The most important thing now is to let the two dogs spit out all the food they eat. Only in this way can the symptoms of poisoning be relieved. Seeing his appearance, the poisoning is very serious. If he spit out, there may be a possibility of survival, otherwise he will die No doubt about it. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

Liu Ye quickly walked up to him, and reached out his hand if he didn't want to, and began to chop his mouth, but at this moment, the man named Ergou stopped breathing.

Potato poisoning is so fast.

Liu Yan stopped, and Ma Fu also stopped, all the people present were caught.

When the second dog's mother saw that the second dog was motionless, she suddenly passed out.

There was a man who stabbed the second **** mother fiercely, and the second bitch's mother woke up slowly.

The second son-in-law who woke up started crying.

After a while, people knew that the second dog died of eating potatoes, and the whole village was overcast.

Everyone didn't know what to do, and thought of the village head again.

Since the new head of the village has not yet been elected, everyone has something to do, and naturally, he goes to the old head of the village.

When people told the village chief about this, vanilla was walking in with the rice.

After Vanilla understood what was going on, she said, "This thing was done by Liu Yan!"

Everyone looked at vanilla in unison.

"She planted potatoes. Since she knows what kind of potatoes can't be eaten, why not tell everyone? She is doing this to kill everyone!"

As soon as the words of vanilla came out, everyone thought of the potatoes left at home. Where is the grain, it is clearly the poison! Originally thought that these potatoes could save lives, but did not expect that it was used to harm people.

In life-threatening matters, people can't think of Mrs. Xian, and they turned their attention to Liu Yan, who was hit by potatoes.

"Perhaps, during that time, it was not a rumor. She was really possessed by something. In this world, who would dare to take a knife and take a child in a man's belly? She is a demon!" Vanilla continued Said.

People think of Liu Ye's changes during this time, she is really different from the original.

The former Liu Yan liked to scold the street, but now Liu Yan almost never scolds people.

The original Liu Yan could not do anything, and now Liu Yan dares to give birth with a knife.

Originally Gu Rufeng and Liu Ye quarreled for three days and two heads. Now, these two people go together wherever they go, and often hold hands.

This is not a demon girl, what is this? This demon girl first confused Gu Rufeng, and then killed the whole village.

Several people were waiting at the village chief's house, and the rest went out to tell other people that Liu Ye was a demon girl.

When the groom saw that things were not good, he quickly told Liu Ye, "Girl Liu, I don't believe what they said. You are not a nymph, but in this case, you must not be able to cope with it. Tell your wife and ask her to help. "

Liu Ye nodded, and when he wasn't paying attention, the horse turned back on the carriage.

Although people have always thought that Liu Ye was a demon girl, they did not dare to act lightly. They were all waiting for the village chief's instructions.

When everyone was in a hurry, the village chief was in a situation. Due to the long depression in his heart, he suddenly heard such an exciting news. He was excited and passed out!

People started messing around again and started to rescue the village chief.

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