The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1028 Don’t let the little beauty become stupid [2 updates]

The cultivators who can rank in the top fifty on the Earth Ranking are all above the level of Tribulation Transcendence.

There are many people who have survived the ninety-nine tribulations and entered the Mahayana stage.

The top thirty on the Earth Ranking are all strong men in the Mahayana period.

Seeing Zuo Yuan speak, Ge Xiaoxuan smiled proudly: Are you stupid? You deserve it! You were lucky enough to defeat Brother Yu because Brother Yu saw that you were a woman and let you go.

Her expression became even more contemptuous: But Brother Zuo is different. Brother Zuo is at the peak of the Tribulation Stage! He can crush you to death with just one finger!

Why was her Tianxin Royal Grass taken away? She was going to let this arrogant person spit it out to her.

Well - Jun Muqian nodded slightly, You seem to have said something similar to this.

Remembering what she had said before, Ge Xiaoxuan's face changed, she was choked, and there was a look of shame and annoyance on her face: What do you mean? Did I say something wrong? Of course Brother Zuo can crush him with one finger. you!

Before Jun Muqian could speak, the peacock king who was protecting the calf snorted coldly, and the pressure gradually grew: You are just a small person who has reached the peak of the tribulation period. I thought you were the saints of heaven.

In fact, Kong Xuan had no idea about these cultivating classes in the mortal world and the Mahayana stage of transcending tribulations. He had just made up for this part of his knowledge.

After all, as the son of Yuan Feng and the number one peacock in the world, Kong Xuan had the strength of Taiyi True Immortal as soon as he was born.

He still has the blood of Yuan Feng in his bones, and he is used to being arrogant. He will kill anyone who stands in his way.

Except for Patriarch Bodhi, King Peacock Daming was really not afraid of anyone.

Hearing this voice, Ge Xiaoxuan realized that there was someone else. She glared angrily, but at this glance, she froze.

In less than half a second, she blushed, very shy, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito, This, this young man...

Jun Muxian choked at the sound of Young Master.

Cough cough cough...

It was also a fault that Ge Xiaoxuan didn't know who was standing in front of her. If she knew, she didn't know whether she would be able to say anything.

You deserve to be called Young Master? Kong Xuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he swung it away like a cold blade, Who are you calling Young Master disgusting? If you want to call him, you can also call him ancestor.

He doesn't kill women, but a fool can kill many.

Ge Xiaoxuan raised her head in shock: What did you say?

Jun Muxian couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, Kong Xuan at this time was the Peacock Ming King.

Beauty Qing, it's a good thing you're wearing a mask. Jun Muqian whispered, Otherwise, I think people would faint as soon as your beauty comes out.

Rong Qing's eyes were soft and her voice was light: Yes.

Kong Xuan heard this sentence just after being slapped in the face: ???

Is his junior sister hurting him or praising him? are bullying others too much! Ge Xiaoxuan was so angry that she cried. She stamped her feet, Brother Yu, look at them!

Xiao Xuan, please say a few words. Su Yu's face didn't look very good either. Our goal is to get back the Tianxin Royal Grass, and don't cause any more trouble.

Brother Su is right. Zuo Yuan said coldly, Sister Xiaoxuan, you can rest assured that I will definitely help you get your Tianxin Royal Grass back.

As he said that, he took a step forward, still coldly saying: What's the point of just being quick with your words? Only by fighting can you see your true skills.

Ge Xiaoxuan was still feeling aggrieved, and after glaring at the woman in purple, she hid behind Su Yu and stopped talking.

Jun Muxian didn't look at Ge Xiaoxuan, her eyes stopped on Zuo Yuan for a second, then turned her head and raised her eyebrows at Kong Xuan: Senior brother, do you know what it means to wait and see?


Only then did Kong Xuan realize that his junior sister had completely defeated a peak Daluo Jinxian before, and she did so with extremely cruel methods.

A person at the peak of the Tribulation Stage came to the door, which was completely unsatisfactory.

Kong Xuan choked: Junior sister, you really can't hold your teeth while waiting for this rabbit.

It doesn't matter whether it can be inserted between the teeth. Jun Muqian shook her head and smiled, As long as it can solve the pain of my itchy hands.

Kong Xuan was speechless: Junior sister, if you want this kind of rabbit, I can make a nest for you.

After saying that, he gave Rong Qing a provocative look at the side.

Rong Qing saw it, but pretended not to see it. He stood aside calmly, without any movement or words, but it could not be ignored.

Thank you, senior brother, but I don't have anything to do with the domesticated rabbit. Jun Muqian waved his hand, I just like the rabbit that bumps into the tree.

