When Nangong heard this, his brows frowned. ★ The first book chase gang ★

If the former dynasty also knew this, the harem would have been rumored. Why didn't Liu Ye mention it to himself?

Did she do this to not worry herself, or did she not take it to heart at all?

"If this matter is only a rumor, the empress must be innocent. If this is true, the empress, you must calmly deal with it. After all, the empress is the biological mother of two children." Cut off his words.

"I will definitely give an account to the former dynasty and the harem. Alas, you can rest assured that this matter will be dealt with."

Now that the emperor had said so, Wang Yaozu's heart also let go.

After the grandfather Guo left, Nangong Zhi went straight to Fengzao Palace.

Seeing that Liu Ye was still taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard, Nangong dwelled there for a while.

This is Liu Ye, no matter how big the storm is outside, it will never be an issue for her.

Her calmness and calmness are exactly where she is fascinated.

Hugging Liu Yan, Nangong Yan said softly, "Mother, you're wronged."

"I have so many grievances, which one is the emperor referring to?" Liu Ye turned and asked mischievously.

She already has children, but she still does not change this naughty look.

Nangong Yan hung her nose and said, "Those rumors that you already knew but didn't say, are you afraid of making me trouble?"

"Since it's a rumor, there will always be a time when it stops. I don't want to get more and more dark." Liu Yan said, and wrapped his hands around Nangong Yan's waist.

"You can rest assured that I won't let you carry such a **** pot for nothing, and I'm fair to you!"

Nangong Yan said so forcefully, Liu Yan smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

I thought, I know, you won't let me be so wronged.

But when he thought of it, he said he wanted to repay himself, and Liu Ye felt strange again. Is it just partiality? That will only make people believe more and more that she does it.

Looking at Liu Ye, he looked at himself with anxiety, Nangong said, "You will know in two days."

It wasn't half an hour before the two were alone, and a concubine beside the queen mother came to Fengzao Palace.

When she saw that she had performed the ceremony to the emperor and the queen skillfully, she knelt down on the ground again and said to Nangong Ai, "The empress, the queen mother invites you to Cining Palace."

Nangong's expression immediately became serious, and the queen mother specially asked someone to invite him away from Fengzao Palace. It can be seen that this matter is no small matter.

Looking at Liu Yan behind him, Nangong Yan smiled and said, "You wait here obediently, I will be back in a while."

Liu Ye nodded. She didn't worry about Nangong Yan going to Cining Palace. Her queen mother's attitude towards her had eased a lot because of Nangong Yan.

It is natural for my in-laws to see my in-laws.

After watching Nan Gongyu leave, the little Chenzi quietly walked to Liu Yan's side and said softly, "The queen maiden, just now the father-in-law of the emperor told the minions that today is above the hall. Queen queen, be cautious during this time. "

After listening to Chen Zi's words, Liu Ye didn't speak, just smiled at the distance.

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