"Originally, I thought about it many times. When my grandma died, I would have been the saddest person. I did not expect her death. Although I was not indifferent, I was not as sad as I thought. It will change, will it? "

After Nangong Yan said it, he held Liu Yan gently in his arms. 「^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发」

Liu Ye felt the sadness in his heart, but didn't know how to comfort him.

"Do you regret it?"

"No, if I go back to that time, I will still do it." Nangong Yan said firmly.

Liu Min paused, wondering if he should tell him about it. After thinking about it, she opened her mouth.

"Liu Wuyang, you should do some small moves. I have sent Weinan out to investigate."

After speaking, Liu Ye watched Nangong's reaction.

"It's up to you. You don't have to report everything to me. I know there must be a reason for everything you do."

Seeing Nangong Yan so trusting in himself, Liu Ye's heart was relieved.

"I asked Weinan and Ye Lan to check Liu Wuyang's account. During this time, he had a large amount of silver in and out. The path was unknown. I suspect that he was buying arms. Ye Lan could not check this matter. After all, she was A girl, so I sent Weinan out, wouldn't you mind? "Liu Yan broke free from Nangongyu's embrace and sat across from Nangongyu.

"It should not be him who organized this matter. Liu Wuyang alone, he doesn't have so much ability." Nangong Yan said his thoughts, his face became gloomy.

"Do you doubt he is still alive?"

Nangong Yu did not speak, but nodded heavily.

Now that Weinan has been sent out, with his skill, it is estimated that there will be news soon. Now, what they have to do is just wait quietly.

Nangong Yan smiled and shaved Liu Yan's nose and said, "We don't have to be so nervous, we have all come in such a big storm. Now they are not in trouble."

Liu Ye nodded, watching the big sorrow in the case, and began to feel distressed again.

"So many memorials, when will you be approved? You have to do so much work every day, but you must ensure the rest time, otherwise your body can't stand it."

Seeing two people Qingqing and me talking there, Xiaoye went out with interest.

As soon as the little leaves left, Nangong Nang pulled Liu Yan into her arms and whispered in her ear: "People say that they will emptied their bodies when they are insatiable. I am doing normal work. What makes you want that? "

Liu Ye didn't expect that Nangong Yu became so bold now. She looked around and found that there was no one, so she was relieved.

"Isn't your little leaf trained? I didn't come to Yushu during this time. Did someone automatically exit as soon as someone came to Yushu?" Liu Yan actually pursed his mouth and ate. Come with vinegar.

"Mother, please put your heart in your stomach. Except for you who dare to come in this royal study, what other woman dares to come?"

Having said that, Liu Ye stopped talking, and she didn't dare to move anymore, because Liu Ye felt that some part of Nangong Yu had begun to feel restless.

"Emperor, do you want to converge? This is in the Imperial Study Room."

"So what?"

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