearly here for the demon clan, and his cultivation level is not as good as Xue Ziwei's, so it is not easy to get a piece of the pie.

It's easy to talk about. Xue Ziwei said with a smile, stroking his hands, As long as Brother Zuo contributes, the reward will definitely be indispensable.

The implication is that you cannot be a deserter.

Zuo Yuan snorted coldly and glanced coldly at Su Yu who was holding Ge Xiaoxuan.

It's all his fault that these siblings try to find trouble for him.

Seeing that there was no way to stop or take action, these powerful people on the ground list could only wait quietly.

But when the third pillar of incense passed, seeing that the last thunderstorm had not yet fallen, the faces of Xue Ziwei and others changed wildly.

Even Kong Xuan could not maintain his composure: What's going on? Are there only eight thunder tribulations?

He didn't know the rules of cultivation in the mortal world, so he could only ask Rong Qing.

It's Jiu Dao. Rong Qing's eyes deepened, It's just that it hasn't been condensed yet.

He promised that Mu Mu would be fine, but he didn't expect that the last thunder tribulation of the Nine-Ninth Tribulation would take so long to accumulate.

The sky was extremely calm. If the black clouds hadn't dispersed, everyone would have thought it was back to normal.

But this silent silence can cause more panic.

The necks of Xue Ziwei and the three of them were sore. After waiting for a while, they still didn't see any movement.

Something's wrong. Kong Xuan's voice deepened, I also observed the eight lightning tribulations experienced by my junior sister earlier. Although they were all separated by time, there was no warning when they fell.

Why was his junior sister's nine-nine-fold calamity so weird?

Rong Qing also stared at the sky.

He knew that thunder and lightning would not only cause no harm to Mumu, but would also be a kind of nourishment.

For other cultivators, when going through the ninety-nine tribulations, they need to be protected by formations, spiritual weapons, fairy weapons, and Yuanling stones, so that they can die from exhaustion of spiritual power when resisting the thunder tribulation.

But this kind of thing is nothing to worry about for Jun Muqian. She doesn't need to absorb the spiritual energy from the Yuanling Stone, and can directly use the power of heaven and earth in the thunder tribulation for her own use.

In this way, her cultivation level was still rising during the tribulation.

Rong Qing narrowed her eyes: It's the middle stage of Mahayana.

Looking at the posture of the ninth thunder tribulation, after Mu Mu has passed through, his cultivation level is likely to soar directly to the upper stage of Mahayana!

Ascension to immortality is not far away.

Only after becoming immortals did they initially have the power to fight against heaven.

Kong Xuan murmured: This is as perverted as my junior brother...

Although the world is silent, at this time, the practitioners in the spiritual tomb all feel that there is a force gathering from the depths of the sky, climbing towards the extremely high peak.

Looking at the increasingly dark sky, Kong Xuan looked solemn and said in a deep voice: This will be an unprecedented ninety-nine calamities that will never be seen again.

Rong Qing raised his eyes, still calm: It'll be okay.

He's there.

After dozens of seconds passed, finally!


This last thunderstorm crashed down with energy that had been gestating for nearly an hour.

With a stab sound, the space was torn apart, overwhelming, like a roaring dark dragon, slashing down hard!

Just by looking at it, you can feel the power of this lightning disaster.

But Jun Muxian didn't react at all, because before the thunder disaster fell on her, the soul attack came first!

Jun Muqian only felt his body sway, and a soft call came to his ears.



She frowned and opened her eyes. What came into view was the woman who had appeared in the depths of her consciousness twice before.

The first appearance of a woman made her know what her own power was.

At this time, the woman was caressing her face lovingly, with a pair of clear eyes shining brightly, and a look of distress on her face.

After a long while, she choked with sobs: My child, I am your mother.

My child, it's too painful. Mom will take you out of here so you don't have to suffer like this again.

Her voice was full of sadness, and her eyes were full of tenderness that belonged only to a mother.

Leave with mother.

Jun Muqian lowered his eyes: Leave?

