The living bodhisattva mentioned by Zhu Yuan is not fiction. People in the neighborhood really praise Liu Yan.

The girl from Wan Shantang not only has excellent medical skills, but when people with hardships come to see her, she doesn't need money, and she gives them medicines for free.

One or two went, Liu Ye's good reputation spread.

Although those profitable hospitals and pharmacies are jealous, they cannot help it.

After a busy morning, Liu Ye finally had some rest time, and she thought of Zhu Yuan and the thing she said.

Looking up, Hua Niang is cleaning up at this moment.

"Hua Niang, take a break." Liu Yan said softly.

As soon as I heard that Liu Yan gave himself a break, Hua Niang said nervously, "Girl, I'm not tired."

After speaking, he looked up at Liu Yan and smiled.

Seeing Hua Niang's character gradually opening up, Liu Ye's heart was also relieved.

"Flower, I have one thing to ask you, come here."

Hua Niang lowered the broom in her hand and came over respectfully.

"Is there anything you can do to help me? Just say it and see if I can do it."

Hua Niang didn't expect that Liu Yan would be so blunt, and quickly said, "Girl, I know you are a bodhisattva, and it's been a long time before you agreed to that sister, but I just promised her to help her ask, but ten million Didn't promise her anything else, Girl Liu, don't be embarrassed. "

Liu Ye nodded and motioned her to continue.

"This is a sister in my village who grew up from a young age. She, she was also taken away by her husband's family. Her husband accepted a little sister, and Xiaoyi wanted to be the main room," said here, Huaniang With a sigh, "Now, that sister is not as good as her life at home. When she knew about me, she wanted to ask and see if we could recruit people here?"

Liu Ye thought things were not so simple at first, and it really was like this. In their opinion, a woman who was taken off could go out to work, it was a miracle, not to mention that there were two women who were taken off in one place. .

That's why Hua Niang agreed, just to help her ask, and did not give this matter to the next.

These men, forget, who once said that if you want to be restless for a day, you treat. If you want to be restless for a year, you build a house. If you want to be restless for a lifetime, then you will marry an aunt. .

This sentence is too accurate. Let's try it out. Which of the gates of a small house with a small cricket is not a chicken flying dog?

However, some people are enjoying it, Liu Yan thought, this is really a person with their own ambitions.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Liu Ye said to Hua Niang, "Let her come over when you have time, and if you encounter such a thing in the future, you can just tell me directly. I can help, and try to help as much as possible."

Hua Niang couldn't believe it. Looking at the girl in front of her felt that she was so different.

Liu Ye felt Hua Niang's amazement and said with a smile, "Don't let your hair go, don't forget to go and tell her."

Hua Niang couldn't help nodding, thinking that she had really encountered nobles in her life.

Originally, Hua Niang was still thinking that if she could n’t live any longer, she would hang herself, die early and give birth, but she did n’t expect her life to be full of opportunities, so she met the nobleman Liu Yan in her most desperate time!

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