Nangong has a black satin robe and a black ribbon around his waist. This dress is not only scary, but his face is even more beautiful, as if it was a star shining in the night. The dazzling light, although faint, is hard to forget.

This is the most secret private room in Baiwei Tower. There are people guarding it outside. It is difficult to fly into a fly.

Thinking of this, Nangong smiled unconsciously. Now it is winter, how can there be flies?

It is Nangong's habitual smile that makes many women fascinated.

Nangong absolutely supported his chin with one hand, his eyes were always staring at the door of the private room tightly.

After a while, the door squeaked and was pushed open.

Liu Zheng walked in hurriedly, trying to rid himself of Nangong's ritual, but he stopped him.

"Don't be so polite outside, sit down."

Liu Zheng was sitting opposite to Nangong Jue with a puzzled expression.

"You don't have to be so surprised. I'm looking for your thing, so I can't say it in your house." Nangong said absolutely, and poured Liu Zheng a cup of tea in person.

Liu Zheng was naturally flattered. He hurriedly stood up and took the tea cup with both hands before asking softly, "I don't know what's wrong with you?"

Nangong coughed and said directly: "Since you have already come, I will make a long story short and explain the intention directly. The Empress Dowager recently felt bored and wanted to invite your second lady from the government house to accompany him. I wonder if you would ? "

Liu Zheng did not expect that Nangong would come to him this time, and it was related to his daughter.

When talking about the Empress Dowager to accompany Liu Ye, she couldn't help thinking about it. The queen Queen ’s statement was ambiguous. Should she stay with her for a day, a month, or a lifetime? This kind of thing didn't happen. On the surface, it was said that she was accompanied by the Empress Dowager, but people were arrested.

This is not a good thing.

"You don't have to worry, she won't be in danger of life, just stay in the palace for a while, as for the shops and mines in her hands, you have to worry about being a father." Nangong is definitely long Say.

This is where the problem lies, and it is also the queen queen's expectation that Liu is doing the same.

At this moment, Liu Zheng's heart was excited. He had been in the government for many years, and he was still able to suppress this excited expression.

"Since the queen queen and the queen like her, I only have to send her to the palace. Don't worry, I will let my wife accompany her into the palace in the next couple of days." .

Nangong shook his head, "Miss Liu Er is smart, but you still want her to be good, then send her to the palace."

Liu Zheng thought for a while, and finally understood the meaning of Nangong's absolute words.

"You can rest assured."

Until returning to the house, Liu Zheng's mood was still surging.

He didn't expect that he had expected so long, and was resolved by the Empress Dowager in one sentence.

He felt that he had handled the matter very well.

Fortunately, I didn't worry. According to Nangong Jue ’s words, it is obvious that the Empress Dowager supports Nangong Jue. If she had been like Bai Qi, she had her daughter in the second prince ’s house. Maybe now the entire Liu family has already become the queen queen queen. His eyes were nailed, and when he thought of it, he couldn't help but fear.

It is true to be cautious in being a human being, and even more prudent to be an official.

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