"Have you been chatting outside while we were drinking in the house?"

"No, it's cold outside. The frozen two of us shivered under the pomegranate tree. Https://www.NovelMTL.com/" Liu Yan said, and pursed his lips.

It's hard to see what Liu Ye looks like. Gu Rufeng looked at it and thought it was lovely.

"You sit outside and talk about pomegranates?" Gu Rufeng said somewhat flatteringly.

"No, just talk about pomegranates, Gu Dayu has been talking about pomegranates."

Buddhist culture believes: "Pomegranate has many flowers and many fruits, so it is an auspicious fruit. Among all the offering fruits, pomegranate is the highest."

The folk also offered pomegranates as auspicious fruits, and every Mid-Autumn Festival, pomegranates are used to sacrifice the moon.

In the previous life, in Liu Yan's hometown, it was still popular there. During the marriage ceremony, the custom of giving pomegranates was presented.

If there were no fresh pomegranates at that time, the man would give the woman a pomegranate flowerpot, and even during the wedding, the bride's clothes would have to have a pomegranate.

"Unexpectedly, shortly after we lived in this yard, fresh pomegranates were ready to eat."

Gu Rufeng looked at Liu Yan and said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Yan not talking, Gu Rufeng said, "Tell you a story of pomegranates. A long time ago, there were a father and son at the foot of the mountain, and my son was more than thirty. I haven't married my wife, and I take care of it every day. An old father of nearly eighty, one day when he went up the hill to cut firewood, he met a deer. The deer looked very strange and had no hair on his body. "

"Do you tell a story or a joke? Have you ever seen a deer without hair?" Liu Yan asked.

Gu Rufeng ignored her and went on to say: "Because the young deer looks strange, the young deer was attracted to him. The young deer took him to a fairyland. The old man in the fairyland said, let this young man come here to show him the garden The young man did not agree and said he would go back and take care of his old father. The old man was moved by the young man's filial piety and gave him a pomegranate tree. "

"Later, he distributed the pomegranate to the folks, and spread the seeds to every household, didn't he?"

"How do you know? Have you heard of this story?" Gu Rufeng was a little strange.

"Whenever stories and legends end like this, good people get good rewards."

"Since then, people have special feelings for pomegranates. They regard pomegranates as human hearts. Therefore, whenever a man and a woman are engaged, the man will send an embroidered pomegranate pillow to show his love for the woman."

At this time, Liu Yan was particularly surprised.

Is it possible that the customs in your hometown passed from here?

"It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days. Then I will peel the pomegranate for you, will you?"

Liu Ye nodded.

Back home, Liu Yan didn't have any sleepiness.

Instead, he stood in the yard and looked at the moon in the sky.

The ancients did not see the current month. This month, according to the ancients, Liu Ye thought that this time he could make money. The ancient moon and the modern moon have been seen by himself.

However, she is not so sad now and has no time to spend the previous month.

When she went to Satin Village during the day, she discovered something.

Those satin colors are dyed with flower juice. This method is really good, but it lacks some modern knowledge.

This unexpected discovery made Liu Ye feel ecstatic.

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