Above the early dynasty, what the emperor said in the hall, Liu Zheng didn't even hear a word. Everything he thought about was all about his own backyard. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://www.NovelMTL.com/

Anyway, he is not a humeral minister, and his speech is insignificant. He only needs to stand there and stand in the team quietly.

Hearing that the emperor no longer spoke, Liu Zheng thought that it was time to go to the early dynasty, and he was refreshed.

"Finally, I want to tell you that the Queen Mother and the Queen gave a wedding to the second prince."

As soon as this is said, the people below are eager to hear each other. Some time ago, did the Empress Dowager just give Bai Qi ’s daughter to the second prince as the side concubine? How come now, a wedding again? It seems that the second prince's weight in the queen queen's queen is not too light!

Thinking of this, someone turned his head to Nangong Jue.

Nangong Ju could not see sadness and joy on his face, but thought in his heart, wasn't it just another marriage? What a fuss.

But the words that followed made his heart sink into the bottom of the pond.

"Don't guess, the position of the second prince's concubine belongs to Miss Liu's family, Liu Yan."

Immediately after the emperor's voice fell, people stared at Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng was startled, thinking, what's going on? Before the response came, Daoxian came in bursts.

"Master Liu, congratulations, congratulations."

"Miss Liu's family is a famous **** of commerce, and the second prince is both civil and military. Congratulations, Master Liu, this is a good deal."

"Master Liu, we must treat guests, this time we will not get drunk!"

"Yeah yeah."

In the face of a shout, Liu Zheng was completely at a loss. He had just formed an alliance with Nangong. Now, his daughter was pointed to the second prince by the queen queen queen, which made his position really awkward.

At the same time, Bai Qi is also embarrassed. Bai Qi's official position is higher than Liu Zheng, and his daughter is stronger than Liu Zhen. Why is it not as good as the Liu family? Thought of this, his heart was depressed.

Liu Zheng glanced at Nangong Jue. At this moment, Nangong Jue was watching him.

In Liu Zheng's heart, Nangong's look was obviously distrust.

Yes, the look seemed to be asking him why he betrayed him and why he was indifferent, but now he has a hard time to argue, but shook his head helplessly.

"Silent, I still have something to say." The emperor coughed and said.

After coughing all his life, the hall was silent, and the emperor said, "One more thing is that Liu Ye will never be involved with the Liu family anymore."

Liu Zheng felt his blood was coagulated, and too much happened today.

Everyone was in awe. The sound of congratulations just now seemed to be hitting their own faces. The emperor played this trick really well. Is this just playing everyone?

Liu Zheng's blush was white and white for a while, and his heart seemed to overturn the Wuwei bottle.

"Well, things have been said, retreat."

After the emperor left, the whole hall seemed to explode.

People surrounded Nangong 宸, and the sound of flattery came from him.

Liu Zheng can't wait to have wings on his shoulders now, he just wants to leave here quickly.

Suddenly dizzy, Liu Zheng felt that his two feet were stepping on the cotton.

"Master Liu, walk slowly."

Liu Zheng looked up, and the man who helped him was Nangong Jue.

"Adult is unwell, let's take a rest in the side hall." Nangong said.

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