The prefecture's wife, who has been killed, is naturally full of spring breeze, and has treated Liu Yan a lot more. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

In the past, she was asked to pick clothes and talk about some rouge gouache or something, but now, the two are talking about everything.

At this meeting, Mrs. Xian Xian talked about a more difficult issue.

After eating, Mrs. Xian's wife pulled back the girl next to her. She quietly pulled Liu Yan aside and said, "Ah, I want to tell you something."

Liu Ye felt very strange, why was Mrs. Xian Yan so mysterious when talking to her this time.

The county lady first thought about it for a while, then said, "Ama, can you cure the disease?"

Take the disease, Liu Ye knows, is the academic term of Chinese medicine, because I have learned Chinese medicine before, so I also understand these words. If you take the disease, plain, that is, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis and the like disease.

But what made her strange was that Mrs. Xian's illness should be consulted by a doctor. Why would she think of asking her?

Looking at her bewildered expression, Mrs. County Chan said, "How can you find a doctor to see what happened to this woman? Last time, the cough cure you gave me worked well. I want to ask, can you Can't help me? "

Liu Yan thought to himself that this woman was very guilty when she was born in ancient times.

Looking at Mrs. Xian's sad look, Liu Yan asked, "Ma'am, where are you uncomfortable?"

"My grandfather and I have only one child. Since the birth of my son, my body has fallen into trouble. Every time I have **** in the same room, I don't know what's going on. I'm sorry to tell this kind of thing. "When Madam Xian said these words, she lowered her head so much that she could not lower her head.

As a modern person, Liu Ye didn't feel any embarrassment, perhaps because she had been a doctor. She paid more attention to the condition described by his wife.

"You know, it's normal for this man to have three wives and four concubines. Although the master hasn't accepted it now, if my body always looks like this, it is inevitable that there won't be any problems. By then, there really is a goblin. If you live in it, it will be troublesome, so I want to regenerate one, but the sky is always unsatisfactory. "Mrs. Xian said, her eyes were falling.

Liu Min thought that since Mrs. Xian said that her illness was acquired after giving birth to a child, it should be the root cause of the illness that had not been well-conditioned. If this kind of disease is treated, it will be necessary to slowly adjust it.

"Ma'am, don't worry, you have to take care of this kind of disease slowly. I'll tell you a few things first. You can try it first to see how it looks," Liu said.

When the county lady heard it, she was naturally full of joy.

Liu Ye also read some health books before, plus he also trained in traditional Chinese medicine, and now he said red dates, angelica and other Chinese medicines that are suitable for women's health.

"With your medicine, I can rest assured. You don't know how I have been in the past few years. If my body suffers, I won't talk about it. I have to guard against this, against that. I'll give it to the master one day when I am afraid. I'll bring one back. "After the county lady took down those Chinese medicines, she began to wrestle with her own difficulties.

Liu Yan said a lot of reassurance, the county coward talent stopped her sorrow, and her mood calmed down. The first thing was to let Qiu Lan go to the drug store and catch the drugs Liu Yan said.

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