Nangong's budget was indeed correct. In less than three months, Bai Guo had annexed Luo. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

The whole Beijing was full of joy, and the people stood outside the city automatically to meet the triumphant army, and Bai Guo was up and down, jubilant.

From the court to the people of Li, from the streets and alleys to the inner courtyard of the palace, everyone was talking about this exciting thing, and only one person was unhappy there.

Hua Guifei was drinking alone in the Kun Kun Palace.

Feeling the things in front of her eyes a bit fuzzy, Hua Guifei knew she was drunk.

I slowly remembered the past, and many people, including those ministers she enveloped with her body.

Hua Guifei laughed, her smile was bitter, why did she do all this herself? She once struggled to climb to the highest position, but lost nothing at the end, and God really made a big joke for her.

She closed her eyes and tried to shake off those dirty memories, but they were clearly displayed in front of her. Various men vented unscrupulously on her, but she could only laugh and finally laughed. Tears.

When she was down, Nangong Aya didn't look at her. When she was high, Nangong Aya ignored her. Nangong Aya, what can I do to get into your heart? Is it just a joke in my life?

While Luo was still alive, those concubines in the harem were afraid of her identity and were afraid to do anything to her.

Now, Luo Guo has been annexed by Bai Guo. She is just an ordinary queen concubine. Those people look at her with different eyes, and their eyes are full of jealousy, and jealousy.

Are you jealous of my beauty? I'm so beautiful, why doesn't Nangong Yan look at me?

"What is the beauty I want?" Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes after Hua Guifei finished speaking.

Everything in front of him became blurred, and Hua Guifei felt her head sinking.

"Mother-in-law, let me rest you in bed, you drink too much." The voice of the palace girl passed into Hua Guifei's ear.

"Do you think I'm drunk? I'm not drunk, I can clearly know who is good to me, who is not good to me, who is with me to get my heart, who is with me, just to love me Body, am I really drunk? "

Listening to Hua Guifei's words, the little palace girl opened her mouth in fright.

"Mother-in-law, this kind of words can't be arbitrarily spoken. If the emperor hears it, it will kill you! I'll hurry you to bed and go to bed, just rest for a while." After the little court lady said, He came to Fuhua Concubine, but was suddenly pushed to the ground.

"What are you! Get me out of here!" Hua Guifei glanced at her fiercely.

The girls under the palace did not dare to cry, but shivered there.

"Everyone is watching my joke, and so are you. I know that you don't look down on me in your heart. I am now a bereavement dog. Lost country is gone. I am nothing. In the eyes of Nangong Yu, I'm insignificant. Now in your eyes, I still have nothing. Now you're satisfied! "

Hua Guifei said, took the wine glass on the table, and threw it onto the little palace girl's head.

The little palace girl's head immediately bleed, but Hua Guifei fell asleep on the table.

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