Kong Xuan shrugged: Your preferences are really unique.

Zuo Yuan's face turned livid when he heard this. He endured it, but in the end he couldn't hold it back anymore and roared angrily: Bold!

These two people dared to call him a rabbit!

Ge Xiaoxuan was stunned by Zuo Yuan's sudden anger, but then she gloated: You are really capable of making Brother Zuo angry.

Although Zuo Yuan has a bad temper, he never loses it. This is the first time.

Zuo Yuan was really angry. He gasped heavily: Hand over the Tianxin Royal Grass and I will spare your life.

Hearing this sentence again and again, Jun Muqian became impatient. She slightly raised her eyelids and said, Either fight or get out.

Kong Xuan took a few steps back with a wink, just enough to let him see the majesty of his junior sister.

How brave! Zuo Yuan laughed angrily and shouted, I don't think you will shed tears until you see the coffin!

He raised his hand, placed it on his chest, and slowly made a seal: Do you know what I, Zuo Yuan, are called?

Jun Muqian did not answer, her eyes were slightly lowered, but she saw a faint thunder and lightning flashing in the seal. Could it be...

At this time, Zuo Yuan had already told the answer, and he sneered: Thunder King!

As soon as these five words came out, Ge Xiaoxuan immediately cheered: Brother Zuo is awesome!

However, there was silence for a long time on the other side.




Kong Xuan pointed at Zuo Yuan and looked at the couple: Actually, he is also a fool, right?

Jun Muqian thought deeply: Obviously.

Mumu, stay away from people like this in the future. Rong Qing said calmly, Disinfect after the injection to prevent our son from being infected.

Kong Xuan: ???

What son?

Zuo Yuan didn't hear what the three people said. He only saw the smile on the lips of the woman in purple, and his expression immediately darkened: What are you laughing at?

Among the cultivators outside the Earth Ranking and those ranked behind him, who wouldn’t be frightened upon hearing his order as the King of Thunder and Thunder?

No, I just... Jun Muqian stopped smiling and raised an eyebrow, I think it's really funny.

Zuo Yuan's mysterious power is actually related to thunder and lightning?

It was really beyond her expectation.

For cultivators, there are two things that they fear the most on the path of cultivation - sky fire and sky thunder.

But unfortunately, the fire and thunder were useless to her.

Presumptuous! Zuo Yuan was completely angered, I think you are looking for death!

He moved his hands quickly, and with a buzz sound, streaks of lightning suddenly burst out from his palms.


The tiny lightning bolts gathered together in the air, and in a blink of an eye, a large black cloud formed, covering the yellow sand sky above everyone's heads.

Sizzle, sizzle!

The lightning kept getting bigger, and in an instant, there was thunder in the clouds, as dull as a bronze bell, and a storm was coming.

Flower display. Kong Xuan glanced at it with an indifferent expression, It's just flashy and really rubbish.

Why is he called the King of Thunder and Thunder? Have you asked the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother for their opinion?

But Ge Xiaoxuan and Su Yu were shocked by Zuo Yuan's hand and stared blankly at the sky.

Brother Su and I, Zuo Yuan, are different. We don't care about women. Zuo Yuan showed a cold smile and waved his hand downwards, Go!


Thunder suddenly fell from the clouds and headed straight towards the people below, but the three people below did not move.

Jun Muxian even yawned, looking relaxed.

Seeing this, Zuo Yuan became even more angry: Let's see if you can still laugh after a while!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud boom, and the thunder hit the woman in purple hard.

Ge Xiaoxuan was overjoyed and cheered: Brother Zuo, you are so powerful, you can do it with just one move...

What happened next was impossible to say.

Ge Xiaoxuan looked at the woman in purple who was still unharmed after the smoke dissipated, and was in disbelief: This is impossible!

Zuo Yuan was also stunned, unable to believe his eyes.

Is this the end? Jun Muzhen's clothes were not messed up, You, the king of thunder and lightning... are a bit weak.

The last four words triggered Zuo Yuan's anger: Weak? Are you really looking for death! Come on!

After saying that, he waved again.

Swish, swish, swish!

This time, what fell was a series of thunder.

The sound was so powerful that it shook the heaven and the earth.

Ge Xiaoxuan's face turned pale with fright: Brother Zuo, what kind of trick is this? It's not much different from the six or nine heavenly tribulations I once overcame.

Heavenly tribulation is definitely a cultivator’s nightmare.

Zuo Yuan laughed ferociously: Die completely!

In the past two days on the train, the updates will be more unstable, but the amount will not be small.

Good night~

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