The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1024 Lord: The Emperor of Heaven is my brother? ! 【2 more】

Oh? Kong Xuan was surprised, Little junior sister, do you still know him? There is indeed him. His strength is not much worse than mine.

He sighed deeply: After all, I am also the eldest son of Zulong, and no one will compete with him for nutrition.

He is also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Jun Muqian looked slightly stern: The Great Sun Heavenly Dragon is so powerful, why don't you proclaim yourself the emperor?

With such strength, even the heavenly gods and immortals would not be Ao Yue's opponent.

Because of loyalty. Kong Xuan shrugged, not caring much, Ao Yue is a dragon. Although he has a cold personality, as long as anyone is kind to him, he will repay him wholeheartedly.

His father didn't want him, but Donghuang saved him, and Heavenly Emperor gave him a family. He will only guard Heavenly Court.

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with memories: I played with him before. Who told him to be the mortal enemy of Kunpeng?

He sighed again: But after the Lich War, I never saw him again. He was so rigid that he sealed himself in the Great Sun Palace and didn't come out far away. He was really stupid.

What kind of favor is it worth paying for so long?

Jun Muqian recalled the long red dragon he saw on the East China Sea when he went to Penglai.


If he hadn't sensed the return of the Eastern Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor, how could Ao Yue have left the Great Sun Palace?

Jun Muqian raised his head and asked, Senior brother, can you figure out when Donghuang and the others will come back?

I don't know about this. Kong Xuan said, Little junior sister, you also know that the great path I have cultivated is not the path of prophecy. It can be calculated accurately. How high are my attainments in the path of prophecy?

However, I see Haotian is so anxious, the time must not be far away.

I hope... Jun Muqian finally relaxed a little and murmured, I can go faster.

She always remembered that her sister-in-law was a reincarnator.

Based on all the clues, she could now conclude that her sister-in-law must be the reincarnation of Queen Xihe!

So who else could her brother be?

Except for the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun, there will be no one else worthy of being sacrificed and saved by Heavenly Queen Xihe.

But Donghuang Taiyi...

Jun Muqian frowned, suddenly startled.

Based on this calculation, could the other power in her brother's body come from Donghuang? !

Two brothers actually share the same body?

But Cangyue also said that her brother and sister-in-law were not in the hell, so where did they go?

Kong Xuan raised his hand and shook it, a little confused: Little junior sister, junior sister?

Jun Muqian suddenly came back to her senses, touched her forehead with her hand, and was surprised to find that she was covered in sweat.

I'm fine, I just thought of other things. She was silent for a moment and then asked, Senior brother, does he know who in this ancient world has cultivated the way of prophecy?

She always thought that as a guide to the world of divine predictions, Ying Zijin should practice the way of prophecy.

But after she asked Ying Zijin about this matter, she got a negative answer.

Ying Zijin said that she did not practice any great way. If she did not need spiritual power to extend her life, she would not even want to practice.

Lord Jun had deep suspicion that there was a reason why she was so lazy. She must have been led astray by this woman.

Is this way of should be gone now. Kong Xuan pondered for a while, But it existed in the past. Have you heard of Ksitigarbha?

Is it him? Jun Muzhen was surprised, I thought he should be cultivating a path related to Buddhism or great love.

Although the Way of Prophecy does not have any offensive capabilities, its power in battle is huge.

She had already experienced this a lot from Ying Zijin.

Before she even made a move, Ying Zijin knew what her next move would be, which was sometimes impossible to fight.

But she also had a way to stop it, which was to empty her mind so that Ying Zijin couldn't figure it out.

Not only that, the way of prophecy has been practiced to the extreme, and even countless calamities can be calculated!

Predict all things in the sky and detect future operations.

Therefore, the way of prophecy can be so powerful that it can rank seventh among the three thousand avenues!

No, no. Kong Xuan waved his hand, He has a pet named Di Ting. Together, the master and servant are really good at calculations. I have been fooled.

But little junior sister, you may not know that Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha went somewhere before the Battle of the Gods.

Jun Muqian humbly asked for advice: Senior Brother, please make it clear.

As soon as he ran away, the world was in chaos. Kong Xuan was very pleased, Hey, junior sister, you also know that he was responsible for converting those souls, so the mortal world was in chaos at that time, and basically all the wandering souls ran away. .”

It's okay if you're kind-hearted, but some of those who died unjustly went on a killing spree.

This incident naturally alarmed Haotian, but it also frightened him. He hurriedly selected a few of the local officials in the realm and asked them to manage the realm.

