"Get up, I know this thing wronged you." ^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发 "" Nangong Yan's faint voice passed into Ning Guifei's ear.

Ning Guifei's body trembled, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

A pair of hands appeared in front of Ning Guifei, and Ning Guifei slowly put her hand in the big hand.

"The court officials were guilty, and the court officials did not teach their servants well, making the emperor shame." Ning Guifei said softly.

"The fault is not with you. You are implicated by innocents. Your heart is clear. Let's go. I will send you back."

With that said, Nangong Hui returned Ning Guifei to Weiyang Palace.

"The emperor really likes the concubine. As soon as the concubine left the palace, the emperor went to her palace."

"However, during the period when the concubine was imprisoned, the emperor never visited it."

"That's because you don't want to dial the queen mother's face, don't you think the emperor is now in Weiyang Palace?"

Everyone has his own opinion on the emperor's return of Ning Guifei to the palace.

Gradually, these arguments also reached Fengzao Palace, but Liu Ye ignored them.

The emperor stayed at Weiyang Palace.

The emperor and Ning Guifei went to the Royal Garden to enjoy the flowers.

The emperor gave Ning Guifei many treasures.

All that, Liu Yan smiled when he heard it.

The emperor and concubine Ning were so loving. This episode was not yet passed on among the little palace ladies, and there was another newcomer, the concubine Hua, in the palace.

This queen concubine, Liu Ye, is quite familiar with her, and she is the flower vine that she had originally kept.

The arrival of Hua Guifei made waves throughout the harem.

The beauty of Hua Guifei made women couldn't help but stop.

Liu Ye also felt that if he hadn't seen him for a few years, the Hua Guifei had more and more charming faces than before.

Wherever Hua Guifei went, she was so confident.

The first thing she came here was to ask the maids around her about the harem.

"You mean, although the queen lady has a very important position in this palace, but the emperor likes Ning Guifei?" Hua Guifei asked with some disbelief.

The palace lady nodded her head and said with certainty: "Yes, at the beginning, the emperor and Ning Gui Fei were extremely loving. Ning Gui Fei was imprisoned only after being implicated by her. So she was just lifted and the emperor was with her again. "

"What about the queen? What's the attitude of the queen?"

"Since the queen mother gave birth to the little prince and the princess, the queen mother gave Feng Yin to the queen mother again. There are many things in the palace, and the queen mother has to take care of the children. Naturally, she has no time to distract the emperor. Therefore, the queen has nothing to do with this matter. Open one eye and close one. "After the little maid said, she lowered her head again, looking respectful.

"I'm a bit tired too, you go down first, I'll call you again if there is something." After finishing, Hua Guifei made a very tired look again.

After the palace lady retreated, Hua Guifei's face was dignified.

Liu Yan, I thought you and Nangong Yan were so loving. I didn't expect that you would be the one to be abandoned. In this case, when Nangong Yan returned to me again, don't blame me.

Nangong Yu, I went to your side with all my heart, this time, I will never miss you again.

Hua Guifei thought to herself, it seems that she must visit Ning Guifei in the mouth of this palace lady.

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