On the next morning, when I saw the women in the Prince's Mansion, all of them asked Liu Yan in a well-dressed dress, and Nangong Yan pulled up Liu Yan's hand and said softly, "Today we are going to the palace Please hello to my father and mother. "^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发" "

Liu Ye nodded with a smile and said softly, "Okay."

Watching the two men dressed in suits and walking slowly towards the door, the women's eyes were anxious to spit out the knife, one by one filled with jealousy.

In their jealous eyes, Nangong helped Liu Yan get on the carriage and drove all the way to the palace.

In the carriage, Nangong Yan held Liu Yan's hand until the carriage stopped, and he did not let go.

When you arrive at the palace, you will be hoeing, worshipping, saying lucky words, and after finishing this process, you will receive a big red envelope.

It started with the Empress Dowager.

Liu Ye and Nan Gong arrived at the Empress Dowager ’s dormitory. The Empress Dowager seemed to have forgotten the previous unhappiness, and said to them both with smiles: "I am glad to see you young people having a good time."

Seeing the contrived face of the Empress Dowager, Liu Ye felt uncomfortable in her heart. She knew that in the heart of the Empress Dowager, she must be unhappy. Otherwise, she would not laugh so fake.

Since the other party was acting, she smiled sweeter than the queen queen queen. The queen queen sat down for a while and said, "You have to go to the queen queen, and I won't leave you."

After coming out of the queen's queen's palace, Liu Ye let out a long sigh of relief, and Nangong said with a smile: "Mother, you are so good."

Liu Ye made a victory gesture with both hands, saying, "That's it."

When she arrived at the queen mother, she followed the steps. Liu Ye knew that when she arrived at the queen's mother, she had to be serious.

When he reached the entrance of the queen's palace, Nangong's face was solemn.

The two of them kneeled on the ground, and the queen queen did not speak for a long time.

In the end, the queen mother said, "Get up, the queen queen mother also saw the fate between the two of you, and she really didn't want to take the two of you apart."

When Nangong Yan stood up, he said, "Thank you for your mother."

The queen mother's face was a little moved, and she whispered to Nangong Ai, saying, "You have grown up and know what to do in the future. Now that you have married the concubine, you are also a family member. You cannot do anything in the future. Reckless, remember? "

"Children remember the teachings of their mother."

Liu Ye thought, according to the TV, the prince should go to the palace with the queen concubine. The picture at that time should be the queen and the emperor.

But now, the emperor and the queen are not together, and it makes sense.

Seeing the doubts in Liu Ye's heart, the queen mother said: "I am a little sick today and I am not waiting for you in the hall. I did not expect that you would come here. Since I am here, I will take this idea. Go and see your father-in-law. "

Talking, the queen lady smiled at the two of them, and Liu Ye found that the queen's smile was very soft.

Can't help but think, it turned out that the queen lady was also very beautiful when she laughed.

After meeting the emperor and listening to the emperor's teaching, the two left the palace.

Liu Ye thought to himself that this process was finally over. This day was really tiring.

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