The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1018 The Lord tortures the scum! Depressed Peacock【Winner List】

He had previously looked on with a cold eye because this matter had nothing to do with him.

His current cultivation level is only at the Xuanxian level, and he has not yet fully cultivated the Buddha body and reached the realm of true compassion.

Only those who have cultivated to the level of Taiyi True Immortal can be regarded as true Buddhas.

But things are different now. Although the levels of the Western Paradise are not as strict and distinct as those of Heaven, they still have a fundamental system.

The Formless Buddha knew very well that he was just an ant in front of the Peacock King. Not only would he not resist, but he would also try to please him.

He was now glad that he had not offended this human woman, otherwise he would have gone to see the King of Hell immediately when King Ming was angry.

Jun Muqian pinched her chin: Is it so magical?

Rong Qing responded: This tomb should have imitated the practices of some immortals. Some immortals like to refine caves, but when the caves are too big, they will refine the spirits of the caves to control the caves.

This tomb-suppressing spirit seems to have the same principle.

Jun Muqian nodded.

She had long discovered that this tomb was very large, with a radius of at least ten thousand miles, which was equivalent to a small town.

It is indeed more troublesome to control only by spiritual consciousness.

Rong Qing continued: Moreover, if Mu Mu you can find the tomb-suppressing spirit and refine it, you can also make the tomb smaller and carry it with you like a spiritual ring.

Is this still possible? Jun Muxian thought thoughtfully, It's really convenient.

In this case, she is determined to get this tomb-suppressing spirit.

She understood that Yan Ting's sincere loyalty to the Emperor of Earth was indelible in heaven and earth.

Since the Emperor of the Earth left the tomb here and did not destroy the spirit of the tomb, he always had the idea of ​​​​giving this tomb away.

In this way, she could take the tomb out and let Yan Ting check to see if she could get more clues about the death of the Earth Emperor.

Kong Xuan couldn't help but feel depressed after hearing this explanation.

He really had never heard of this tomb-suppressing spirit, and he didn't even know that there was such a thing as the Immortal Cave.

Sure enough, I have been hiding from the world for too long, and I am almost out of touch with the three worlds.


In order to be able to answer his junior sister's questions in the future, he started studying from today.

The Formless Buddha was accustomed to observing words and expressions. He saw something slightly different in Kong Xuan's expression. He became anxious and hurriedly began to narrate the previous events: The voice claimed to be the tomb guard. It should be something left by the owner of the tomb after his death. The divine thoughts were attached to the tomb, and finally gave birth to spirituality.

We don't know why the mechanism suddenly attacked us before, but it has stopped now. My friend, if you can get the Tomb Suppressing Spirit, be sure to close this mechanism, otherwise you will accidentally hurt yourself.

The Phaseless Buddha pointed at the mess in the stone hall and said with a wry smile: The power of this mechanism is enough to kill an immortal in an instant. If it attacks multiple places at once, even a poor monk will not be able to sustain it.

With these words, both Jiang Qingxue and Yulin Xuanxian were shocked by the Buddha's humiliation and flattery.

Jiang Qingxue's chest was about to explode with anger, heaving violently.

She has never received this kind of treatment. Why can Ming Yueqian, who relies on men to get to the top, do it? !

It is a pity that these Buddhas in the West only worship the Tathagata Buddha as their main body, and they will not give their mother any preferential treatment. At most, she will be courteous, and she will not be able to attract their attention.

Are these people going crazy to please Mingyue Qian one by one?

Yeah. Jun Muqian said lightly, What else?

The Formless Buddha replied again: The voice also said that after we pass all the tests, the treasure and the tomb-suppressing spirit will appear automatically.

In other words, this mechanism is used by His Majesty the Earth Emperor to test those who enter this tomb. Jun Muqian curled her lips, I didn't expect that I am so powerful that even His Majesty the Earth Emperor can give orders.

The other practitioners fell silent and looked embarrassed: ...

They actually knew this was the case, but after being chased and attacked by the agency for so long, they just wanted to find an excuse to vent.

As it happened, Jiang Qingxue provided this excuse.

There were also many people who kept things secret from Jun Maqian because of what happened before entering the tomb, so naturally they were happy to see her being suppressed.

But now that the West is speaking for her, what else can they mere mortals say?

Immediately, a cultivator chimed in and said, What the girl said is absolutely right. The mechanism is used to test those who enter the tomb. How could it be related to the spirit that controls the tomb as some people say?

That's right! I think this is because someone is jealous of the girl and wants to pour this basin of black water on her because she doesn't want her to be good. It's really vicious.

Tsk tsk, don't say that. I heard that you are still the most beautiful woman in Penglai Immortal Sect. Soon, Penglai's disciples will come to beat you.

However, despite these words, Li Qing and Zhong Xingchun, who were in Penglai Baique, stayed away and stood aside.

Suddenly, Jiang Qingxue's face turned pale and her lips trembled: You, you...

This situation has never occurred before.

When she was in Penglai, she had scolded many disciples, but others would always turn to her, even if she was wrong.

Yulin Xuanxian also felt that his face was dull, and he looked away from Jiang Qingxue with a gloomy look.

The Formless Buddha smiled again: Little friend...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kong Xuan: Then what are you still doing here, not going to break through the barrier?