The woman's voice was softer: Mom was unable to protect you before, so she turned you into Hunyuan Qi and sent you to Wanling Continent.

But now, mother can protect you.

Jun Muqian raised his head, but his expression was very calm, without even the slightest fluctuation.

She looked at the woman indifferently, hooked her lips, and smiled wantonly: Why, God doesn't know what kind of avenue I am cultivating?

Hearing this, the woman was stunned for a moment, a little macaque.

Jun Muqian chuckled: I don't know what my relationship is with her... But the real her, no matter how much she loves me, will never let me back down.


The moment the words came out, there was a crisp sound, and the woman's whole body shattered.

Jun Muzhen suddenly opened her eyes and smelled the smell of roasted meat.

She looked down and looked stunned.

so close.

Fortunately, the inner demon did not trap her for a second. If she had woken up one step later, her body would have been chopped into pieces by the last thunderstorm.

The most different thing about the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, the Four-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation and the Sixty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation is that the thunder tribulation can also attack the soul.

Inner demons have nothing to do with the strength of the soul. They are pervasive and will manifest what the cultivator fears and wants most in order to destroy the mind.

Only those with a strong will can survive it.

But with the great road of heart to protect the body, Jun Muxian is not afraid of any inner demons.

She has a persistent pursuit of her life experience, but she doesn't care whether she can find out.

But being invaded by inner demons at this time may actually be fatal.

Nothing can ruin her beauty!

Jun Muqian glanced at his burned arm, his eyes turned cold.

Immediately she raised her hand, and as soon as she spoke, it was almost like an order: Disperse!


Buzz buzz!

Although the power of the thunder calamity was still there, the calamity clouds in the sky trembled violently as if they were controlled by something.

Within a moment, light broke through the ink cloud and fell on the ground.

Jun Muxian said again: Disperse.

With this sound, even if Mo Yun was still holding on, he had to disperse.

After the calamity clouds dispersed, what was still revealed was the dim sky.

The last thunderstorm was silent before it came, and it became even more silent after it came.

And when Jun Muqian's cultivation reached the peak of the Mahayana stage, someone also made a breakthrough.

No, it is not a breakthrough, but a restoration of the original cultivation level.

Kong Xuan's eyes sharpened and he looked at the man in scarlet clothes: You...

If he hadn't felt any threat from Rong Qing before, he did now.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

There is such a strong master in the illusory universe? !

Rong clenched his fingers slightly and frowned slightly: It's still too weak.

In order to prevent Wuliangjie from noticing his existence, his mother only left him less than 10% of his cultivation base at the beginning.

Now, he has only recovered 20%.

The realm between Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is even more obvious. Forty percent of the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at its peak is equivalent to that of an early stage Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Jun Muqian slowly raised his head, his eyes locked on Xue Ziwei and others who were completely stunned.

She raised her hand again and smiled slightly: Why don't you try my thunder and lightning?

There was another stab sound, and a hole opened in the closed spiritual tomb.

The opening is not big, but you can still vaguely see the outside world.

Looking from below, you can also see Kunlun Xu in the distance.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan didn't bother to question Rong Qing anymore. He was also shocked on the spot: Master, where did you get your apprenticeship...

Even Taiyi True Immortal may not be able to tear apart an independent space.

His little junior sister was torn apart. Although it was small, it showed how terrifying her attainments in space law were.

Xue Ziwei and others were speechless. The huge pressure made their livers and gallbladder burst, and they were frozen in place by fear. Their legs were shaking, but they could not move.

Just when Jun Muzhen was about to summon Taiyi Thunder, suddenly——


A phoenix cry suddenly exploded in my ears.

Jun Muqian suddenly raised her head and looked at the hole that she had torn open with the power of her soul, and her pupils shrank slightly.

The phoenix emerges from Kunlun!

This omen is...

I have been working very hard on updating, but there are really too many things to do, and I have to run around everywhere these days o(╯□╰)o

Babies, please pay attention to safety and don’t go out if you can.

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