The house of Wang Gongzi has been hanging here for a long time. The house is good and there are many people watching it. But when I heard that it was Wang Gongzi's, people changed their minds. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

The prince is the "little prince" here, mingling with a bunch of second-class boys all day, eating, drinking, gambling, and everything, especially when you see beautiful women, you can't walk, so not only this village, but the big girl next door The young daughter-in-law ran away from seeing the Prince Wang, for fear of any misfortune.

Thinking of Wang Gongzi's being, the intermediary shopkeeper sighed, thinking, I really don't know what to do on their ancestor's grave. His son's hard work earned him the family business.

Last year, just in the summer evening, a girl from the east of the village had finished her work and wanted to go home.

The girl knew that things were not good, and quickly lowered her head to speed up her pace, but did not expect that Wang Dengzi would catch up.

The king prince went up and hugged and hugged the girl. There was really no way for the girl. The girl yelled for help and attracted people around her, so she could escape.

People thought that this was the end of the matter. I didn't expect that the girl would be ashamed and angry when she went home, and she committed suicide.

The whole village regretted this girl, and the girl's parents were anxious.

There is a custom here, but anyone who is not easy to die cannot enter the ancestral grave. This is another girl. Her parents found a graveyard in the wild and buried the girl.

After that, even when the adult scared the child, he said, "The king is here."

In the face of such a rogue, he could not fight or say no, when he hung the house to the agent, the shopkeeper of the house was always worried.

For so long, even good boys have been hiding from Wang Gongzi. Now, these two girls actually have to meet him and sign a contract. I really don't know what will happen.

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper could not help but speed up the pace.

When the man came to the prince, the prince was drinking tea.

"Wang son, I don't know if you have time today. Our shopkeeper will let you know that someone in your house has taken care of you." After the man said, he lowered his head.

Wang Gongzi put down the tea bowl in his hand and asked, "Yeah, there are more people in my house. Is anyone really buying it?"

"It seems to be true this time. They said that after meeting with you, discuss it. If there is nothing else, sign the contract."

After hearing what he said, Prince Wang came to the spirit and asked, "Isn't my house selling cheap? Who is buying my house?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "I don't know who it is. I guess it's from a foreign country."

The guy thought, 80% of these two girls are from outside. If they are local, if you know the reputation of Wang Gongzi, it's too late to hide.

"Where do you meet? Where is the tea house?" Asked Wang Gongzi.

"The treasurer told the two girls that they would meet in the house," the man replied.

In the eyes of Wang Gongzi, the light of excitement was immediately released. The two girls had to meet in the house. Wouldn't all the good things in the world let him come across?

"Since this is the case, we can't let the girl wait long, just follow me."

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