The formless Buddha trembled, and was frightened to the point of trembling with fear. He nodded hurriedly: It must be so, it must be so!

Jun Muqian raised her eyes, glanced around, and found that the stone palace was connected to the same road she came from.

She walked closer and came to the wall of the stone hall, reaching out and groping on the wall.

The others just looked at her actions, confused.

After a few minutes, Jun Muxian's hand pointed at a stone that didn't seem to have anything special.

Her eyes moved and she pressed it directly.

The moment he pressed it, a cold light burst out.


A sharp arrow suddenly shot out from the gap on the side, piercing the air quickly and attacking with great speed.

It happened to be the direction where Jiang Qingxue was.

Jiang Qingxue did not expect such a thing to happen suddenly. She was startled and had time to turn aside, but she still did not escape.


The sharp arrow penetrated straight through her abdomen, and the sudden severe pain made her bend down.

Jiang Qingxue endured the pain to pull out the arrow while recovering her body.

However, just when she made a move, the arrow suddenly exploded again.

There was a bang sound that made everyone else feel pain.

If Jiang Qingxue hadn't protected her Dantian in time, her Dantian would have been shattered by the explosion.

Ming Yue Qian, what are you doing? Jiang Qingxue's every muscle was shaking with pain, and her eyes were filled with hatred, You want to kill me?

Jun Muqian turned back and raised her eyebrows: This is really not me.

She knew there might be an agency here, but she really didn't expect Jiang Qingxue to be so unlucky.

But she admitted that she was in a good mood, who made her very petty towards people who always wanted to kill her.

Not you? Jiang Qingxue was so angry that she said, Okay, okay, just wait for me...

She can't take care of Ming Yue Qian here, won't she be able to do it after she goes out?

As long as Mingyue Qian is alone, it will be easy for her to kill this despicable person.

Jiang Qingxue had no idea that she had already offended King Peacock Ming, who even the Queen Mother did not dare to offend.

Kong Xuan heard this and was about to kill Jiang Qingxue, but was stopped.

Rong Qing said calmly: Mumu said she would solve it herself.

What can we solve on our own? Kong Xuan frowned, Just kill him and kill him. What else can cause trouble?

Are there people in the Three Realms that he, the Peacock Ming King, cannot kill?

Even though they were far apart, Jun Muxian listened carefully, which made her even more headache-y.

Her senior brother seemed to be used to killing people. Fortunately, we were not in ancient times, and the older generation of demon gods had all retreated from the world.

But yes, is it possible that the Queen Mother still dares to seek revenge on the Peacock King Ming?

But Jiang Qingxue still has some use in keeping it, so she will keep it for now.

Look! Look! There's a road here.

Suddenly, a cultivator exclaimed.

With a swish sound, everyone looked over and their eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the originally flat wall cracked open at this moment, revealing a path large enough for four people to pass through at the same time.

The Formless Buddha was overjoyed and did not forget to flatter him: My little friend is indeed very intelligent. We have been waiting for so long and have not discovered it yet.

After saying that, he secretly glanced at Kong Xuan, and saw that the Peacock Ming King's expression softened, and he felt a little calmer.

Yulin Xuanxian couldn't bear it any longer and shouted anxiously: Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you leave quickly!

The mere thought of the possibility of that treasure appearing here made him impatient.

Yulin Xuanxian didn't know that there was a very terrifying giant Buddha here, one that could easily crush the Lord of Heaven to death. He ran towards that road with a smile on his face, without losing his breath.

When the others saw Yulin Xuanxian entering, they all hurriedly followed.

After Jiang Qingxue took a life-saving pill, she glanced coldly at the woman in purple and then entered the door with her back bent.

Jun Muqian ignored Jiang Qingxue. She nodded towards Rong Qing and Kong Xuan: Let's go.

The road was very long, and after half an hour, the sight in front of me suddenly became clear and the light floated.

At the end is a courtyard with flowers, trees, rockeries and flowing water.

The cultivators who rushed into the courtyard stood there blankly, staring at the things in the courtyard with their mouths open, unable to say a word.

Jun Muxian walked in and took a look, and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

This courtyard is actually...


The breathing suddenly became heavier, and the eyes of the practitioners, including Yulin Xuanxian, turned red.

Without waiting for two seconds, suddenly, a cultivator jumped up and crashed towards the rockery in the distance.

The others were shocked when they saw this and jumped off the ground one after another.

There's not even a moment of buffering time, and the battle is about to break out!

Stop, mine!

Get away!

The last time I grabbed a building, there were a total of 231 floors. The author's backstage was upside down, that is, the last floor was the first floor.

Draw 8%, 68%, and 88% of all floors to get notebooks, pillows, and golden phoenix hairpins. The list is as follows.

Floor 18: Qing Qian’s cat

Floor 157: His Highness Bai Feng

Floor 203: How to match up if you have no heart

Please let the winning babies manage their addresses~ Because the express delivery has stopped, it should be sent by the end of February~

Don’t feel bad for those babies who didn’t win! There will be another one at the end, and there will also be hairpins, because they are all custom-made, so I can’t give away too many~

The Xiaoxiang Coin rewards will be distributed today.

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