In the autumn evening, it was already a bit cold. First

All day, Liu Ye didn't eat anything, but she didn't feel hungry at all.

At this moment, she had some disdain for the eyes of the villagers.

Because she heard someone say in the crowd just now that she caused the locust plague some time ago.

There is no reason to talk to these people.

Although Liu Yan comforted himself in this way, he couldn't help feeling angry.

Although it is said to be pushed down by the crowd, but it is not such a bully, why do you hold these unfounded crimes on me? Do you have any evidence? Which of your eyes saw me attracting locusts?

Thinking of this, Liu Ye suddenly felt that the original Liu Ye scolded the street so refreshingly.

The night was getting deeper and the surrounding trees looked a bit horrible. The village chief had ordered people to light a torch around.

Against the blazing fire, Liu Ye became increasingly unable to see the faces of these people.

A sound of gongs and drums came, and the village chief asked everyone to gather.

The sacrifice ceremony will begin soon.

Liu Ye didn't try to escape, but the rope was too tight. She moved slightly, and the four or five big men staring at her gave her a vicious look, as if to eat herself.

In the end, Liu Yan chose to give up.

The village chief came to everyone, with his back facing Liu Yan, and said in his old voice: "Today, everyone caught the demon girl together. In time, we will sacrifice the demon girl to heaven, hoping that the **** will not be angry, so Bless our village with good weather and good grain. "

People gradually whispered.

"Okay, this time, sacrificing the demon girl to heaven, our crops will be harvested."

"Yes, the demon girl harms the world, she should be burned alive!"

"Murder kills her, because the two dogs died because of her death.

At this time, a sound of drum music came, which was quite harsh in the silent night.

Liu Ye saw vanilla from the crowd.

She stood at the forefront, without any expression on her face, and stared at him so stupidly.

Liu Yan smiled, thinking to himself, now is the most proud time for vanilla.

Yes, vanilla's heart is full of joy at the moment, she said secretly in her heart, Liu Yan, whether you are a nymph or not, today, you will be buried in this blazing fire, Feng Shui will take turns, you ca n’t think you have today .

Brother Rufeng, this demon girl will never haunt you again, you can finally wake up.

Thinking of this, her head eagerly looked around, because, as of now, she didn't seem to see Gu Rufeng.

It was such a big deal that he couldn't help wondering where would he be? Could it be that he had married a demon girl as his wife, and he didn't feel like seeing everyone, or was he scared and hid secretly?

All kinds of conjectures kept flowing in Vanilla's mind, making her a little restless.

In a panic, she even wanted to throw away the torch in her hand and ran directly to Gu Rufeng's house to see what he was doing, even if it was just a glance to make sure he was okay.

Just then, the drumming stopped.

I don't know who put a thick piece of clothes on the head of the village. The head of the village looks very weak, but he still tried his best to say, "please be quiet, the hour has come and the ritual begins."

The crowd was silent.

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