"So, when Fugui was in the incident, there wasn't a girl around, was this true?"

The palace girl named Tsing Yi nodded. ★ The first book chase gang ★

"After our nobleman heard Fugui say this, her face became unsightly. Suddenly, she snatched the pearl necklace in Qingye's hand. When she pulled it with her hands, the necklace broke, and the pearls scattered on the ground. "

After listening to Tsing Yi, Ye Lan seemed to see that picture.

The pearls bounced to every corner of the room, and the blessed person was shocked.

"What are you trying to do? I do n’t want your pearl necklace. You do n’t have to lose your temper like this. The texture is bad, but the texture is not good. Look at the pearls. They are all flat. You give them to me. This is not Do you want to hit my face? "After speaking, Fu Guiren gave a scornful look at Xi Guiren.

"I kindly gave you a pearl necklace. How can you break it? Sister, this is yours, isn't it?" Said the hilarious gentle smile.

Fugui's body shook suddenly, "What are you kidding about? The string of necklaces was obviously broken by yourself. It has nothing to do with me. I haven't even touched it. You don't want to spit it out!"

I haven't touched the necklace, but I was slandered like this. The blessed person was unwilling, and now I can't wait to step forward and give the happy person two slaps. I regard her as a sister and let the maid go to her palace Give her Longjing tea, it seems kind to feed the wolf completely.

"Sister, don't worry, do you look good on me?"

After the nobleman spoke, he slowly raised his feet and stepped on a few pearls.

Then, the slippery foot slipped, and the nobleman fell. This was an ordinary fall, and it was nothing. No idea, the nobleman's head was on the corner of the table, and the blood flow suddenly.

Then, Tsing Yi hurriedly supported the arrogant. The arrogant still had consciousness at that time, and only said to Qing Ye: "Go to Fengzao Palace to find the queen mother!"

Then, when he rolled his eyes, he passed out.

"I'm telling the truth, I really didn't give any ideas to the dignitaries, and I don't know why she stepped on the pearl and made herself fall so hard, begging my sister to save me!"

Ye Lan was meditating, and Tsing Yi beside him kept crying.

"Well, you stay here first, I'll come to you in a moment."

After speaking, Ye Lan walked towards Liu Yan's room.

Under the red candle, Liu Ye held the irregularly shaped pearls in his hands and looked carefully.

"Are you clear?"

"The mother-in-law's strategy is really clever. Tsing Yi has recruited everything before the slaves asked her carefully."

After Ye Lan finished speaking, she told Liu Ye the process at that time in detail.

"Poor blessed person, who kindly went to get tea for the noble person, but was framed like this, I'm afraid she won't deal with people sincerely in the future." Ye Lan said with regret.

Liu Ye smiled and said lightly: "This blessed person is looking for faults, but she has been put together before she succeeds. Everyone has their own mind."

"Mother-in-law, do you want to go to Qingye's room now?" Ye Lan looked at Liu Ye's face and asked carefully.

"Go and follow the same routine."

Ye Lan said yes, a turn and disappeared into the vast night.

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