"Let ’s go, just as we have never known." ^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发 ""

After hearing Liu Yan say that, Zhu Yuan was paralyzed there. She did not expect that the queen mother not only did not kill her, but also let her leave here.

But in a blink of an eye, she understood that the reason why the queen mother did this was not to dirty her hands.

Now in the eyes of the queen maiden, she was not as good as an ant. It was easy to kill her. The maiden didn't do it because she didn't want to see her.

"Slave knows that her sins are deep. If she continues to stay here, she can only dirty her queen's eyes and confess her to her."

After speaking, Zhu Yuan rubbed her three heads heavily on the ground, and when she raised her head again, blood had leaked from her forehead.

"Mother-in-law, slave-in-law is gone. After slave-in-law is gone, the mother-in-law must take care of herself." After speaking, Zhu Yuan turned and left.

Ye Lan and Yu Run, standing outside the door, listened to everything inside, and neither of them remained in the face of Zhu Yuan's departure.

Ye Lan's eyes showed a slight contempt, while Yu Run lowered her head and didn't even look at her.

Zhu Yuan gritted her teeth, tears, and walked out of the palace door.

"Do you know where she is going?" Ye Lan asked.

Yu Run shook her head. She and Zhu Yuan were bought back from the market by the maiden. At that time, the two were still young. Now, who is there in the family, who knows? Many years ago, they lost contact, and she didn't know where Zhu Yuan would go.

There is life and death, and she and Zhu Yuan will never be related again.

Yurun and Zhuyuan are a little different, that is, if Yurun is a rectum, good is good, bad is bad, the things that have been identified will go to the end, even if they touch the south wall, they will not look back.

Every time I saw Zhu Yuan's lively and cheerful appearance in front of Liu Yan, Yu Run's heart was also blaming herself. Why isn't it as smooth as Zhu Yuan, but it can't be cured, and she has been sad for a long time. .

Now Zhu Yuan is gone. Although her heart is sad, Yu Run has no sympathy for someone like her who seeks honor from sellers.

Yurun felt that they were bought by their maidens, and they were like loved ones to them. Those who betrayed them should not live in this world. Even if everyone betrayed them, she and Zhu Yuan could not do this. Kind of thing.

"Let's go in, my mother must be sad now." Yu Run said to Ye Lan.

After hearing what Zhu Yuan said to the queen maiden, Ye Lan couldn't wait to rush in and killed Zhu Yuan with a knife. What was concealed by Hua Guifei. If Hua Guifei didn't promise her anything, she wouldn't believe it. She will help her so resolutely, Zhu Yuan said that she just wanted to excuse herself.

As the two entered the room, Liu Ye looked at the candlelight in a daze.

Ye Lan looked anxiously, trying to speak several times, but was stopped by Yu Run.

In the end, Ye Lan couldn't help but said, "Mother, don't be sad, it's not worth it for such a person."

"I'll rest early today, and I'm tired." After speaking, Yu Run waited for Liu Yan to fall asleep.

"Yu Run, the mother is already showing mercy to Zhu Yuan, in exchange for someone else," Ye Lan stopped.

Yurun nodded and said, "I understand."

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