Above the main hall, Nangong Yan's words had just been finished, and the ministers underneath seemed to have blasted the pot. 「^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发」

"Emperor, this is absolutely necessary!"

"Did the emperor dissolve the harem? What about the son-in-law?"

"Since the emperor has said that they haven't been lucky enough, let them stay in the harem. Why should the emperor dissolve the harem? In this way, how can we, our old ministers, face the fathers and ancestors a hundred years later?

Some ministers, kneeling on the hall, said in tears.

Still others, although not talking, were full of disappointment with Nangong Yu in their hearts.

Is Bai Guo's century-old foundation really destroyed in his hands?

Nangong Yu said that they had shocked their concubines who had never been to the harem. Now, they say amazingly that to dissolve the harem, this is something they have never thought of.

It is said that when he was young, after Nangong's ascension, some of his practices did get people's approval, but all things could not be based on him, and the dissolution of the harem was just nonsense.

Can the harem be dissolved today, and tomorrow, will the court be dissolved?

Such a wise monarch actually treats the affairs of the country as a child's play, which is too irresponsible. When I think of it, some ministers are actually complaining.

Even the grandfather Guo, who always supported him, stood by this group of ministers at this time.

"Emperor, do you want to consider this matter again? After all, this involves the whereabouts of these concubines. Is it somewhat arbitrary for the emperor to do so?"

Until now, it wasn't just the grandfather who regretted it. Those who said that Liu Ye gave the concubine medicine, and those who wanted the woman recommended by them to sit on the throne of the queen, all showed their remorse.

If you do n’t mention it, even if the women are not fortunate by the emperor, they still stay quietly in the harem. Men, if you always look at a woman in your eyes, you may be bored when you look at it. One day, these women will have a chance.

But now, Nangong Yu actually wanted to send these women away, which completely destroyed that hope in their hearts.

"Yun's heart is decided. This matter, Zhong Aiqing will stop talking about it."

Although Nangong's words were plain, everyone felt the determination.

After the San Dynasty, Nangong Yan asked Liu Yan to summon all concubines of the harem to Fengzao Palace.

Liu Ye already knew what was happening in the hall, and she believed that those women should also have heard about it.

Fengzao Palace no longer had the laughter and laughter of the past, and was replaced by silence.

"Today, I have called you here to announce something."

Having said that, Nangong looked around at these women in the hall, and then slowly said, "Some of you have been in the palace shortly, and you have been stunned in this palace for several years.朕 In addition to having a husband and wife with the Queen, I have never touched you. This is also a good thing for you. 要 To dissolve the harem today, you can clean up and go home.

After listening to the emperor's words, those people were there.

Some people are thinking, why does the emperor do this? Some people are thinking, is the emperor joking?

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