Liu Zheng's attitude immediately cooled down. ★ The first book chase gang ★

"Even if we come forward, she may not be willing to come back. I heard that she is having a good time now and bought a mountain. If there is a Liu family in her heart, she should return home even if she does not come back. You can read this news, but after so long, she has written a letter, but has made people say a word? Show me, she only has money in her eyes. "

After Liu Zheng said, his face was already angry.

In Liu Zheng's concept, from the beginning to the end, you think that you can have money and you can make money, but you can't go against your parents' intentions. If you and your parents are against each other, you will be filial.

To make it simpler and clearer, that is, as a parent, I can play the idea of ​​your money, which is a matter of course, but if you don't listen to me, it won't work.

"Master said some time ago that as long as she hasn't got married, she will be our daughter of the Liu family. A girl who is not married will stay outside for a long time. After all, she will cause some gossip. Moreover, the business has been so big. Naturally there is. "Madam Liu said worried.

Liu Zheng cleared his throat and said to Mrs. Liu, "What are you talking about about her and the second prince? What does it mean that there is no wind and no waves? If she does well and walks right, others can't say anything. Now The second prince fought at the border, and she also went to the border and started a business there. My face was completely lost by her. "

It is naturally a very glorious thing to get the second emperor's favor. It is naturally not a glorious thing to follow her around without knowing what to do.

Knowing Liu Zheng's attitude, Mrs. Liu dared to say what she said, "Master, my son-in-law has reached the age of getting married, and I have to ask the master to take more care."

"It's natural, I'm not as disturbing as she is. Madam, have you ever tried Bian's thoughts? Can she be interested?" Liu Zheng said that Liu Zheng's tone was much lighter. , And just completely different.

Mrs. Liu glanced at Liu Zheng and said hesitantly: "Master, if I guess correctly, the person in her heart is the second prince."

Mrs. Liu's words embarrassed Liu Zheng. The second prince was indeed a good candidate, but even Bai Qi's daughter was accused of a concubine. If her daughter marries, her status will be even lower. Moreover, now Liu Ye and the second prince are still confused, isn't Liu Ye really in the bottom of his heart?

"Mrs. Is this true?" Liu Zheng asked.

Mrs. Liu nodded in distress.

"Ma'am, what is the situation now? Presumably you know in your heart that the Empress Dowager has already put a lot of servants in his house during the time when the Empress Dowager fought the battle, and Bai Qi ’s daughter was accused of being a concubine. "Why is this child going to this muddy water?" Liu Zheng said, frowning.

In Mrs. Liu's heart, why didn't you know that Bai Suning had been accused of being a concubine, but she only had such a baby daughter, and she was willing to obey her daughter's heart even if it was difficult.

Seeing that Mrs. Liu was silent, Liu Zheng asked: "Mrs., do you want me to go to the Empress Dowager too?"

Mrs. Liu had no idea at this moment. She wanted to test Liu Zheng's thoughts. However, Liu Zheng posed such a difficult problem.

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