Just when Liu Yan and Nangong Yan hadn't decided how to deal with it, an incredible thing happened in Yan Kun Palace. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

The little housemaid of Xunkun Palace poisoned her master, and then took her own poison.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the news. After thinking about it, they felt that Hua Guifei's end was inevitable.

"I heard that this time, Xiao Jinjin was beaten so badly by Concubine Hua. She couldn't get out of bed for two days. When she first went to serve in the temple, this happened. You said, was Xiao Jinjin originally prepared The poison? "

"Xiao Jinjin is so pathetic. I heard that every time Hua Guifei loses her temper, she spreads her anger on her. Why does Hua Guifei always find her alone?"

"I heard that Xiao Jinjin looks like a queen queen, don't say anything to anyone. I heard Xiao Jinjin tell me."

Speaking of which, the voice of the palace ladies stopped, and no one dared to speak easily when this matter involved the queen maiden.

Hearing that they were no longer talking, Ye Lan turned and left.

For Hua Guifei's death, Liu Ye did not show anything special.

"Mother-in-law, I don't think the matter of Hua Guifei is so simple. Behind Xiaojin, someone must have urged her to do this." Ye Lan whispered.

"Regardless of anyone's instructions, it is now the drug addicts and the victims who are both killed. This matter does not need to be checked, just follow this statement." Liu Ye glanced at Ye Lan lightly.

Ye Lan stood aside respectfully and stopped talking.

"You also think she did this thing, didn't you? Everyone knows that she and Hua Guifei are at odds with each other, and the two have been fighting for a long time. Let her be proud for a while." After talking, he closed his eyes.

Ning Guifei, do you think this matter is seamless? Then you are wrong. I ignore it, but I don't want to touch you for the time being.

Ye Lan looked at Liu Ye, but was silently thinking that the two of them were fighting each other. It was still a good thing for the mother-in-law. No matter who lost, the mother-in-law did not have a heart attack.

Although they knew that the emperor would not like any of them, but if they could shift their minds elsewhere, the mother would be less at risk.

Some time ago, was the emperor's petting Ning Guifei also pretending? Maybe, he did this just to make people divert their attention, and no longer targeted the queen maiden.

Thinking of this, Ye Lan took a sigh of cold air. The emperor's mind was so meticulous that she felt ridiculous. She was more and more confused. She had already been taught as long as the emperor was the second prince.

"What are you thinking? So absorbed?"

At this moment, Liu Yan opened his eyes and looked straight at Ye Lan.

"Master, I said the thought in my heart, master should not be angry." Ye Lan gave Liu Ye a timid look.

"Let's say you're not guilty." Liu Yan smiled after he said it.

"A while ago, the emperor was especially fond of Ning Guifei. Now thinking about it, the emperor did this, perhaps to divert the attention of Hua Guifei, and the emperor deceived everyone."

When Ye Lan said this, Liu Ye understood what was going on. The feelings and feelings were really a mystery for the authorities. She didn't really see Ye Lan clearly.

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