It's summer soon, and this summer is different from usual, and the rain is particularly heavy. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

At the beginning of the rain, people were a little happy, and felt that the crops could not be watered, saving a lot of effort, but watching the rain more and more, the people began to get anxious.

Looking at the drifting rain outside, Liu Yan's brows frowned.

She turned to look at Nangong Yan, and said softly, "If the rain continues like this, it's not a good thing."

Nan Gongchen looked at the rain outside. There was no way. If there was a drought, the civil and military officials would hold a rain-seeking ceremony. Now that there is too much rain, I ca n’t hold another ceremony.

At this time, Liu Ye suddenly thought of what Zhu Yuan said, there was no spring this year, so the year should not be very flat.

Such heavy rain was connected for another three days.

On the fourth day, immediately after the early morning, Nangong Yu walked anxiously to Fengzao Palace.

"Look at it." Nangong Yan said nothing, but just handed a memorial to Liu Yan.

After Liu Ye barely read the souvenir, his complexion changed.

"Emperor, if the memorial is true, will the entire country be flooded?"

After Liu Yan asked, he looked at Nangong Yan without moving.

Nangong nodded, "The grain in the treasury simply cannot support so many refugees."

Liu Ye no longer asked questions, she knew that every question she asked at this time would put pressure on Nangong Yu.

"It's okay, the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, and there is no insurmountable barrier."

Nangong Yu knew that Liu Ye was comforting herself, and smiled reluctantly.

At present, there is no other way to think about it. Only after a sunny day, you can open the warehouse to put in grain, but the grain cannot be left uncontrolled, because this is not a problem that can be solved momentarily.

Thinking of this, Liu Ye looked forward to the weather getting better soon.

According to the memorial, many houses have been washed down by the rain. If the heavy rain continues, those refugees who have no house really don't know how to hide.

When thinking of this, Liu Yan felt panicky, so these days, her appetite is not very good.

"When it's clear, I'll take you out." Liu Yan said to Zhu Yuanyurun.

The two weren't happy at all, but nodded seriously.

After finally reaching Tianqing, after Liu Yan explained to Nangong Yan what he meant, Nangong Yan didn't stop him, just instructed them to be more careful along the way.

When Liu Ye went out, he wore only a coarse cloth, and it looked like ordinary people.

"Mother-in-law, why should we go out in this kind of clothes?" Zhu Yuan asked puzzledly.

Yurun glared at her at this time and said, "Where has your usual ingenuity gone? Now there are disaster victims everywhere. The flowers you wear are flamboyant. When people see the silk satin, they know you are rich. What shall I do to tie you up at that time? The dress will be beautiful and the road will be dangerous. "

Then Zhu Yuan took a long breath and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think about it?"

As soon as Liu Ye stepped out of the palace door, he began to look at the living conditions of the people outside.

Not only in places, but even houses in Beijing have been washed down by rain. As soon as the sky opened, people were busy.

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