Recently, Ye Lan found that Zhu Yuan's words became less and less, which puzzled her somewhat. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

In the entire Fengzao Palace, Ye Lan should be the one who has the least to say, but these days, Zhu Yuan's words are so poor that it makes the entire Fengzao Palace dull.

"Sister Ye Lan, have you noticed that Zhu Yuan has become strange recently? She doesn't seem to speak anymore?" Yurun asked.

Ye Lan discovered this problem long ago and said, "It seems like something is going on."

"No, we are together day and night. She always tells me what she has in mind, but she hasn't said anything lately, and sometimes she has a cyanosis, just like a person." Yurun somewhat I wondered.

"Don't be suspicious. When anyone is in a bad mood, let's say that Zhu Yuan has grown up. It is no longer the shy kid before. It is normal." Ye Lan softly comforted Yu Run.

Although this is the case, Ye Lan had a heart in her heart. She carefully observed Zhu Yuan for a few days and found that she was indeed abnormal.

During this time, she always seemed to be in contact with a little maid, but their contact did not seem to be a normal meeting, but she was sneaky.

Zhu Yuan is a maid next to the queen. She has been with the queen since she was a child. She knows nothing about the queen ’s diet and some habits. This is definitely not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ye Lan's heart was tense.

Zhu Yuan is not like this kind of person, but her behavior really makes people suspicious.

After dinner, Ye Lan accompanied Liu Yan to eat outside.

"Madam, I don't know if I should say something, it may be that I am more concerned." Ye Lan said easily.

Liu Yan sighed, "Did you find it too?"

"Madam, do you already know?"

Liu Ye glanced at Ye Lan with a smile and said, "Some things can be imagined even if you don't know what happened, right?"

Ye Lan looked at Liu Ye carefully, and found that although she was laughing, she had a little disappointment in her eyes.

Yeah, let her never treat Zhu Yuan as an outsider. If Zhu Yuan does anything to betray her, the saddest thing is definitely the Queen Mother.

"Go check it, just tell me the result."

After listening to Liu Yan's orders, Ye Lan replied, "Yes, his subordinates obey."

Although Ye Lan was born as a dark guard, she had no other idea about beating and killing, but letting her check the people around her felt awkward in her heart.

Zhu Yuan, I hope all I do is bamboo basket water, I hope you have nothing to do.

After two days, Ye Lan had cleared Zhu Yuan's whereabouts.

Two days later, Ye Lan checked everything and asked her to tell Liu Ye what happened. Liu Ye asked, "I don't understand why she is, Ye Lan. You said, Zhu Yuan is why?"

Liu Ye could feel Ye Lan's embarrassment, and she sighed, saying, "Every morning, Zhu Yuan waits for me to freshen up. Forget it, you can bring her here. I want to ask her myself."

When Zhu Yuan came to Liu Yan, she was a little nervous, and then pretended to be indifferent, and asked, "Is there anything for the queen mother to find a slave?"

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