Two people were talking about this in the Imperial Study Room, and an **** reported from outside. ★ The first book chase gang ★

"Long live Qiqi, the concubine Huagui is seeking out."

Nangong Yan glanced at Liu Yan and said, "Just."

"The courtier went behind to hide, so that you two wouldn't see someone there, and you wouldn't be restrained."

After waiting for Nangong Yu to say something, Liu Ye walked up to the inner room.

"See the emperor, long live, long live, long live."

A sound of Jiao Di dripped into Liu Ye's ears, and Liu Ye's eyebrow frowns. She didn't like the sound, especially the contrived sound.

"Be flat." Nangong said quietly.

Although they couldn't see the outside, the sound of their speech passed into Liu Yan's ears.

Listening to the voice of Princess Hua Gui, she said with excitement, "Emperor, is it so unbearable in your eyes?"

"how do I say this?"

"The emperor has promised to cease the war, why did he reassemble the army and press our borders? The emperor knows the suffering caused by the war to the people of Li Min. If the people were to put the people in the fire and water for their own personal gain, why would the emperor be patient?"

What Ning Guifei said was very reasonable. It sounded like a righteous question.

I only heard Nangong grinning two times and said, "Forget the concubine, for the first time to initiate the war, it's not my Baiguo, but Hua Guifei yourself?"

The concubine said anxiously, "The emperor, I did it for you. I do n’t know the emperor's intentions? For so many years, I have never forgotten you, even the words you have written, I have Always with me, does the emperor's heart really lack me? "

Liu Yan smiled secretly to one side, thinking, Nangong Yan, I would like to hear, how do you answer her in the face of this beautiful beauty?

"Fate, such as fate, can not be forced. If I thought you were the person in my heart, I would never let you go, nor would I be indifferent to your repeated confession," said Hua Guifei. And wept.

"The emperor, can you tell the courtiers, where is the courtiers inferior to the queen mother? I do n’t pay less than the queen mother, why do n’t you even look at it? Why does everyone look at the queen mother differently? Up to the emperor, Down to the guard, why does everyone like the queen queen! "

Hearing here, Liu Yan's expression was dignified, Hua Man, do you know what you are talking about?

"Stop! Do you know that slandering the queen is a capital crime!"

There was an unstoppable anger from Nangong outside. Liu Ye knew that he was really angry.

"The court prince did not stigmatize the queen maiden. This was uttered by the girl next to the queen maiden. The guard, Weinan, saved the queen queen several times because he and the queen queen were affectionate. If the emperor did not believe it, the emperor could investigate and verify for herself. Let me see if the words of the court officials are true. "

"Come here, send the Chinese concubine back to the palace." Nangong said coldly.

Then the sound of small leaves rang out.

"Mother-in-law, please come back."

Hearing the steps of Hua Guifei, Liu Ye slowly walked out from behind.

Nangong Yan stared at Liu Yan for a long time without saying a word, and finally said, "No matter what others say, I always believe in you."

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