Nangong Yu and Guo Xuzhao walked leisurely in the Royal Garden. First

"The emperor, you don't know. At that time, General Chen's desperate demeanour scared Weichen. If it wasn't for my pretentious calmness, I had to let others read the joke."

Nan Gongyi glanced at Guo Xuzhao and asked with a smile: "How did you take care of calm? I thought that when you saw General Chen's appearance, you almost told the truth."

"General Chen said that I was an inflamed villain, and said that I was blind and was wronged in such a way. I have a hard time speaking."

Having said that, Guo Xuzhao asked Nan Gongyu, "Emperor, do you say I'm like the flaming villain? He actually thought so, it really broke people's hearts and did not apologize to me afterwards."

Nan Gongyun patted Guo Xuzhao on the shoulder. "You adults do n’t care about villains, just forgive him. Besides, she ’s also anxious. You have to pretend to be anxious anyway. Fortunately, Nangong is absolutely immersed in his emperor's dream, otherwise, it will see through you at a glance. "

"Fortunately, Nangong sat on that dragon chair very early, otherwise, I think, General Chen must do something, I keep saying, wait, wait, but he just does n’t understand, and scolds I, on the other hand, have to rebel. Fortunately, this matter has passed, and fortunately, it has passed. "

Two maids passing by them saw Guo Xuzhao covering her heart, and could not help looking back at him again.

After walking for a while, seeing the Xiaoxie in the lake in front, Nangong Yu stopped.

"The queen and I mentioned one thing and said that children of a certain age must be concentrated to learn. What do you think of this thing?"

As soon as Nangong Yu finished speaking, Guo Xuzhao went on to say, "I agree, but there is a prerequisite. How can there be so many teachers?"

"There have to be many things involved here. When she first mentioned it to me, I thought that she just said that she didn't expect that she had considered all the details inside. It seems that she is Determined. "

Having said that, Nangong Yan pointed at Xiaoxie and said, "Let's go and talk ahead."

At this time in July, the lotus flowers in the lake were blooming vigorously, a breeze was blowing, and a large area of ​​lotus leaves surged like green waves, which was really beautiful.

The two sat in the small pavilion and ate the fruits leisurely, which made people look like they weren't talking about something at all, they were just talking and laughing.

"There is another problem. The queen said that the girls should also go to school together. I'm afraid that when this matter is raised, there will definitely be some ministers opposing it. They will come up with something damaging. So, I tell you this in advance to prepare you mentally. "

After speaking, Nangong Xiu handed Guo Xuzhao an apple, but Guo Xuzhao did not pick it up.

"The emperor, can we replace this time, let me be a cannon fodder every time, the saliva of those ministers can drown me, it would be better, let Chen Yihan stop this time, what do you think?"

Nangong hesitated, "I don't understand your careful thoughts, do you want to publish personal grudges?"

"I didn't mean that, I mean," Nangong Yu interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Since it doesn't mean that, you have to take the job."

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