Nangong Aunt ignored her, but walked straight into Xianfu Palace. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

The nobleman was lying on the bed with a pale face, her head had been wrapped up in a white cloth by the palace girl, and a little blood stains could be seen under the white cloth.

The emperor looked at the man in bed silently.

"Return to the emperor, the Taiyi is waiting outside," Xiao Ye said softly.


After the Taiyi came in, he would salute like the emperor and the queen, and when he saw Nangong yelled his hand, he said, "No, first look at the injury of the noble."

Taiyi hurriedly walked in front of Xigui, and again he was arranging silver needles and pressing acupuncture points. After a while, Xigui's talents woke up.

As soon as she saw the emperor, she said with a rain, "Please the emperor decide for the minister!"

"Don't talk first, take a good rest, leave the matter to the queen."

After hearing the emperor's words, the distinguished man looked at the queen timidly, and then said nothing.

Among the concubines in the harem, everyone was timid to the queen.

"Who was there at the time of the accident?" Liu Yan looked around and asked.

At this time, the little housemaid who reported to them, and another housemaid in Tsing Yi, all fell on her knees.

"Back to the queen mother, I was in this room with my sister, Tsing Yi." At this time, the little palace girl answered the questions very pleasantly.

"what's your name?"

"Back to the queen mother, the slave-in-law is called the green prince." After the little palace maid said, she knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

Liu Ye glanced at them both, and turned to the wealthy man behind him, saying, "Are you here? What about the girl next to you?"

"Back to the queen maiden, courtier, courtier sent my maiden back to get Longjing tea."

After speaking, the blessed people began to wipe their tears there.

"Xiguiren, you take care of it first, Fuguiren go back to your palace, you two, follow me." Liu Yan said blankly to the two maids kneeling on the ground.

The dignitaries on the bed did not expect that Liu Ye would take away her personal maid, and a slight confusion appeared on her face, and then she closed her eyes quickly.

"The emperor, we will not disturb the hilarious people, and I will take them out in advance."

Nangong Yan also wanted to know how Liu Yan would handle this matter. Since she had already said it, she wouldn't leave much to leave.

The two maids stood up, followed timidly behind Liu Yan, and kept walking out of Xianfu Palace.

As soon as she arrived at Fengzao Palace, Liu Ye changed her gentle face. She said to Zhu Yuanyurun, "Stop them both, and don't tell the truth, don't go out."

The two maids were frightened and immediately kneeled for mercy, but this pitiful look did not soften Liu Ye.

Tsing Yi and Tsing Yi were held in two separate rooms.

One day, the two did not even drool.

Zhuyuan Yurun has been worried about the safety of the two people. After noon, Zhuyuan bravely said, "Mother, it's past noon, should you give them some food?"

"No need to."

None of the people in the room understood how Liu Yan would judge the case. She only ordered the people to be locked up, and there was no next action. How could this case be investigated clearly?

Towards the evening, Liu Ye said something to Ye Lan. Ye Lan nodded and went to the house where Tsing Yi was being held.

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