Every time Gu Rufeng disposes of the Liu family, he will come back from the mountain. First www.NovelMTL.com

"This is the third time this month. I don't know what tricks they will use in the future." Gu Rufeng looked at the pheasant in his hand and said to himself.

Gu Rufeng went up the hill to hunt, and the people in the house followed.

There are not many servants in the house, and those prey that can't finish eating are naturally divided by them.

Liu Yan has been tired of eating these things recently. Zhu Yuan ends up with a plate of mixed vegetables, which is eaten by Liu Yan.

Looking back at Zhuyuanyuan, Liu Yan said: "It seems that this person's habits will really change. I was embarrassed to eat when you stood next to me, and now I am used to it."

Yu Run said to Liu Yan with a smile: "Mrs. Let's treat us as non-existent, just treat us as pillars in this room."

Liu Yan thought to himself, how can this silly girl liken herself to a pillar?

After eating, Liu Ye and Zhu Yuanyurun went to the garden together, while Gu Rufeng went to the study.

Recently, Gu Rufeng has been thinking about whether there is a better way to prevent people from the Liu family from looking for Liu Yan. After all, his own strength is too thin. In the long run, there may be negligence.

Just the day before, Liu Ye also asked Gu Rufeng, why didn't he bring his servant when he went out?

Gu Rufeng thought to myself that if I took a servant with me, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't scare people.

So he smiled and said to Liu Yan: "It took only a moment and a half to work, and after returning from the prey, I had to let them run around with me, how troublesome."

Liu Yan actually said, "You're happy."

This is exactly the purpose of Gu Rufeng doing these things. All of this is just for Liu Ye to be happy, to conceal all this, and only to hope that Liu Ye can continue to live happily.

There is always a gap in Baimi, and Gu Rufeng's worry still happened.

After Liu Ye returned from Jin Zhihua, she seemed to have a lot of heart. At dinner, she didn't eat much, and she was totally absent-minded.

An ominous premonition came to Gu Rufeng's heart.

"Mother, is there anything at Jin Zhihua?" Gu Rufeng asked.

Liu Yan shook her head, and she said sadly, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Gu Rufeng looked at Liu Ye, her eyes were full of anxiety and helplessness.

"The disappearance of those people has something to do with you, right? That's why you come back to the mountain to hunt the game so diligently, everything has something to do with it, right?" Liu Yan asked again.

Seeing Gu Rufeng not talking, Liu Min understood everything at this moment.

"You do n’t know how hard it is to live alone. You do n’t know that there is no taste of father and mother. When I am tormented, I really want to cry into my mother's arms and cry when those people give me pointers. , I really want my mother to stand in front of me to protect me. When I know that I am a father and mother, do you know how excited I am? "

Liu Ye looked at Gu Rufeng with tears in his eyes, "But why did you destroy it? Why did you stop me from seeing my father and mother? Why did you obstruct it?"

Gu Rufeng thought to himself that Liu Ye had clearly believed what they said.

Whatever the reason they are looking for, the only constant is that they will certainly not tell the truth.

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