It lasted for ten years before the world finally stabilized.

Jun Muqian understood that this was similar to what she had heard.

But no one knows where Ksitigarbha has gone. Kong Xuan frowned, He has already practiced the way of prophecy. If he wants to hide, I'm afraid the queen may not be able to find him, not to mention the three thousand lower planes. Not easy.

When I was still the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he was already the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. With such strength, even if he goes to other universes, he is also a top master.

Jun Muqian also frowned: So why did he suddenly abandon the earth and leave?

Ksitigarbha's vow is that he will never become a Buddha until hell is empty!

Who would know this? Kong Xuan said calmly, then paused, Junior sister, have you noticed...

His eyes were sharper, but his voice was lowered: Since the first calamity of dragon and phoenix, the prehistoric era has been in chaos.


Jun Muqian's heart trembled: I wonder what senior brother thinks?

At that time, I was not born, but I heard a lot from Master. Kong Xuan said softly, A long time ago, not long after the creation of the world, there were no human beings, and there was no such thing as a heaven. The Eastern Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor are still inside the egg.

After hearing the last sentence, Jun Muqian's serious expression almost stopped.

Master and empress, as saints, follow Taoist ancestors to preach everywhere, and they have no time to govern the affairs of the three realms.

This sky is controlled by my mother and the Phoenix Clan.

Dragons rule the scales and control the oceans.

The Phoenix rules the birds and controls the sky.

Qilin rules the beasts and controls the earth!

Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin were the real masters at that time.

Later, my mother and two other uncles died one after another, and only then did the Donghuang accept the will of the Taoist ancestors to govern the world. Kong Xuan continued, From then on, all the races in the prehistoric era were brought under their control, and they were called the 'monster race'!

His tone suddenly changed: But in the ensuing Lich War, the ancient heaven was disintegrated again, and a new controller was added. After the Battle of the Gods, Master and his uncle left the West again... Little Junior Sister, Do you understand?

Jun Muqian nodded: Every time a calamity is measured, is it to replace the ruler of the ancient world?

It's not just a simple replacement. Kong Xuan's eyes were sharp, After learning that the empress was imprisoned today, I suspect that Liang Jie is just to make these demon gods like us die, so that the prehistoric world will one day collapse. .”

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold.


Didn't the ancient world completely collapse after hundreds of thousands of years of the Battle of the Gods?

It collapsed to the point that even the saints of heaven died one after another, and the entire universe was almost destroyed.

But who used the time to turn back time and forcibly gave it more than 120,000 years?

this person……

I still doubt-- Kong Xuan said coldly, They say it's a calamity, but it's actually just man-made.

The calamity was brought down by the way of heaven, and Hongjun could not change it even if he used his body to conform to the way.

I also feel what Senior Brother said. Jun Mu smiled lightly, But if there really is such a person... Senior Brother, we can't afford to offend him.

More than I can't afford to offend? Kong Xuan sneered, I just want to see if the fourth calamity will come, and how many more innate demon gods can be killed. If such a day comes, I will take it. Even if my life is on my side, I have to figure it out!

The words contained unabashed arrogance and arrogance, as well as the supreme majesty of the devil.

Senior brother, you can't talk nonsense like this. Jun Muqian's eyes changed slightly, You also said that Donghuang, brother... and the Emperor of Heaven are coming back, and maybe the prehistoric era will return to normal.

Even Emperor Wa is in trouble, and the current prehistoric era is really in chaos.

Let's see. Kong Xuan calmed down, Why can they come back...

At this point, he didn't say any more.

He stopped talking and walked silently.

Jun Muqian sighed.

She knew what Kong Xuan wanted to say - why couldn't Yuan Feng come back?

It took a full hour to complete this long, dark road.

At the end of the road, there is a stone monument.

Jun Muqian looked up and saw an illusory ball of light about the size of a fist floating in front of the stone tablet. It was blue and green, and flames could be vaguely seen jumping in it.

Is this the tomb-suppressing spirit? Jun Muqian walked in and squatted down, Qingmei, come and take a look, there seems to be something else.

When Kong Xuan heard this, he felt unhappy: Little junior sister, why didn't you call me?

Uh... Jun Muqian paused.

How to say this?

She was used to it, and compared to her senior brother, she was definitely closer to her beauties.

Rong Qing glanced at a certain peacock, walked forward, and lightly wrote four words.

Because it's more beautiful.

Kong Xuan: ...

I've been working on plots recently, which is more difficult to write, and the amount of information is a bit large. If you don't understand, you can read it a few times~

Good night!

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