Two people ordered two light cicada wings in the satin shop, and then they went out.

Liu Ye told the owner of the satin shop that he would go shopping first and then come back to pick up the fabric. The owner of the satin shop stubbornly said on the spot: "Mrs. don't have to turn around, and I'll send the second child to your house."

Liu Ye said, "Then the hard second errand will run."

The boss said not hard, not hard, and sent them out the door.

The second little boy in the shop was crying and thinking, the fate of the human being was destined to hide from the first day, but not fifteen. This trip cannot be escaped.

The two bought dim sum and moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, bought some side dishes, and went home just now.

When he arrived at the door of the house, the second child in the satin shop was standing at the door.

"Ma'am, you are back." Xiao Er smiled with a thick smile.

"I didn't expect you to come so early, waited for a while, and worked hard." Liu Ye was very polite when he talked to this little second.

"No hard work, anyway, the satin shop is also resting, here is also resting, it is the same everywhere." Xiao Er said.

Liu Yan really didn't expect that this second year was quite real.

Liu Ye was busy opening the door, and Gu Rufeng took the green cicada wings in the small second hand.

"It's pretty cold now, and I've been sitting outside for a long time. Go into the house and have a cup of hot tea before leaving." Liu Yan said.

Xiao Er felt a little embarrassed and said, "Ma'am, you are so kind. Unlike my boss who spit, he has to look at me."

Liu Yan laughed and thought this little second was funny.

But when Liu Ye invited him in, he refused, "Ma'am, you are busy, I should go back, otherwise the boss thought I was lazy."

"Okay, then be careful on your way."

Xiao Er left happily, took a few steps, and did not forget to look back.

"It's not easy for small children, so go to work for others at such a young age." Liu Yan said sincerely.

"Which boss is not like this now, and his interests are more important than anything, but this time, it seems that Boss Chen really took the money on that threat. I can't figure out how he would be willing to give you twelve silver." Gu Rufeng put the things he bought on the square table and looked at Liu Yan asking.

"How can you be so clever that you can't even figure this out? The profit he earns is definitely bigger than this. I also said casually about twelve dollars. I didn't expect him to agree. For those rich people, Twelve silver is nothing. "

After saying this, Liu Ye seemed to feel that he had stimulated someone, and then quickly said, "I'm right and wrong, so don't worry about it, you didn't say you."

Such an explanation is undoubtedly the absence of silver in the place. Liu Ye gave Gu Rufeng a guilty conscience, but fortunately there was no change in his face.

There was a knock at the door.

The two thought to themselves, could it be that the second child is back?

When Gu Rufeng went to open the door, he discovered that it was Brother Gu. Brother Gu smiled with a box of moon cakes in his hand.

Gu Rufeng welcomed him into the room and poured him a cup of tea, and the two started talking.

Near the Mid-Autumn Festival, people are accustomed to give each other gifts such as moon cakes and osmanthus wine to symbolize reunion and express their thoughts about their families.

This makes people who have no loved ones seem lonely.

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